Practical inspiration and encouragement for weary souls ready to slow their hurried pace and better pay attention to what really matters in their daily life.
18: HOPE: When You Feel Abandoned
11/07/2019 Duration: 11minHave you ever felt abandoned? Join me in the Mentoring Circle today where I share the stories of two women, how God answered their prayers during times of feeling abandoned, and encouragement to trust God's truth and His timing when you and I feel abandoned. You can read this devotional in this journal post on my website.
17: Simplify and Organize Your Home
14/02/2019 Duration: 32minIf you need some fresh inspiration to simplify and organize your home, then join us here in the Mentoring Circle. My sweet friend, Deb Guneyler, dropped by to chat about how to start, what keeps us motivated, current trands, and what to do when we get stuck. Deb is a certified professional life coach and organizer. She loves to simplify, organize, and beautify all aspects of her own life, and helps other women from all stages of life to do the same.
16: Why A "Word for the Year" Is Not Enough--and the Important Next-Step We Must Take
02/02/2019 Duration: 09minDid you choose a "word" for this year? You know, that "word" that describes an area in your life or a character quality that you want to focus on this year? Let's talk about how to discover that word, how a "word" can help us pay attention to something that is important in our life and the most important thing that we can do with our word: counsel our heart about OUR word according to GOD'S Word. I will show you a simple and practical way to do that! Come on in and join me in the circle.
15: Confronting Sin
19/01/2019 Duration: 27minDo you need some hope today? Then you will want to listen in as my guest shares a part of her story in the Mentoring Circle - one of decisions that led her to do what she once said would never happen to her to knowing intimately God's forgiveness, grace and redemption. Come on in and join me in the Circle with my guest, Judith Coates.
14. Words Matter
20/10/2018 Duration: 12minThe words we say begin with the words we think! Yes, our words matter! Today in the Mentoring Circle, I share a story about how my deteriorating thoughts one evening on my way home from work led to both unkind behaviour and words—toward the people I love the most in the whole wide world! So glad you dropped by today for this first podcast in a 7-part series from the book of Proverbs! Be sure go to to download the PDF I mention in today's podcast
13: One Day or Day One. You Decide.
13/10/2018 Duration: 15minThe days are long but the years are short. Great wisdom--and a warning--from my grandmother. I am taking those words seriously these days--and share my thoughts in this heart-to-heart in the Mentoring Circle. Today we pay attention to the weights that can slow us down and keep us from running with endurance the race that is set before us. Most of all, today I call older women to rise up to their race again, to trust God and embrace the life He has given them. It is a timely and needed reminder that daily faithfulness leads to finishing well. Come on in and join me in the circle!
12: The One Thing We Cannot Be Casual About
23/09/2018 Duration: 11minWe live in a time that is so much more casual than it was when I was a young girl. I like casual. It’s comfortable. And there is nothing wrong with the kind of casual I talk about here in this podcast. It can help foster greater authenticity within relationships. Everyone can relax. It brings enjoyment to the daily things of life. But there is a casual we need to be paying attention to each day. And that casual is our casual view of God. Join me in the Mentoring Circle as we chat about this one thing we cannot be casual about.
11: What I Confessed to My Grandchildren
14/09/2018 Duration: 06minIt doesn't matter what age we are, we still make mistakes. We still have lessons to learn. In today's podcast, I share the story of the mistake I made in front of my grandchildren and what I confessed to them. I pray God will use this story to encourage, teach, and help you wisely pay attention to areas in your life He may be prompting you to confess.
10: Why I Quit
08/09/2018 Duration: 10minWe do not like to use the word “quit” do we? It seems negative. “No one likes a quitter,” we’ve been told. But what if I told you that this is a different kind of quitting? It is wise. It is a grace. It is a gift. It's the kind of quitting I did last month, and I share my story. Most of all, it not about giving up. On the contrary. It's about the surrender of our ways and the following of God's ways in the nitty gritty of our daily schedules. Come and join me in the circle!!!!
9: How To Be Happy With What You Already Have
28/07/2018 Duration: 16minWe can fall prey to it's grip any day of the week. It can be subtle, slight or downright blatant. It's name? Discontentment. In this episode of the Mentoring Circle podcast, we have a conversation about discontentment and it's two companions: comparison and envy. Then, discover 3 ways we can participate in with God to combat comparison, discontent and envy! Oh--and I tried a little experiment in this episode as I stretch and grow as a podcast--and find my own "podcast voice"--I recorded this episode without using a script - talking more from my heart. Head over to my website at, click on "podcast" in the navigation bar, and then scroll for episode 9. You can play this episode directly from that location--and read the devotional the inspired this episode. Choose weather to want less, than to have more. - Thomas Kempis
8: An Amazing Way to End Our Day!
14/07/2018 Duration: 09minAt the end of the day, is our heart abundant with complaining or is it abundant with thankfulness. The abundance in our heart will determine whether or not you and I are women with a tight, stingy heart filled with complaints or women with an open, generous heart filled with thanksgiving. It will also determine who we end our day. Join me in the Mentoring Circle to discover the most amazing way to end your day!
7: Heart-Connecting at a Snail's Pace
29/06/2018 Duration: 10minThere is not a person in the world who can convince me that cards and notes and random pieces of paper that hold precious hand-written words from the heart of one to the the heart of another doesn’t matter any more within the emoji-influenced world we communicate in now. It is my prayer that this episode convinces you as well of the power of making a heart-connection at a snail's pace--and give you three simple ideas to start to exercise your note-writing muscle.
6: How "Copying" Can Change Your Life
21/06/2018 Duration: 12minI first learned about copywork when I was homeschooling my son. Copywork is simply the practice of copying a piece of well-written work from any of a variety of sources onto paper or into a notebook. Have you ever thought about practicing copywork when it comes to the Bible? In other words, taking a portion of Scripture and copying it into our notebook. This kind of "copying" can change our life! Join me in the Circle for this episode of the Mentoring Circle and together we will learn some best practices to help us do this!
5: The Power of a Simple Notebook
08/06/2018 Duration: 11minWhether you are a notebook writer or not, I invite you to join me for this episode of the Mentoring Circle podcast as we explore one way to use a pen and piece of paper to better pay attention to your daily life. I share 5 reasons for being a notebook writer--and who knows--maybe one of these reasons will convince you to give it a try? Some come on in and join me in the Circle!!
Scatter Small-Deed Kindness
31/05/2018 Duration: 10minIt was on a cold, winter Toronto night that I watched the scattering of small-deed kindness happen in a hospital emergency room. I will never forget it. Listen in as I tell the story, share 2 practical suggestions to help us scatter kindness each day, and discover where kindness really comes from.
Two Small Words That Make a Big Difference
23/05/2018 Duration: 09minWilliam Arthur Ward said that “feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” I can’t help but wonder if our lack of saying these two small words is not so much that we are not truly thankful or grateful, but rather for whatever reason, we have gotten lazy or too busy to express our thankfulness or gratitude. Join me in the Mentoring Circle Podcast and discover 3 ways to give voice to these 2 small words in our every day life.
When You Say Something Big, Be Ready to Do Something Small
16/05/2018 Duration: 11minOh how we love the excitement of making the announcement--like we are going to lose weight, or get organized or start a new project. But we often forget that the work begins once the announcement is made--and it is done one step at a time. It's taken me a long time to learn the importance of daily small steps. Join us in the Circle and be encouraged in your own announcement-making process and daily small steps.
Using Our Daily Small Moments
07/05/2018 Duration: 09minI recently heard someone say that most people are either sleep-walking through their waking life or walk-walking through their sleeping life. Can you relate? I sure can. In today's episode, I share one of the things that causes me to sleep-walk through the small moments in my day--and a few practical pointers to help you and I--with God's help--to wake up with fresh awareness to these precious gifts of time scatter throughout our day. So come on in, and join me in the Circle!