Six-feet, nine-inches tall and still "growing" is how Pat's Ponderances Podcast host, Patrick Eichhold, describes himself. He spent 11 years listening to, reading, and watching content by Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, and Tim Ferriss (among many others) only to find out that a freak accident from his childhood (don't worry no one was seriously injured) was the singular moment that was preventing him from acheiving his life's goals.Listen in as Patrick shares his thoughts on personal development, health, spirituality, and anything else he finds interesting. Whatever the subject, Patrick is sure the bring his quirky sense of humor into it. Give it a listen!
Episode 15: Thank You for Not Listening
02/07/2018 Duration: 08minIf you only celebrate your successes you won’t learn from your failures.
Episode 14: Beware of Mixed Emotions!
25/06/2018 Duration: 10minNow that we all know how to recognize our sabotage patterns we must make certain that we don’t form new ones. As we move toward achieving our goals it’s important to nurture every aspect of our lives. Some sabotage patterns can be formed by completely unassociated things. As I discuss in this episode, I […]
Episode 13: I Left It All Out On the Court (And I’m Slowly Getting It Back)
21/06/2018 Duration: 19minHere are some questions to ponder in regards to self-sabotage: Have you ever fallen short of your potential in an area or activity you once enjoyed? Can you recall a time you experienced pain (physical or emotional) while participating in that activity? Sometimes pain in one area of your life can affect other areas […]
Episode 12: If You Let the Fear Steer You’ll Wreck Every Time
18/06/2018 Duration: 18minAs I type out these show notes the subject matter I discuss in this episode is exactly what I need to hear. Maybe this is becoming like my own Kenny Powers autobiography after all. So if this is helping to encourage me I know this can help encourage you. Thanks for listening! […]
Episode 11: How To Be Productive While Sleeping
14/06/2018 Duration: 12minSleep is a very important productivity tool. It helps give you clarity and focus during the day, but it can also do that during the night. Intrigued? Good! Have a listen!!! Resources from this episode:
Episode 10: I’m Scared (Of What, I’m Not Entirely Sure)
11/06/2018 Duration: 29minApparently, when I’m scared I’m also very boring. Sorry about this one. If you don’t listen to the whole thing you won’t hurt my feelings. The irony of this is that I talk about mindset and how changing one’s focus from “hobby” to “business” changes the whole game even if the actions are basically the […]
Episode 9: Getting Re-Railed After Getting De-Railed
07/06/2018 Duration: 24minIs “re-railed” even a word? I’m only a few episodes into this endeavor, and I’m already repeating myself. Stay balanced Be aware of your emotions Know what inspires and motivates you I suppose I wouldn’t repeat it if it weren’t important. Just bear with me as I continue to iron out the kinks and build […]
Episode 8: Stop! Collaborate and FEEL
04/06/2018 Duration: 21minHow are you feeling? Don’t say, “fine.” Let me ask a better question; which emotion are you experiencing right now? Or, which word would you use to describe how you’re feeling? What put you in that state? Did you just hear a joke that made you laugh? Did you receive some bad news today? Maybe you […]
Interview with Pejman Ghadimi
31/05/2018 Duration: 44minIn case you didn’t believe me when I said I’ve attempted other podcasts I have proof right here. This interview was conducted in the fall of 2013 just as Mr. Ghadimi was rolling out You may be wondering why I’m throwing this seemingly ancient bit of history into the mix just as I’m getting […]
Balance, It’s Not Just for Beams
29/05/2018 Duration: 15minAt first glance, the balance beam is by far the most lame piece of playground apparatus. It’s a four-by-four piece of lumber staked into the ground. But add a little imagination (i.e. the surrounding mulch is actually hot lava), and a group of kids will entertain themselves during an entire recess period! So what happens […]
Episode 6: Motivational Jiu Jitsu
23/05/2018 Duration: 14minI once saw an Instagram post that read: “If you think about it, we’re all white belts in karate.” Armed with that piece of knowledge, plus the fact that the best martial artists use their opponent’s momentum against them, we can overcome our own mental hurdles. In this episode I discuss how I leveraged my […]
Episode 5: Sometimes, Awareness Is All You Need
11/03/2018 Duration: 16minWhen it comes to making changes to improve our lives, awareness is often all it takes. Such was the case with me as highlighted in this episode: In this episode, I mention that I’m borrowing my “Prime Time” idea from Tony Robbins. He actually has a […]
Episode 4: The Goals Beyond Our Goals
09/03/2018 Duration: 08minWhy do we all work so dang hard? In this episode I briefly discuss goals and visions. I also mention the goals beyond our goals. But why do we even bother? Why do we set goals? Why do we work so hard to achieve them? In his 30-day audio lesson, Personal Power […]
Episode 3: Waking Up With Your Tough
03/03/2018 Duration: 14minThe Hardest Part of Breaking Up (Is Getting Back Your Stuff) by 2ge+her The Hardest Part of Waking Up (Is Getting Back Your Tough) by Patrick Eichhold Questions to Ponder: Why do I sabotage my success? What is the vision for my future? Am I excited about my future? Resources discussed in this […]
Episode 2: Temet Nosce
03/03/2018 Duration: 23minIf you’re as big of a geek as I am, you may have spent some time imagining yourself as a Lord or Lady of Westeros. If you’re as extra-super geeky as I am, you have definitely imagined yourself as a Lord or Lady of Westeros, you’ve chosen a sigil and family words, and laid it […]
Episode 1: The Syllabus
18/02/2018 Duration: 06minRemember the first day of school? No one wants to actually learn anything. You just want to find out where your classes are, find out which of your classmates are most attractive, and make a semester-long assumption of whether or not your going to like the class based on the teacher’s presentation of the class […]