Jon Bowne Politix

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 17:50:05
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A proud member of the HC Universal Network Family of podcasts, JonBownePolitix is your source for: NEWS, MUSIC, FILM, POLITICS, CULTURE and INFORMATION from Austin, Texas and around the Globe. We also feature original, independent reports We're posting daily playlists with a few of the best content creators on YouTube, local, national and international news and a few fun surprises that we think you'll enjoy! Currently, the only way to support JonBownePolitix's independent journalism is through Patreon: or Paypal: For More Jon Bowne Twitter: & Gab: Jon's reporting for Infowars: WEBSITE: Is there a news story you'd like Jon to cover? We want to hear from you. To Contact Jon Bowne please write to: jonbownepolitix@gmail or dailynewscollective@yahoo


  • In Other News For January 12, 2023

    13/01/2023 Duration: 19min

  • In Other News For January 11, 2023

    12/01/2023 Duration: 10min

  • In Other News For January 10, 2023

    11/01/2023 Duration: 16min

  • In Other News For January 6th, 2023

    07/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    Editors Note-I recorded this episode away from my studio as a test to see if I can do these in the field. I will work on audio quality and content next. Just wanted to make sure that I can record and upload from anywhere. Thanks! back to normal on Monday. Thanks for listening! Welcome to the In Other News podcast at The poor man’s Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn’t want the average citizen to devour. The 2nd anniversary of January 6th and the litmus test by the emerging totalitarian corporotocracy has proven that the propaganda and suppression is at the very least treading water. There has been no pushback as to the missing 14,000 hours of surveillance footage the January 6th committee refuses to reveal to the public. Initial footage already shows antifa groups being the first to enter the Capitol. As well as people inside communicating with whoeve

  • In Other News For January 5, 2023

    06/01/2023 Duration: 14min

    Welcome to the In Other News podcast at The poor man’s Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn’t want the average citizen to devour. Have you noticed how stacked up the house of cards is? Even the FOX News self proclaimed patriots can’t see the forest from the trees in what is now McCarthy's 11th failed attempt at becoming speaker. Aside from Tucker Carlson, these people rail on day in day out about the corruption and death of our founding principals. But when it comes time to literally clean house. They all fall on the side of the lobbyist industrial complex that serves the corporations. FOX News also appears to be controlled by their attorneys. They said absolutely nothing after Alex Jones was sued for what became north of a nearly 2 billion dollar judgement. A case that made a complete joke out of the justice system and setup FOX itself as the next netw

  • In Other News For January 4, 2023

    05/01/2023 Duration: 18min

    Welcome to the In Other News podcast at The poor man's Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news and the news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn't want the average citizen to devour. Speaking of establishment narratives. The narrative surrounding the 20 or so holdouts refusing to vote McCarthy in as speaker is becoming increasingly more intense. Apparently Dan Crenshaw, in a Cyclopian effort, is clawing to be the chair on the Department of Homeland Security. Word on the street is that most Americans despise Crenshaw and hope someone pokes him in his other eye. ‘What fools you are, you strangers, or else you come from far away— telling me to fear the gods and shun their rage. The Cyclopes care nothing about Zeus, who bears the aegis, or the blessed gods. We are much more powerful than them. I wouldn’t spare you or your comrades to escape the wrath of Zeus, not unless my own heart prompted me t

  • In Other News For January 3, 2023

    03/01/2023 Duration: 08min Virgin Islands Attorney General Fired After Suing JP Morgan Over Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal

  • In Other News January 2, 2023

    02/01/2023 Duration: 07min

    The ongoing technocratic World Economic Forum's and the United Nation's plan to annihilate billions of humans and enslave us all in digital prisons by any scheming means necessary.  We have to begin to openly talk about this and stop hiding behind the flimsy excuses people use everyday to deny what they absolutely know is true, and it is of the highest priority. Not the war in Ukraine, Not police brutality or racism, not any narrative that ultimately divides us. A Country Club of billionaires run by geriatric dementia riddled sociopaths. Many of whom made the the decision to never have children. Despise the family and embrace the cruel joke of Marxism and the nightmare of Communism. Their narcissism and isolation from cold hard reality will likely, in the very near future, morph into an outcome of temporary carnage between their side and that of the rest of humanity that will eventually unveil decades of DARPA level technology that has remained hidden by this eugenics obsessed technocracy. Humanity utilizing

  • JBP 47-The Establishment Exposes Itself

    27/04/2021 Duration: 30min

    You may have caught it. I said it was JBP 48. When its 47. Forgive me it has been a long week.One thing I absolutely missed was mentioning the tent fires that are non stop in Austin. On this episode crack a beverage of your choice and please allow JBP to inform you with the rest of the story. Thanks for tuning into Jon Bowne Politix. Please subscribe if you haven't already at Spotify and Itunes. It is our mission to bring you some semblence of truth in this crumbling Once Great Republic that has spiraled into a corpracratic mono culture on the verge of disaster. You can find us at Jon Bowne Reports Jon Bowne Politix on youtube. Bowne Reports on And as always a big thanks to JBP 47- The Establishment Exposes Itself

  • JBP 46- The Double Standard Throws America Into Chaos

    18/04/2021 Duration: 27min

    This week of Jon Bowne Politix covers the failure of the Health Overlords to maintain the lockdown on humanity. Also, why the 25th Amendment definitely applies to Joe BIden. Biden's hidden war on the future of female sports. The division of America by the establishment. And a report into the double standard of lethal force when it comes to the death of Ashli Babbitt.Thanks for tuning into Jon Bowne Politix. Please subscribe if you haven't already at It is our mission to bring you some semblence of truth in this crumbling Once Great Republic that has spiraled into a corpracratic mono culture on the verge of disaster. You can find us at Jon Bowne Reports Jon Bowne Politix on youtube. Bowne Reports on And as always a big thanks to JBP 46- The Double Standard Throws America Into Chaos

  • JBP 45- Bumblin Biden Fumbles America Into A Sinkhole

    09/04/2021 Duration: 30min

    Good evening. Yep I’ll admit it I’ve been M.I.A. on the Daily news collective website. Ive had a fun month and a half of restoring power and plumbing after the ice storm with plumbers still booked up until mid April. I have been up to my ankles in broken pvc. But the water is flowing again. Meanwhile, in my absence  Biden’s war on America continued on.Thanks for tuning into Jon Bowne Politix. Please subscribe if you haven't already at It is our mission to bring you some semblence of truth in this crumbling Once Great Republic that has spiraled into a corpracratic mono culture on the verge of disaster. You can find us at Jon Bowne Reports on Jon Bowne Politix on youtube. Bowne Reports on And as always a big thanks to 

  • JBP 44-Democrats Expose Their Tyranny Via Impeachmadness

    13/02/2021 Duration: 28min

    YOUTUBE Jon Bowne Politix JBP 44- Democrats Expose Their Tyranny Via ImpeachmadnessThis was the week of the second impeachment circus courtesy of the arrogant nut jobs protecting their corpracratic base versus the populist outcry we witnessed on January 6th. I  Could tell many people were turned off about even checking in on the pointless kangaroo impeachment that is clearly wasting time and tax dollars while America dies. But according to the Hollywood reporter “TV coverage of the trial on Tuesday afternoon averaged 11 million viewers on broadcast networks ABC and CBS and the three main cable news outlets — CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. The first day of Trump's previous impeachment trial in January 2020 also drew 11 million viewers across six networks, including NBC. MSNBC grabbed the largest audience with 2.87 million viewers from 1-5:15 p.m. ET, a little ahead of the 2.66 million who watched the trial on CNN. Fox News averaged 1.95 million viewers, followed by ABC (1.8 million) and CBS (1.74 million), according

  • JBP 43- Know Thy Captors

    05/02/2021 Duration: 30min

    Well its easy to see for anyone with half a brain that the Democrats are going full bore on their push to cancel the entire Republican party. Marjorie Taylor Greene is just the best example they could come up with to continue their vilification of Americans that ask questions they don't like. Because alot of those questions are about them. The all knowing, holier than thou, bleeding hearts of the Democratic party…., our emperors, our masters. There were of course 11 shell shocked Republicans that voted to remove Greene from her committee position on the House Education and Labor Committee. With the final tally of 230 yays to -199 nays. And while a minority out there thrive on the hall monitor government is your daddy culture. The rest of us that have a sense of integrity and individualism are left shaking our heads. It isn't so much Greene's loss of her position. Its the optics of the whole circus. The left complained that Greene was clearly making overt threats of violence towards other members. But to most

  • JBP 42- Biden's Globalist Chaos Ensues

    27/01/2021 Duration: 30min

    Welcome back to Jon Bowne Politix on Daily News please subscribe to the Jon Bowne Politix youtube site and be sure to check Daily News Collective for breaking news worldwide. As Biden's Executive order blitzkrieg continues into his first week of his Presidency, signing 15 Executive Orders on election day alone. While the Democrats and a handful of Republicans support impeaching President Trump in a display of hubris and theater. Here is Rand Paul from earlier today Let's get you caught up on the past week. Here are some reports you can find at Jon Bowne Reports on for tuning into Jon Bowne Politix. Please subscribe if you haven't already at It is our mission to bring you some semblance of logic in this crumbling corpracratic America. You can find us at Jon Bowne Reports on Jon Bowne Politix on youtube. Bowne Reports on And as always a big thanks to

  • JBP41-Election Chaos In A Babylon System

    14/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    YOUTUBE-JBP41-Election Chaos In A Babylon SystemI wanted to express my deepest respects to Toots Hibbert of Toots and the Maytals who I have been listening to over the course of my existence. A purveyor of positivity in tough times. Toots you will be missed. I highly recommend checking out Toots and the Maytals final album "Got to be tough" there are some great songs on there to provide positivity during these crazy times. This episode covers the election chaos. The Netflix Cuties scandal. And the blindness of the left's army when it comes to the statistics they claim allow them to burn America down.

  • JBP40- Jeremy On The Decline Of American Music

    14/09/2020 Duration: 28min

    YOUTUBE-JBP40- Jeremy On The Decline Of American MusicThe author G. Edward Griffin who wrote the overton window moving classic The Creature from Jekyll Island conducted an interview with Soviet defector, KGB propagandist and possible CIA asset Yuri Bezmenov in 1984. In that interview Bezmenov described four stages of the Marxist takeover which he said that as far back in 1984, that some of those stage had already been accomplished. These stage would essentiall serve as a template for how to penetrate western civilization with Marxist idealogy and gradually implode it from within so that the so called revolutionaries could manipulate the crumbs. One of those stages, the first known as demorilization is a process where marxism is indoctrinated into our culture. Especially the schools. But more importantly, and I think this may be the most overlooked. Is the degradation of our musical culture as a voice of individual freedom, a check on morality, and a creative force that knows no equal within western civilizati

  • JBP39- The DNC Supports Treason

    14/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    YOUTUBE-JBP39- The DNC Supports TreasonAmerica its okay to be angry. And you should voice that anger at all costs to the four winds. I awoke this morning after dreaming about the unrelenting chaos in our nation. A chaos born of half truths, marxist fantasy, Anti Americanism, and self loathing by a spoiled generation that was handed everything. You fools are embarrassing yourselves. One day you will look to my generation Generation X and you may want to take a note. We aren’t boomers. One day when you are thankful for everything you have worked for and only want a sane and happy existence for your children you will apologize at least to yourselves for your treasonous tantrums and we will solidly tell you to eat shit. A lot of you will be doing it from behind bars. Because jail is the only reasonable place for you. You are a generation of assholes. Everything you are doing to the average American will end up coming back to you 100 fold. And while you are sitting in prison. Experiencing true racism from the neo

  • JBP37-Dan Bidondi covers recent UFO Footage and the Revelations Connection

    11/05/2020 Duration: 28min

    On Jon Bowne Politix 37 I'll talk with Dan Bidondi about the empty Hospitals in the northeast, Bible prophecy, and the recent UFO footage released by the Navy. Followed by a smattering of current madness including the City Council of San Antonio Texas attack on free speech. Joe Biden's Sexual Assault clown show. And the vulnerability of the American healthcare system in the event that China pulls the embargo rug out from under the United States. But first, Dan Bidondi aka the Kraken hosts the truth radio show on WBOB990 and at

  • JBP 36- Waveblog tackles Biden, Trump's Future, and the Second Amendment

    01/05/2020 Duration: 28min

    Welcome back to Jon Bowne Politix, this is episode number 36 and I apologize for the absence. But juggling everything and throwing the proverbial pandemic wrench in the mix got me a little off kilter scheduling wise. And as an olive branch to my listeners. I am now offering my platform to you. So to begin that mission. I recruited a patriot I follow on Twitter who goes by waveblog. You can find him at waveblog1 on twitter.  @waveblog1 Thanks again for listening to Jon Bowne Politix. You can find us at newsbowne and jonbownepolitix on twitter. At Jon Bowne reports and jonbownepolitix on youtube also and our home base at daily news collective. The poor man's Drudge Report. And as always thanks to HC Universal Network. Goodnight America, wherever you are. 

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