This Podcast features weekly sermons from Gateway Church, located in Washougal, Washington. To find out more about Gateway, visit our website at
Life On Purpose
30/04/2017 Duration: 46minLuke 24:36-49 The Ultimate Victory; The Good News; The Great Mission.
Hearts On Fire
23/04/2017 Duration: 35minAfter Jesus' resurrection we see him restoring the passion and purpose for two of his disciples by clarifying for them the extent of God's plan.
Jesus' Burial
13/04/2017 Duration: 14minPart 108 in our series from the book of Luke was a devotional for our Easter Communion service and focused on the faith and boldness of a few unexpected disciples following Jesus' death.
Herod Before Jesus
19/03/2017 Duration: 40minLuke 23:1-12 To most people it would have appeared that Jesus was on trial before Herod, but in fact the opposite was true!
Control In The Chaos
05/03/2017 Duration: 38minLuke 22:47-53 Even as Jesus is being betrayed and arrested, He maintains complete control in the midst of chaos.
Prayer & Submission
25/02/2017 Duration: 46minLuke 22:39-46 Jesus prays in the garden regarding his agony and distress over God's plan for Him to drink "the cup". Please note: Communion was celebrated during the sermon but it has been edited out of this audio podcast.
All Of Scripture
19/02/2017 Duration: 45minScripture: Luke 22:35-38 In this sermon we address the importance of Sola Scriptura and Tota Scriptura; to test all things against all of Scripture.
Even The Best Of Us
12/02/2017 Duration: 36minLuke 22:31-34; 22:54-62 Peter's three denials of Jesus and what it teaches us about our failures and God's faithfulness.
True Greatness
05/02/2017 Duration: 46minLuke 22:24-30 While the disciples argue which of them is the greatest, Jesus uses the opportunity to redefine our understanding of what true greatness is and how we can pursue it.
Trust and an Agenda
22/01/2017 Duration: 45minLuke 22:1-6 Judas agrees to betray Jesus to the religious leaders, but why? In this message we'll explore some of the reasons behind Judas' fatal decision and what we can learn from it.
Chaos & Opportunity
11/12/2016 Duration: 46minLuke 21:5-19 The Olivet Discourse, Part 1 Big Idea: The worst of tragedies can be the greatest of opportunities!