Fr. Scott Lawler uses his encyclopedic knowledge and trademark wit to explain and explore the treasures of the Catholic faith.
LTC – Ep 143 – Liturgy Pt 5
25/09/2019Fr. Lawler continues his series on the liturgy, recapping and pulling together some of the information from the past few weeks.
LTC – Ep 142 – Liturgy Pt. 4
18/09/2019Fr. Lawler dedicates this week’s program to the accoutrements of liturgical worship, namely the vessels, objects, and furniture used during the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical rites.
LTC – Ep 141 – Liturgy Pt 3
18/09/2019Fr. Lawler continues his series on the liturgy by explaining the symbolism, origin, and significance of the vestments used at Mass.
LTC – Ep 140 – Liturgy, Pt. 2
04/09/2019Fr. Lawler continues his series on the liturgy this week by discussing liturgy and vestments under the Old Covenant.
LTC – Ep 139 – The Liturgy, Pt. 1
28/08/2019After extensively covering the Eucharist, Fr. Scott embarks on a series about the Mass. Father starts this week by discussing why we have the Mass.
LTC – Ep 138 – Eucharist, Pt. 10
14/08/2019This week, Fr. Lawler presents the final part of his series on the Eucharist, by discussing transubstantiation. It might be an imposing word, but Fr. Lawler does an excellent job explaining what it means and why it matters.
LTC – Ep 137 – Eucharist, Pt. 9
07/08/2019How does someone get to be Church Father? Why do they matter? Do they matter? Fr. Scott continues his series on the Eucharist by discussing the CHurch Fathers and their views on the Eucharist.
LTC – Ep 136 – Eucharist, Pt. 8
24/07/2019Was the Last Supper a Passover meal? Why aren’t the consecration of bread and wine at the Last Supper featured in the Gospel of John? Fr. Lawler answers these and other questions as he continues his series on the Eucharist.
LTC – Ep 135 – Eucharist, Pt. 7
10/07/2019Fr. Scott continues his series on the Eucharist by discussing some of the prefigurements/types of the Eucharist found in the Old Testament AND the New.
LTC – Ep 134 – Eucharist, Pt. 6
02/07/2019Fr. Scott resumes his series on the Eucharist, this time discussing sacrifice and Old Testament liturgy.
LTC – Ep 133 – Typology
27/06/2019Have you ever heard someone describe a figure or event in the Old Testament as a “type” of Christ? Fr. Scott shares that it took him a long time before he had ever heard the term, but it’s one of … Continue reading →
LTC-Ep 132 – The Eucharist, Pt. 5
27/06/2019Fr. Scott continues his series on the Eucharist by discussing some of the types (foreshadowings) of the Eucharist in the Old Testament.
LTC – Ep 131 – The Eucharist, Pt. 4
12/06/2019 Duration: 59minFr. Scott continues his series on the Eucharist. This week we look at the love of Christ as expressed in the Eucharist, as well as some of the types (or prefigurements) of the Eucharist in the Old Testament.
LTC – Ep 130, The Eucharist, Pt. 3
06/06/2019 Duration: 59minFr. Scott continues his series on the Eucharist, including a beautiful recording of Adoro te devote available on YouTube here:
LTC – Ep 129 – Eucharist Pt. 2
30/05/2019 Duration: 59minThis week, Fr. Scott continues his series on the Eucharist.
LTC- Ep 128 The Eucharist, Pt 1
22/05/2019 Duration: 59minFr. Scott begins his series on the Eucharist this week. Click here for a complete translation of the Sequence for Corpus Christi (“Lauda, Sion”) featured in this week’s episode..
LTC – Ep 127 – Conversation About the Priesthood, Pt. 2
03/04/2019 Duration: 59minThis week, we bring you part 2 of a roundtable discussion about the priesthood, featuring Fr. Scott Lawler, Fr. Matthew Wigton, Fr. Don Libby, Fr. Ben Rexroat, and Bp. Steven Raica.
LTC – Ep 126 – A Discussion About the Priesthood – Pt. 1
27/03/2019 Duration: 59minTo cap-off Father’s series on the Priesthood, he invited his fellow priests, Fr. Don Libby, Fr. Ben Rexroat, and Fr. Matthew Wigton, along with Bishop Steven Raica to join him for a frank and open conversation about the priesthood. This … Continue reading →
LTC – Ep 125 – The Priesthood, Pt 5
20/03/2019 Duration: 59minFr. Scott concludes his series on the Priesthood by discussing the theology behind the priesthood under the New Covenant. This includes discussing the common priesthood, ministerial priesthood, celibacy, and male-only priesthood.
LTC – Ep 124 – Priesthood, Pt. 4
13/03/2019 Duration: 59minFr. Lawler continues his series on the priesthood, this time discussing how Jesus Christ fulfills all of the types of the Old Testament priesthood and is the True High Priest.