Double your sales in business in the next 12 months by mastering your skills as an Entrepreneur on how to market, sell and manage.
Business Breakthroughs Show - Leverage Getting $#!+ Done Workshops
01/05/2018 Ted Miller III invited one of our clients, Peter Schroeck, to join the show. In this episode Peter shares how they went from a “cash flow crunch”, being reactive and generally stagnate to a company that is effectively moving to scale! You’ll learn how Peter leveraged Get $#!+ Done Workshops to uncover breakthrough for record breaking month for sales in December. (Traditionally their worst month or least profitable.) Also hear how Strategic Innovations can be uncovered by simply leveraging New Voices. PLUS, the TPA process was shared, which is essential for you to build momentum in your business and get it to run more without you. View Video Here! [audio m4a=""][/audio]
The Entrepreneur Personality Type - Business Breakthroughs Radio Show Podcast
03/08/2017 Duration: 56minWhat an awesome show as I chat with Alex Charfen, CEO of the Charfen Institue and author of "The Entrepreneur Personality Type" as we discuss his book and what makes you different as an entrepreneur. Because you are different, you ARE unique. Here are distinctions that set you up for success without having to be something that you are not. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Get @ss-es in the Seats! - Business Breakthrough Radio Show Podcast
02/08/2017One of the biggest challenges we face today as small business owners is getting more new clients. And if you are attempting a workshop, seminar, webinar or anything that requires people to show up...? That makes that task even more daunting and takes getting "butts in seats" to a whole new level. You can travel this road alone and carve your own path or you can learn from the masters how to do it right. Your choice. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Designers V.S. Advertisers - Business Breakthroughs Radio Show Podcast
02/08/2017Are you are a designer or advertiser or neither? Most are quite talented and have an artful eye, but be sure you are working with someone that, not only makes it look beautiful and eye-catching, but it also achieves your ultimate SELL and MARKET your company, products and brand effectively. Learn the difference between designers and advertisers and how it impacts your marketing dollars spent as Ted interviews Gregg Merrilees from Studio One Design. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Holy Money! - Business Breakthroughs Radio Show Podcast
02/08/2017Join Ted Miller III as he talks about how even Taboo businesses can make loads of money when marketing themselves right. So, what is "taboo"? I guess you will have to join the podcast to find out. Might be different than what your mind first thought of when you read this title! Bottomline, if you want to make a ton of money, listen in! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
The Sales Whisperer - Wes Schaeffer - Business Breakthrough Podcast
02/08/2017Ted Miller III invites master sales expert, Wes Schaeffer, known as the "Sales Whisperer" as they talk about the secrets and insights to successful selling. Whether you are business owner, sales person, executive or are simply interested in learning how to sell better in anything, you gotta listen to this! Get the secrets to successfully selling anything! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Useful Rants with Lee Geoff and Ted Miller - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
02/08/2017I just LOVE this show! I had so much fun chatting it up with Lee Geoff, President of Digital Business Architect and business savant, as we rant together about how to attract more clients that you can handle in your business. Get past the excuses and pull up your big boy or girl panties...this is about to get REAL! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
The Road to $elling - Business Breakthroughs Radio Show Podcast
23/06/2017Stephanie Vaughan joins Ted Miller III as they both share insights on what it takes to show up and sell, grow, and excel. Bottomline, if you are a "good" person, expect poor results. How you step into your life, work, relationships shows up in your results. If you don't like your results, you then need to raise your standards. Learn how to participate in creating an outstanding life and business and don't settle for less. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
The HeArt of Selling - Business Breakthroughs Radio Show Podcast
23/06/2017Listen in with Ted Miller III as he shares one of the most important elements in successful selling: coming from the heart. People know when they are being "sold" and they know when you are coming from a place of good intent. People don't deal with fake smiles, handshakes and mock professionalism. People want the "real deal" and to know that you have their best interest at heart. The more you build on this skill, the more crazy successful you will become. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Targeting Your IDEAL Buyers - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
23/06/2017Not all buyers are created equal. There is always a smaller number of better buyers than all buyers and most people are afraid or simply don't know how to go after them. Acquiring even a handful of your IDEAL clients can literally change the course of your business. Listen to Ted Miller III as he shares insights on how to target, acquire and serve these IDEAL clients. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Creating a Webinar Model that $ells
23/06/2017Join Ted Miller on this podcast as he shares how to create a webinar model that is different than most webinars you have ever experienced...a model that encourages interaction, participation and personalizes it to the audience. It is a proven model that has generated over $100M in revenue! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
From Zero to a Hundred Million with guest, Spike Humer - Business Breakthroughs Radio Podcast
17/05/2017Ted invites Business Growth Strategist and friend, Spike Humer, to join him and talk about what it takes to go from zero to a hundred million. Spike Humer is the author of the book, "The 10 Day Turnaround - How to Transform Your business Virtually Overnight". In their discussions, Ted shares insights around the magic formula and how to get more leads than you can handle. To get access to the magic formula, click on the link below: [audio mp3=""][/audio]
7 Tips for Small Business Owners to Dramatically Grow Their Business - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
17/05/2017As small business owners we need to shift the way we do things as our business grows. Getting to 1M requires a different set of skills than what it requires to take a business to 5M, 10M and so on. On the Business Breakthroughs Radio Show, Ted shares 7 insights for small business owners and the skills they absolutely need to successfully and consistently grow their business. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Business Breakthroughs Podcast: How webinars grew a client's business by 400%
04/05/2017Join Ted as he interviews past client, Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of the bestselling book, "The Emotion Code". They discuss how Ted helped Brad realize his dreams and grow his business 400% in 7 months by implementing his "Webinars That $ell" proven process than literally changed the way Dr. Bradley did business where was eventually able to buy his dream plane. [audio mp3=""][/audio] For a free gift from Dr. Bradley, go to:
LinkedSelling Case Study. How we helped a client grow by 1006% in 6 months! - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
27/04/2017Ted interviews super-business-stud, Ben Kniffen, from LinkedSelling. They share strategic insights as they chat it up and discuss, through their work together, how Ben and his team were able to grow his business by 1006% in 6 months. They got focused on hiring the right sales people, improving their sales skills and sales processes to achieve, what some people might say, the impossible in such a short amount of time. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Olympic Level Performance - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
19/04/2017People are drawn to the Olympics because they get to take a peek into the dedication, infallible commitment and grit of the best athletes in the world. As business owners, we have to consistently train too. We need to work harder on ourselves than anything else. Join Ted as he gives Olympic level training to create Olympic level performance. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
The Big Red Truck - Business Breakthrough Podcast
14/04/2017Find out more about "The Big Red Truck" as Ted Miller III discusses all the big challenges you could be facing as an entrepreneur. How to get more new clients. How to target your ideal client. How to have better systems so the systems can run without you. How to deal with competition outselling based on price. And more! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Recruiting Sales Superstars - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
11/04/2017Here is another FAST Growth Strategy. One that can cost you next to nothing BUT make you TONS of money. Hiring Top Producing Superstars! We have simply CRUSHED IT by recruiting absolute Top Producing Sales Superstars on pure commission. This one particular method I have helped more clients deploy than any other and it is what I used myself to double sales 3 years in a row. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Who's Throwing Bodies in the Water? - Business Breakthroughs Podcast
11/04/2017Join Ted as he talks about what is happening in your business that you don't even realize is killing off your success. Oftentimes there are people, processes, or flat out issues that aren't being addressed that are causing major issues in your business. You can't hide from these...they don't go away. Instead you need to find out what or who is throwing bodies in the water. [audio mp3=""][/audio]