Podcast by CultureRep
Rowe Responds, No Lemonade in TX & Michelle's Racial Tear Continues
13/06/2015 Duration: 40minMike Rowe's moderate propaganda, Michelle O's racial tear, kid's lemonade stand denied, Baracks neighborhood equality plan & let's get unschooled!
The Big Elephant in the Room with the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner Story
06/06/2015 Duration: 40minThis week we discuss the part of the Bruce Jenner story that no one is talking about, Jesus is finding a way to even reach radical islamists & the latest with women in special forces.
Kirsten Powers is Of the Left but She's Right, Gay Scout Leaders & Blind Devotion to Party Ideology
30/05/2015 Duration: 39minIs there any chance the viral wedding prayer photo is fake? Kirsten Powers speaks from the left but she's right. Boy Scouts president ready to lift ban on gay leaders. And let's take a look at some blind devotion to party ideology
Why is There No Hammer & Sickle on the Coexist Bumper Sticker...?
17/05/2015 Duration: 51minHigh schoolers stand up to the PC Police, where's the hammer & sickle coexisters?, does real art still exists? & Chris Matthews wants to prevent train embracing communism
Snippets: Have No Fear, the Eyes of the Ranger are Upon Jade Helm
10/05/2015 Duration: 14minPodcast Segment 3 - Greg Abbot, along with Chuck Norris, say they're keeping an eye on the massive Jade Helm military exercises.
Snippets: Oh No! Rebel Photo! Prom Students Take a Photo with Confederate Flag
10/05/2015 Duration: 13minPodcast Segment 2 - Some CO students take a Rebel themed prom photo but all mysteriously seem to have been pressured into doing it...
Snippets: Cuomo Makes the Hall of Fame...Douch Hall of Fame
10/05/2015 Duration: 10minPodcast Segment 1 - Cuomo makes Pat & Stu's "Douche Hall of Fame"...
Cuomo's Makes the Douch Hall of Fame & the Eyes of the Range are Upon Jade Helm
10/05/2015 Duration: 39minChris Cuomo has been inducted into the prestigious douche hall of fame, OH NO! rebel promo photo & no reason to fear Jade Helm... Chuck's got it covered
What is the Freddie Gray Protest Really About...? We Have an Answer
03/05/2015 Duration: 50minAn interesting Twitter user tells us what the #FreddieGray protest is really all about. Tiger's loose at the OKC Zoo, what would you do? And different laws for different people...always bad news.
Our Interview with Hip-Hop Artist, Propaganda
26/04/2015 Duration: 45minCaleb catches up with hip-hop/spoken word artist, Propaganda, at a local event they were both working on. Plus, we discuss Kristin's latest article up on the news page & the Oklahoma GOP is flat broke.
Al Sharpton's "Fast", the Candidates' Intentions & Why Raising a Family is Like Growing a Garden
19/04/2015 Duration: 43minThis week we discuss Al Sharpton's phony fast concerning Loretta Lynch, discuss the 2016 presidential candidates' intentions (idealistic or opportunistic), how raising a family is like growing a garden & why it's important to get it right.
Kanye Playing God & Marriage Doesn't Work...if You're Selfish
13/04/2015 Duration: 54minSo what would Kanye's sermon on the mount sound like? Also, some blogger thinks that marriage doesn't work today; well it doesn't if you're a narcissist. We discuss.
China's Smog: True or False?, #RFRA Rages On & the Convention of States
05/04/2015 Duration: 37minSevere Thunderstorm/Tornado Watch edition of the CultureRep Radio Program...yes you can often hear hail & thunder in the background but the show must go on. #RFRA
Snippets: What Government Fits Your Personality & Some History on the Roman Republic
29/03/2015 Duration: 18min3-29-15 We discuss preferred government and what government BuzzFeed says fits our personalities & provide a bit of history on the Roman Republic.
Snippets: The Discrimination Word Being Thrown Around in Indiana
29/03/2015 Duration: 19min3-29-15 We discuss the freedom on conscience law proposed in Indiana that has caused a bit of a firestorm in the media.
Snippets: God of All Creativity
29/03/2015 Duration: 19min3-29-15 Touching on Kristin's latest article ( we discuss "God of All Creativity", uniqueness & individuality from God.
What Government Fits Your Personality, God and Individuality & the Discrimination Word in Indiana
29/03/2015 Duration: 57minThis week we talk government w/some history on the Roman Republic, uniqueness and individuality from God & the discrimination word being tossed around in Indiana. 3-29-2015
Snippets: The Power of Self-Representation, Americans Show Up to Fight Ammo Ban
15/03/2015 Duration: 16min3-15-15 podcast segment 4. Natalie discusses the ATF backing off of the latest proposed ammo ban & urges you to sign the petition (closes on 3-16-2015, can be found at
Snippets: , 2 Orphanages that Need Our Help
15/03/2015 Duration: 13min3-15-15 podcast segment 1. We are in the process of helping upgrade the website for the 2 orphanages now, but donations can be given at this time. They desparately need our help as they are over $4k short of monthly budget needs.
- : 2 Orphanages that Need Our help
15/03/2015 Duration: 01h02minThis week we discuss Charity Centre Kenya, we are now helping them with their website to sponsor orphaned children. Also discussing the ramifications from how Jesus is presented in the church, love & compassion in our communities, and Americans showing up & making a difference against the latest attempted ammo ban.