We help women get paid what they deserve. We do it through monthly town halls, workshops, a private Slack group, and mentorship circles. Our goal? Teach skills that get us to the next level in our careers and close that wage gap.
Show Your Value, You've Earned It.
13/08/2019 Duration: 37minWe interviewed Daniela Pierre-Bravo, co-author of Earn It!, a guide for millennials on how to grow their careers. She wrote it with Mika Brzezinski, co-host of Morning Joe, and had a lot to say not only about the book, but also her journey from DACA recipient to teaming up with one of the most powerful women on TV. The book is a guide for the newest members of the workforce, with advice for landing a job, establishing a personal brand, and getting the recognition (and money) they deserve.
The Importance of a World #BuiltByGirls
05/06/2019 Duration: 35minThis episode we partnered with Cole Haan to speak with Nisha Dua, a partner at BBG Ventures and founder of the #BUILTBYGIRLS movement. Dua is a venture capitalist who focuses on funding female-founded businesses and women in STEM fields. #BUILTBYGIRLS' is a movement dedicated to giving girls access to technology who do not have access to traditional education.
Brave, Not Perfect with Girls Who Code Founder and CEO Reshma Saujani
17/04/2019 Duration: 23minLadies Get Paid Founder Claire Wasserman sat down with Girls Who Code Founder and CEO Reshma Saujani to talk perfectionism, and how we've socialized girls to hold themselves back from achieving their true potential.
It costs more to be a woman.
01/04/2019 Duration: 31minMany women may not know it, but, they face inequalities in every purchase of their favorite shampoo, deodorant and other beauty basics. The infamous "Pink Tax" is an added amount women are charged for basic products or services, including body wash, laundry services, conditioner and more. Now, European Wax Center (EWC) is leading an effort to "Ax The Pink Tax" with a new initiative aimed at raising awareness for the unjust Pink Tax and inspiring women to take a stand. Ladies Get Paid is teaming up with EWC for the second year of the #AxThePinkTax campaign, to help raise awareness through education and provide people with tools to take action and ignite a movement. The Pink Tax is absurd, and EWC is taking action. To learn more about the Pink Tax, you can check out our latest episode of Lady Talk, where Ladies Get Paid Founder Claire Wasserman chats with EWC President Sherry Baker, where she shares her personal story in discovering the absurdity of the Pink Tax, as well as her incredibly impressive career lead
The Myth of the Nice Girl
16/11/2018 Duration: 38minFran Hauser talks to LGP about the negative perception of "niceness" in the business world, the important balance of empathy and decisiveness, rising above double standards and more advice offered in her book, The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate. Fran Hauser is a startup investor and advisor, funding and advising consumer-focused companies such as HelloGiggles, Levo, Mogul, The Wing and Gem&Bolt. Formerly President, Digital for Time Inc.'s Style and Entertainment Group, she is also a philanthropist and advocate for women in business. You can learn more about Fran and The Myth of the Nice Girl here.
Taking Your Work (And Family) On the Road
06/09/2018 Duration: 37minJennifer Sutherland-Miller is a digital nomad, global educator, mother and adventurer who has spent the last seven years circumnavigating the globe with her husband and three children. Miller is currently the editor of Packsmith by Tortuga Backpacks, a blog that offers fellow travelers advice on packing, gear, and clothes. In her personal work, Miller is deeply involved in grassroots efforts to alleviate malnutrition and combat the root of poverty but creating sustainable, dignified work for women and through expanding educational opportunity.
What happens to your business when a relationship ends?
18/08/2018 Duration: 37minFamily law attorney and founding partner of Rower LLC, Alyssa Rower speaks to Ladies Get Paid about protecting a business in the midst of divorce, the benefits of mediation, and how psychology informs her practice each and every day. To learn more about Alyssa Rower, you can find visit her website at and get in touch at
Alessandra Biaggi wants to improve the workplace for women. She's starting with State Senate.
24/07/2018 Duration: 35minLadies Get Paid sits down with Alessandra Biaggi, the Democratic candidate running for State Senator of New York's 34th District. Alessandra was one of the very first members of Ladies Get Paid, and has worked towards our shared mission of economic equality for women and girls every day since then. Why is Alessandra running? Because “it’s more dangerous to be silent than to run for office.” If we want to live in a nation where women are truly equal, where we’re free and able to make healthcare decisions about our own bodies, we can’t afford to be silent. Ladies Get Paid is proud to endorse Alessandra Biaggi for New York State Senate.
Asking for money is awkward. Karen Cahn will help you get over it.
11/06/2018 Duration: 35minSerial entrepreneur and founder of new crowdfunding platform iFundWomen, Karen Cahn, has dedicated her career to making taboo subjects well, less taboo. Ladies Get Paid used her platform to raise over $100k from 2,000 people in order to pay for their legal fees. (If you like, legal fees whaaaa?! Check out the first Ladies Get Sued episode.) “My mantra is all the money for all the women now,” says Cahn, who has developed a career around supporting the female economy. “The reality is: Money is power, and when women are financially independent…we can control our own destiny. That’s what I’m all about as a person and an entrepreneur.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iFundWomen, the fundraising ecosystem for women-led startups and small businesses, is thrilled to offer LGP Members a 15% discount on all professional video production and private coaching services, all designed to help you
Do We Need Safe Spaces?
30/05/2018 Duration: 01h44sWe spoke with activist and founder of Equality for HER, Blair Imani, about coming out on Tucker Carlson, the merits of a safe space, and how to deal with Internet trolls.
Ladies Get a Lawyer
24/05/2018 Duration: 29minMegan Cesare-Eastman, the Ladies Get Paid lawyer, gives her perspective on the lawsuit that was brought by members of a men's rights group, claiming gender discrimination. Learn more at
Why We Were Targeted By a Men's Rights Group
17/05/2018 Duration: 37minLast year, Ladies Get Paid was sued for gender discrimination by members of a men's rights group. This group routinely targets other organizations like ours who are doing important work to advance the fight for equality. They exploit the Unruh Civil Rights Act, a law intended to protect the very people they sue, and have brought more than 300 suits like the one against Ladies Get Paid, including one against the Violence Against Women Act. This group sued Ladies Get Paid, our founder Claire Wasserman, and six of our ambassadors who helped organize our events. We're releasing a series of podcast episodes dedicated to the lawsuit, as well as a deeper discussion of the value of safe spaces, the community of men's rights group, and how the law is not always on our side. This episode is the first in the series, and features Ladies Get Paid founder Claire Wasserman as she describes her personal experience dealing with the lawsuit. To help keep Ladies Get Paid alive, please contribute to our crowdfunding campaign: ht
Cowgirl Power: How to Kickass in Life and Business
30/04/2018 Duration: 35minGay Gaddis, founder of Austin- based ad agency T-3 and the author of Cowgirl Power: How to Kickass in Life and Business, speaks with Ladies Get Paid about starting her company in the recession, why she created a day care center in her office, and the time she turned down $70 million worth of business.
Investing 101 with Priya Malani
25/02/2018 Duration: 33minPriya Malani – entrepreneur and CEO of Stash Wealth, a financial planning firm for H.E.N.R.Y.s™ [High Earners, Not Rich Yet] – speaks with Ladies Get Paid to debunk investing myths and plan your finances with confidence.
Do you need a financial coach?
02/01/2017 Duration: 22minOur interview with financial coach Ashley Feinstein Gerstley ( will give you a sneak peek into the workshop she's leading with Ladies Get Paid in New York on January 18th, Money 101: How to Save, Spend, and Invest. We chat about what a financial coach does and things she's learned while working with clients.
F*ck the Jargon: How to Start & Grow a Business
07/11/2016 Duration: 33minThis episode is based on a workshop we taught about how to get your operations and logistics in order for your business to flourish. We interviewed Alison Gilbert, former COO of Tasting Table, and Rachel Higgins, Director of Operations at startup branding agency, Red Antler. Key Takeaways include: Knowledge of the different phases you’ll navigate as you build your business. A sense of what kind of business you’re building and how to go about building it in a way that’s right for YOU. Immediate actions steps to take to from wherever you are -- even if you haven’t started yet!
Help! I'm Feeling Stuck at Work
24/10/2016 Duration: 31minAre you an under-fulfilled overachiever? This episode is perfect for you. We talk edto career coach Megan Hellerer about how to find a job that fills you up rather than fill you with dread. This subject is very personal for Megan since she worked at Google for eight years before she realized that she'd gone down the wrong career path. This isn't just talk therapy: Megan teaches you techniques that will hopefully lead you to make positive changes in your life.
How to Negotiate Your Salary
30/09/2016 Duration: 52minNegotiating can be difficult as fuck. We break down negotiation best practices, including all the do's and don'ts when it comes to asking for a raise. Our guest is Alison Taffel Rabinowitz, the Head Mistress at, a bespoke educational organization. This episode's key takeaways include: -What to say when they ask you your salary -How to respond when they low ball you -How to use an alternative offer as leverage -How to negotiate if you're just entering the workplace -What to (not) to say when you receive an offer