A Senior's Journey toward Tooth RestorationHow much restoration is possible for someone with severely compromised teeth? A senior, Connie Gravestock faces her biggest personal health challenge and invites you to follow her journey in search of answers. Her first stop is to examine nutritional science taught by the late Dr. Carey Reams who established RBTI, Reams Biological Theory of Ionization--a theory of quantum mechanics originally designed for agricultural application; found useful in restoring health to people and animals .
Dr. Darrell Misak Shares Dr. Carey Reams Legacy
19/04/2018 Duration: 03minIn this interview, Dr. Darrell Misak N.D. of Pittsburgh Alternative Clinic, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania shares how Reams Theory of Biological Ionization (RBTI) can create a guide to individualized nutritional choices while restoring or maintaining healthy mineralization. An amazing agronomist, the late Carey Reams providentially applied the principles of soil science to human physiology. Once he created a basic system, he was hounded for the rest of his life for his "crime" of helping people restore lost health through this simple means and thus avoiding allopathic intervention. Dr. Misak has become the practitioner of our day that "sees pictures" in the numbers as did Dr. Reams. He shares a glimpse of what he has learned from his patients in his clinical practice over the years. Five simple non-invasive tests can be done twice daily on urine and saliva providing the vital information.
A Bad Habit Destroys Teeth
16/04/2018 Duration: 05minWilliam Gravestock, 77 years old shares his experience in violating a law of health and ends up with missing teeth. Be certain you don't do what he did!
Abscess Recovery with Natural Remedies
12/04/2018 Duration: 07minDean Farrell shares a beautiful story of his recovery from a painful dental abscess.
Connie's Early Childhood Health Challenges
06/04/2018 Duration: 02minConnie's start in life involved poor health with eyeglasses and a tonsillectomy at age two, rickets, bruxism (tooth grinding) which generally indicates parasitic infection. All of this weak foundation contributes to challenges at her current age of seventy when she is trying to salvage what she can of her teeth since each tooth is very important.