A podcast by young people for young people. Solving your work & life problems, one solution at a time. Hosted by Marc Wernicke.
Quality of life improvements while working from home
07/04/2020 Duration: 19minWFH Tips:Have a dedicated work area in your home.Plan out your meals to avoid stressing out over food.Really dedicate your lunch hour to actively taking a break, using the time to recharge.Wake up at least 30 minutes before your first meeting or task to get breakfast coffee and get your mind running to avoid being a zombie in meetings.Have virtual, time-boxed coffee breaks with your colleagues to stay connected.
Debunking the "Passive Income" Myth
15/04/2019 Duration: 29minPassive income is a dream that millennials are obsessed with. Doing a bit of work "on the side" and then sitting on a beach watching as your money rolls in... doesn't that sound like the dream? That's because it is. The term "passive" income implies that money comes in without you doing much. Unfortunately, such a thing doesn't exist. There is no such as easy money. In this episode, we debunk the "passive" in "passive income" and look at just how much work goes into making money "on the side."
How much do fresh grads from top schools really earn in Manila?
07/04/2019 Duration: 24minYou spend a couple of years in college, your parents spending an unholy amount of money on your education and now it's time for you to make some money... but just how much are you going to make at the beginning? I set out to find out how much someone like me is likely to earn when they graduate from a top school in the Philippines while based in Metro Manila. Is it really 20k? Is it less, is it more?
How to not be a shit teammate?
03/12/2018 Duration: 43minIn this episode, Marc dives into the fun topic of how to be a great teammate if you're a young person. What are the things you should avoid, what are the characteristics that you should develop? How do you integrate into a new team? How do you deal with toxic teammates and bosses?
How should you actually lead millennial teams?
22/11/2018 Duration: 31minIn this episode, Marc dives into the details of how to lead a team of young millennial employees, looking at the issue from the perspective of the part of the millennial generation that's now making up a significant part of the work force.
Dealing with Feedback
15/11/2018 Duration: 27minIn this episode, we dive into feedback from the millennial perspective - why it's so important to master the art of giving and receiving feedback, strategies to absorb feedback and Marc's recommended approach to giving meaningful feedback.
Solving The Burnout Problem
05/11/2018 Duration: 37minBurnout is a prevalent problem among young people - whether it's in the context of academics or work, the causes tend to be the same, yet rarely does anyone know how to deal with it. In this episode, Marc explores the main causes of burnout among young people as well as relatively simple solutions to the most common problems.
Why your first job should be in Sales.
22/10/2018 Duration: 26minNo idea where to start your career path? Tried what Marc suggested last episode and are still unsure? Go into sales. Trust us - you won't regret it. Let's talk about the benefits to going into sales as your first (or second) job and the misconceptions around the job.
Finding and Picking Your First Job out of University
17/10/2018 Duration: 21minGraduating from university or college? No idea where direction to start your job search in? This one's for you. Using 3 simple questions, Marc illustrates his thought process in choosing a career path and what you can learn and copy from his experience.