Breaking the rules of Music city! Sprinting in a town full of walking and talking! Listen in to my day to day to why and how Im achieving my goals. (Fueled by Gary Vee)
Band Talk On The Road
18/09/2019 Duration: 08minBringing my band mates in on this one talking about how they got to where they are and advice to getting there.
Update: 2019 Halfway Over & Things Coming Together
16/07/2019 Duration: 05minJust updating you on the process and where I’m at in the middle of the year. Fun things happening In slowly but Shirley building the team.
Glass Ceiling
28/03/2019 Duration: 06minHitting that glass ceiling on what to do next! It’s an interesting time in the music industry and funny how everyone has their 2 cents worth but each contradict the next.
A great 2018 leads into a slow 2019. But focusing on the macro rather than the micro.
15/01/2019 Duration: 04minGetting Into 2019: Where I’m At & What’s To Come
Mindset Shift : Be Your Own Manager/Label
14/10/2018 Duration: 06minIt’s interesting to see the shift in mindset of “looking for management” or “a label” when you have the capability of doing it yourself. Mad props to my dad for inspiring this one.
Price of Attention: Part 3
11/10/2018 Duration: 04minDropping a content every month is working. Listen in to how I’ve septupled my Spotify Monthly listeners and made my biggest pay day yet.
Pros & Cons of Playing the Nashville Scene
04/10/2018 Duration: 04minThe biggest misconception I hear from people on the road is “where are you playing in Nashville”.. tune in to see why I HATE this question!
Social Media Tricks
25/08/2018 Duration: 05minJust a few minor ways to utilize social media to pack your shows, connect people in the area of your tour, and how to look professsh AF!
Price of Attention: Part 2 [Greener]
25/08/2018 Duration: 03minSeeing how my Spotify / Social Numbers compare to the previous single.
Price of Attention: Part 1
01/08/2018 Duration: 04minHow I quadrupled my Spotify monthly listeners in a month. What I’m doing to create constant momentum to stand out in this town. Check it!
There’s No Special Formula
05/07/2018 Duration: 04minNot that I know everything but I’ve learned that there’s no one way to achieve this dream! Take that as a positive and do what works for you!
How I Book Shows/Tours!
03/07/2018 Duration: 06minProbably the most asked question I get is how I book myself! Mostly, it’s a lot of hard work. But if you’re willing , listen in and I’ll tell you how to get the ball rolling!
Be Resourceful and Methodical
03/07/2018 Duration: 03minAs an indie artist, you have to get scrappy and resourceful to get noticed! In this episode I talk about how I used my fans to book my Carolina, Boston, and even my UK tour!
Eating Shit On the Reg!
05/04/2018 Duration: 03min“Eating shit” - the mindset of paying your dues, doing what needs to get done for future gain.