Spoken English Gas Station!

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1:25:11
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  • 托雅口语加油站:吃肉=毁灭地球?看似合理

    16/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题: Eating meat= Destroying the world?What is the problem?We’ve heard a lot about how our environment has been devastated (破坏): We have so much green houses gases (温室气体) like CO2 and methane(甲烷) and they have led to global warming (全球变暖)which has caused grave damage to our ecosystem(生态系统): the sea level is rising(海平面上升), the animals are on the verge of extinction(动物灭绝), there are floods(洪水), droughts(干旱), hurricanes(飓风), tornadoes(龙卷风), tsunamis(海啸), earthquakes(地震) and so on and so forth… Simply put: we are living in a world where there are grave dangers! It not only influence those who have been inflicted(受灾害的), but also us, because everything is connected(万物都是相连的)!What are the causes for these serial consequences?Animal husbandry(畜牧业) causes more greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions(排放) than all means of transportation combined. World Watch Report 2009: "We believe that the life cycle and supply chain of domesticated animals raised for food have been vastly underestimated a

  • 托雅口语加油站:你造超级食物是什么吗?

    15/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Superfoods最近流行的超级食物到底是什么呢?超级食物有哪些呢?快来和Andy 一起用英语聊聊superfoods吧!1.LEAFY GREENS  绿色蔬菜What’s so amazing about the leafys is that calorie for calorie, they deliver more nutrients(营养素) than just about any other food on the planet. Loaded with fiber(纤维素), vitamins(维生素), minerals(矿物质), and phytochemicals(植物化学元素), leafy greens stock your body with the artillery needed nutrients (动脉所需要的营养素)to fight off (抵抗)potential killers like heart disease(心脏病) and cancer(癌症). Simply put: leafys benefit virtually every cell(细胞) you’ve got! My favorite leafy greens are kale(羽衣甘蓝), spinach(菠菜), Swiss chard(瑞士君达菜), mustard (芥菜), and dandelion greens(蒲公英嫩叶菜) because they’re both nutritious AND delicious. You can toss them into virtually anything to boost nutrition, but be sure to give them a good rinse(清洗) first. Raw or cooked, on their own or added to smoothies(思慕雪), omelets(煎蛋) and sauces(酱料), leafys add health-sustaining doses of vitamins A, C, K, folate(叶酸), potassium(钾), and calcium(钙) to ever

  • 托雅口语加油站:老美们如何欢度美妙圣诞?

    22/12/2017 Duration: 06min
  • 年度三大最佳圣诞歌曲你听过吗?(内含歌词)

    21/12/2017 Duration: 10min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Christmas songs best hit!  年度最佳圣诞歌曲2017 年最受欢饮的圣诞歌曲是哪些呢?快来和Andy 一同欣赏圣诞歌曲前三甲!大家有木有听过呢?第三名 Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer. ( 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫)从前有一只驯鹿名叫鲁道夫,它是这个世界上唯一长着大红鼻子的驯鹿。人们很自然地叫它红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫。鲁道夫为自己独一无二的鼻子感到非常难堪。其他的驯鹿都笑话它,就连自己的父母兄弟也因此被嘲笑。鲁道夫在自卑中挣扎。有一年的平安夜,圣诞老人正准备驾着四只健壮的驯鹿去给孩子们送礼物,这时,一场浓雾笼罩了大地,圣诞老人知道,在这样的天气里是无法找到任何烟囱的。突然,鲁道夫出现了,它的红鼻子显得比任何时候都亮。圣诞老人立刻意识到他的难题解决了。他把鲁道夫领到雪橇前,套上缰绳,然后自己坐了进去。他们出发了!鲁道夫驮着圣诞老人安全地到达了每一根烟囱。不论雨雪风霜,什么都难不倒鲁道夫,因为它的亮鼻子像灯塔一样穿透了迷雾!圣诞老人告诉大家,是鲁道夫拯救了那一年的圣诞节。于是,鲁道夫成了最有名的驯鹿,受到所有人的喜爱。他从前恨不得藏起来的羞耻的红鼻子,如今让每一只驯鹿羡慕不已。从此,鲁道夫平静而幸福地生活着……虽然鲁道夫成了英雄,它仍然是一只害羞的驯鹿!第二名 Let it snow! (下雪吧!)第一名 White Christmas ( 白色圣诞节)《White Christmas》是由平·克劳斯贝演唱的歌曲,这首歌火遍全球,许多国家的艺人都翻唱过这首歌曲,直到现在,这首跨世纪的歌曲仍然在街头播放。Which song is your favorite? Leave me a comment below and give me a thumbs-up!更多难题请付费购买     wechat:339169386Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语,公共演讲辩论以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。备注:所有图片以及音乐均源于网络。 

  • 托雅口语加油站:你知道圣诞节怎么来的吗?

    20/12/2017 Duration: 05min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:The Origin of Christmas 圣诞节的由来Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ(耶稣基督), the founder of the Christian religion(基督宗教), is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.According to the Bible(圣经), the holy book of Christians(基督徒), God decided to allow his only son,Jesus Christ,to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. “Christmas”- meaning“celebration of Christ ”- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman(犹太女人) Mary(玛丽亚).Mary was engaged to(订婚)be married to Joseph(约瑟), a carpenter(木匠) ,but before they came together,she was found to be with child, but Joseph, her husband, was a righteous (正义的)man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace(羞耻) he had in mind to divorce her quietly, but after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ”Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife

  • 托雅口语加油站:如何保护濒危物种?

    26/11/2017 Duration: 04min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:How can we save endangered species? Please include details and examples in your answer. 解题方案:Problem-SolutionWhat is wrong now?Andy: Nowadays, many species(物种) are on the verge of extinction(灭绝).What are the effects of this?Andy:  The whole ecosystem(生态系统)will collapse(坍塌) because the food chain(食物链)has been damaged. At the end of the day, our offsprings(后代)will bear all the outcomes of the mistakes made by their covetous ancestors(贪婪的祖先). World hunger, tsunamis(海啸), floods(洪水) and the list goes on and on! What caused the problem?Andy: It was caused largely by animal agriculture(畜牧业), which contributes to 51% of the greenhouse gases(温室气体)in our atmosphere(大气层), like carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)and methane(甲烷). They are the culprit(元凶) of global warming(温室效应), according to studies provided by WHO.  Whereas our industries(工业)only take up 13 % of the greenhouse gases. In order to support animal agriculture, large corporations(企业)and industries have been cutting numerous acres of ra

  • 托雅口语加油站:你用纸袋还是塑料袋?

    22/08/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!欢迎大家留言并且加关注哈!今日话题:Do you prefer to use plastic bags or paper bags? 解题方案:Problem+SolutionDo you prefer to use plastic bags or paper bags?Andy: I’d go for paper bags.Why?Andy: ‘cause it's eco-friendly(对环境友好).Can you give me an example?Andy: Well, think about it. If everyone uses plastic bags, a lot of wasted ones(浪费的塑料袋) will go into the soil(土壤) which is gonna cause pollution since it’s not bio-degradable(不可生物降解). As a result, the soil is not gonna sustain(生长) plant growths including wheat(小麦), corns(玉米) or rice(米), which is gonna lead to a shortage of food(食物短缺) and even starvation(饥饿) around the world. How do you think about it?Andy: I think it’s terrible as our world is already deeply polluted. We have water pollution(水污染), air pollution(空气污染), noise pollution(噪音污染), light pollution(光污染) so on and so forth. Is there any solution? Andy: Yeah. Everyone should be encouraged to use reusable bags(可重复使用袋子)or paper bags, although it might be a bit more pricey(昂贵). It’s going to co

  • 托雅口语加油站:你选素食主义还是肉食主义呢?

    18/08/2017 Duration: 04min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Should we go vegetarian/vegan(素食主义/纯素食主义) or not?解题方案:Reasons+ Examples.Should we go vegetarian?Andy: YesWhy should we do it?Andy: ‘cause a vegetarian diet delivers complete nutrition and can provide health benefits.(素食有全面的营养)Can you give me an example?Andy: Well, according to the American Dietetic Association (美国饮食协会), a plant-based diet(植物饮食), including all the fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds can meet all the protein requirements(蛋白质需求), including all the essential amino-acids(必要氨基酸), thus improving overall health. It also can provide all the necessary vitamins(维生素), fats(脂肪), minerals(矿物质), phytonutrients(植物营养素)and antioxidants(抗氧化剂), therefore it can improve one’s health. However, a meat-based diet (动物肉食)such as pork, beef, chicken contains a huge amount of trans-fats(反式脂肪), cholesterol(胆固醇), neurotoxin(神经毒素), which can increase the chances of  developing kidney stones(肾结石), heart disease(心脏病), type 2 diabetes(2型糖尿病), and cancer(癌症). Do you have another reason? And

  • 托雅口语加油站:你同意动物实验合法化吗?

    17/08/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Should animal testing be legalized?解题方案:观点+举例(实验研究报告)Should animal testing be legalized?Andy: Nope, definitely.Why should it be banned?Andy: ‘cause animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings(无法可靠地在人体预测结果).Can you give me an example?Andy: Well, for example, 94% of drugs that had passed animal tests failed in human clinical trials(临床试验). According to neurologist (神经科医生)Aysha Akhtar, over 100 stroke drugs(治疗中风的药物) that were effective when tested on animals have failed in humans, and over 85 HIV vaccines(HIV疫苗) failed in humans after working well in primates(灵长类动物)like monkeys and chimpanzees(猩猩). Do you have another reason?Andy: Drugs that pass animal tests are not necessarily safe. What’s the example?Andy: In 1950s, sleeping pill(安眠药), thalidomide, caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities(严重畸形), but the drug had been tested on pregnant animal like guinea pigs(豚鼠), cats, and hamsters (仓鼠)prior to its commercial release(在商业广告发布之前).  Also, the

  • 托雅口语加油站:你觉得堕胎应被合法化吗?

    15/08/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Should abortion be legalized?解题方案:Problem+ SolutionWhat are your thoughts on abortion? Andy: 500% nopeWhy are you against it?Andy: Because it’s selfish, immoral(无道德的) and unethical (无伦理的) to do it.Can you give me an example?Andy: For example, if a woman gets abortion, she is killing a life starting at conception(从一开始受精卵就是生命). The gynecologist(妇科医生) will dissect (肢解)the fetus( 胎儿)or child by using scissors(剪刀), so it will be in great pain and then die, which is  a torture(折磨), cruelty (残忍)and murder(谋杀). It has the rights to live, grow and mature(成熟).  What do you think about it? Andy: I think this behavior is abominable(恶劣的), unjust(无公义的) and selfish of the women who have done it, who are doing it and who will be doing it.What are the solutions?Andy: Therefore, one of the solutions to the problem is that  whenever having sex, try to use high quality condom(高质量的避孕套), in this way, lots of tragedies will be avoided.示例答案Yes, I’m 500% negative to the idea because it’s selfish

  • 托福口语加油站:你同意全民禁烟吗?

    14/08/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Should smoking be banned? 你同意全民禁烟吗?解题方案:Problem+ SolutionShould smoking be banned?Andy: Yes, definitely.Why should it be banned?Andy: ‘cause not only does it pose threat to the smoker him or herself, but also it’s gonna be bad for others around.Can you give me an example?Andy: Well, you know, say you are at a bar, a cafe or a lounge and there are smokers around. You are to be exposed to(暴露于) lots of poisonous carcinogens(有毒致癌物) including carbon monoxide(一氧化碳), tar (焦油)and so on, so overtime, you might develop some life-threatening diseases such as bronchitis(支气管炎), tumor(肿瘤) or even lung cancer(肺癌)! Gosh, how scary it is, isn’t it? It’s not responsible for those smokers to do that. What are the solutionsAndy: I think one of the solutions is that government should set up a law to ban people from smoking in the public areas including hospitals, churches and schools, this might significantly reduce the amount of people to be diagnosed with(被诊断出) various respiratory diseases

  • 托福口语加油站:你同意同性婚姻吗?

    12/08/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Do you think gay marriage should be legalized? 解题方案:Problem+ SolutionDo you think gay marriage should be legalized?Andy: Yes, definitely. Why?Andy: Coz if they are denied the right to get married, it’s a violation against human rights.(对人权的侵犯)Can you give us some examples?Andy: For example, if they are denied the rights to get married(被拒绝婚姻权), they won’t have any chance of rearing children(抚养孩童), sharing properties legally(合法分享财产) and even having a cozy home together(拥有温馨的家庭). How do you think of this problem?Andy: I believe this is gonna be devastating(毁灭性的打击) for those couples. I cannot imagine how much pain and agony(痛苦) they are gonna go through(遭受). So, should they be left there to rot and die (腐烂 死亡)without anyone to love or to be loved?What are the solutions?Andy: Government should initiatively take actions and set up laws to protect LGBT groups(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual,  女同志,男同志,双性恋,跨性别人群), ensuring that they have the rights to enjoy marriage, which is

  • 托福口语加油站:机器人时代来临了,你害怕吗?

    03/08/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!欢迎大家留言评论以及订阅节目哦!今日话题:What are the benefit and drawback of using robots? Please include details in your answer. 解题方案:好坏对比法+5Ws+ Effects解题思路:5Ws+ResultWhat is the benefit of using robots?Andy: It can save lives.When?Where?Who invented What?Andy: Recently, doctors from the US have invented nanorobots(纳米机器人).Why do we use it?Andy: Coz it can do some jobs that humans cannot do.What can they do?Andy:   First, they can go into the bloodstream(血液) and produce some chemicals(化学物质) to identify (识别)and fight against some diseases like cancer(癌症), tumor (肿瘤) or viruses (病毒).             Also, it can be used to repair DNA, RNA and some cells(细胞).What is the effect? Andy:  It will save millions of lives.What is the drawback of it?Andy: It might replace lots of workers in the factory, since it’s really cheap and efficient, thus human labors will lose jobs. So in order to keep people employed, we won’t allow robots to take over the world. 示例答案Well, the benefit of using robots is that it can

  • 托福口语加油站:如何向老外装逼高雅地描述一幅画?

    27/07/2017 Duration: 04min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Talk about a painting you have seen. Please include details in your answer. 解题方案:个人例子以及他人例解题思路:5Ws+ResultWhat is the painting?Andy: A landscape painting, called Starry Night.When did you see it?Andy: Last Sunday morningWhere did you see it?Andy: At Metropolitan Art Museum in New York CityWho painted it?Andy: Van Gogh, a renowned Dutch painter Which tools were used to paint the painting?Andy: Paints, brushes and canvas.What are on the painting?=Andy:  1. On the upper part, there are swirling clouds and  deep blue sky with some strange stars.           2. On the bottom part, a village, a cypress tree and daffodils could be found.How did you feel? Andy: I felt at peace and I came to realization that with shining stars filling the sky, there is always light to guide you in the darkness.示例答案Well, the painting I’ve seen is a landscape painting called Starry Night painted by Vincent Van Gogh. I saw this painting last Sunday morning at Metropolitan Art Museum in New York City. I

  • 托福口语加油站:如何高逼格地描述一首你心爱歌曲?

    26/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Talk about your favorite song. Please include details in your answer. 解题方案:个人例子以及他人例子解题思路:5Ws+ResultWhat is the song?Andy: TryWhen did you listen to it?Andy:  Last Friday night.Where and with whom did you listen to it?Andy: At a bar called Pirates with my friend, Lisa.Who sang the song?Andy: Colbie Cailat, who is a famous pop singerWhat made you love the song?Andy: 1. The lyrics go like: “You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to change a single thing   . “          2. The beautiful melody (美妙的旋律) and the bouncy beat(动听的节奏).How did you feel?Andy: I realized that I just have to accept who I am and be myself.示例答案Well, my favorite music is Try, sung by Colbie Cailat, a famous pop singer from the States. I listened to her song at a local bar called Pirates with my friend, Lisa. In the song,  I was captivated by(被打动) the lyrics(歌词)which go like: “You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to change a single thing  . You just have to get up, get up, get up and get up

  • 托福口语加油站:夏日太热?看场爽爆的美国大片吧!

    25/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:Talk about your favorite movie. Please include details in your answer. 解题方案:自己例子+他人例子Andy 在美国洛杉矶好莱坞环球影城 哈利波特魔法乐园和霍格奥兹合唱团合影解题思路:5Ws+ResultWhat is the movie?Andy: Harry PotterWhen did you watch the movie?Andy: When I was in elementary schoolWho wrote the book?Andy: J.K.Rowling, a famous writer in Britain. Who were in the movie??Andy: Harry, Ron and HermioneWhat happened?Andy: They went to Hogwarts(霍格奥兹魔法学校) to study.Which tools did they use?They used wands (魔杖) to perform magic and used broomsticks(飞天扫把)to fly.What did they do?Andy:  1. They learned spells (魔咒) like: Wingardium Leviosa(悬浮咒) to lift objects; Lumos(荧光咒) to glow in the dark; and Alohomora (开锁咒)to open the locks. 2. They could fly in the sky using broomsticks in the game, Quidditch(魁地奇比赛).  3. They beat all kinds of beast(怪物).How did you feel?Andy: It was exciting and thrilling.示例答案Well, my favorite movie is Harry Potter. I read it when I was in my elementary school. It was written by J.K. Rowling, a famous Br

  • 托福口语加油站:来一场华丽的星际之旅吗?

    24/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    托福雅思口语太难?每天三分钟,快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:If you had money, would you go space traveling, like going to the moon? Please include details in your answer. 解题方案:假设法解题思路:5Ws+ResultWhen are you gonna go to the space?Andy: In 10 years.Where are you gonna go?Andy: Wormhole, blackhole and Planet Pandora (虫洞,黑洞 和潘多拉星球)Who are you going with?Andy: With a bunch of astronauts from NASA. Which transportation are you to use?Andy: By spacecraft.What specific activities are you to do?Andy:  1. go through the wormhole           2. jump into the blackhole to experience 5D world.           3. land on Planet Pandora.What is the result to be like?Andy: It’s gonna be so cool!示例答案Well, I’d totally choose to go space traveling coz it’s gonna be so cool. For example, I can imagine myself going into the space in 10 yearswith a bunch of astronauts from NASA.We will go there by spaceship. First, we are gonna go through the wormhole. Then, we plan to jump into the blackhole.Finally, we are to land on a planet called Pandora where ther

  • 托福口语加油站:描述一件历史事件!

    23/07/2017 Duration: 02min

    托福口语难太难怎么办?快来和安迪学习有趣的托福口语吧!今日话题:Talk about a historical event you know. 思路:5w+resultWHEN: In 1930sWHERE: In EuropeWHO: Hitler WHICH: air force, tanks and gunsWHAT:1. Invaded Poland; 2. Killed millions of Jews in concentration camp!How was the result?  Terrible/Horrible尝试另一道题目吧!1) Talk about a piece of news you've read lately.2) Do you agree or disagree: Is it important to learn from history?更多考试内容, 请关注微信号:339169386Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。

  • 托福口语加油站:同意整形手术吗?

    22/07/2017 Duration: 02min

    微信号:339169386托福口语第二题 怎么做?来和安迪学口语, 今日话题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's ok to have plastic surgery. 举例方法:1)自己的例子2)他人的例子3)假设的例子举例思路:Who: My friend, Amy   and a surgeonWhen: Last monthWhere: went to a plastic surgery hospitalWhat happened?  The surgeon used knives to operate surgery on her face like eyes, nose and lips.What's the result?   同意的话用好的结果:It went well. She turned into a beauty!不同意的话用坏的结果: It went south. She turned into a monster!
