Two young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. Additional film reviews and recommendations for older films to watch by a young Bostonian.
Fictionality - Podcast Fifteen
02/06/2008 Duration: 08minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. This is the first podcast in the new video format. The podcasts will now come in two formats, a video format as MP4, designed for Ipod and other compatible MP4 video players such as Microsoft's Zune and the same audio MP3 feed as before. There will now be an additional feed to subscribe to specifically for the video podcast, the audio feed wont change. In this episode, we talk about what has been happening over the last few months and appologise for the absence of the podcasts, due mainly to Scott's PhD progression for his next year. We bring tales of a webisode, a tutorial on camera tracking with Voodoo in Blender and some more future plans.
Fictionality - Podcast Fourteen
16/03/2008 Duration: 39minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Our first show for 2008, university madness has ment it was really delayed, sorry. We talk about the score for the film and storyboard. We filmed a second webisode too and we talk about the possibility of turning this podcast into a video podcast. We give a budget update, talk about tutorials and discuss a 'show within a show' idea. In the second part of the show we talk about blanket licensing for media, some star trek fan fiction, 'Star Trek: Of Gods and Men' and 'Star Trek: Phase II' the first of which is a movie. Both are by the same group and have attracted some of the original cast from the show and also some of the cast from TNG, Voyager and DS9! Aim high guys! We also talk about a university course on blender which is freely available online, we bring you some news from Matt Ebb the lead artist on Elephants Dre
Fictionality - Podcast Thirteen
01/01/2008 Duration: 12minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. A short temporary show that will be replaced in 2009, it's never been more random (we can only appologise).
Fictionality - Podcast Twelve
25/12/2007 Duration: 43minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Scott and John talk about the rest of the script for Fictional Fiction and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This is the last official show for 2007. They will be back mid January.
Fictionality - Podcast Eleven
10/12/2007 Duration: 01h23minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Scott and John are on location this week at John Nicholson's house. He is the movie's director. We chat with him about some previous experience he has had including a short film John and John both worked on. We talk about a few purchases we have made this week of graphics tablets and green screens (which Scott's sister Gillian help to sew. Thanks Gillian). Later we talk about everything from John Cusack to Creative Commons before descending into the usual ramble.
Fictionality - Podcast Ten
02/12/2007 Duration: 01h10minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Scott and John are joined by Jamie, a member of the hit band Engeo and guitarist for the Fictional Fiction sound track. They talk all things sound track related and give an in-depth behind the scenes look at the first part of the Fictional Fiction story. The story will continue in the next podcast when the script is due to be complete.
Fictionality - Podcast Nine
25/11/2007 Duration: 01h09minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Scott and John talk about their script progress for this week, give a more in-depth description of what they want to get out of acting classes. They also mention the production plan in more detail. The guys talk about competitions, film making and podcast kits. Finally they mention blender and talk about the Peach project along with some mild ramblings.
Fictionality - Podcast Eight
18/11/2007 Duration: 42minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Scott and John talk about their script progress for this week, acting classes they plan to run and talk about how they will use them to make a teaser trailer for their film. They go on to mention Moby's media archive available for free to amateur film makers and the service offered by Kevin Spacey which provides free amateur film consultation. Finally they talk about Miro which is a new internet tv service that allows anyone to generate content to be viewed on the service.
Fictionality - Podcast Seven
04/11/2007 Duration: 01h12minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. Additional film reviews and recommendations for older films to watch by a young Bostonian. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. John and Scott talk about their first production plan and the current progress on the score for the film. They also discuss the difference between creative commons and open source, which applys to the movie and how it affects distribution. They also talk about screen writers going on strike.
Fictionality - Podcast Six
27/10/2007 Duration: 38minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. Additional film reviews and recommendations for older films to watch by a young Bostonian. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. Lizzy gives advice for the best movies to watch for Halloween. Whether you like comedy horror, classic, scary, gore or remakes, Lizzy has you covered with reviews and suggestions for a spooky evening.
Fictionality - Podcast Five
24/10/2007 Duration: 38minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. Additional film reviews and recommendations for older films to watch by a young Bostonian. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. John and Scott get interviewed about the film by Paul Caggegi from The Process Diary.
Fictionality - Podcast Four
21/10/2007 Duration: 40minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. Additional film reviews and recommendations for older films to watch by a young Bostonian. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. John and Scott discuss some of the problems they are facing and give examples of how to work through them.
Fictionality - Podcast Three
30/09/2007 Duration: 23minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. Additional film reviews and recommendations for older films to watch by a young Bostonian. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. John discusses Free Culture and why it led them to making a film. Lizzy takes her first part in the show by reviewing some British films and why you should see them.
Fictionality - Podcast Two
17/09/2007 Duration: 33minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. John and Scott discuss how the script is progressing, future plans for the website and the good and bad things about film remakes.
Fictionality - Podcast One
02/09/2007 Duration: 39minTwo young Scots discuss their experiences of making a short film, "Fictional Fiction", with no experience or budget. A show about the making of films by people who don't know how to make films. John and Scott discuss how the project came about, money spent so far, need for drive if you want to make a film, software used so far, bioshock, games are art, format wars.