The sparkling mission is to provide value to the indigo starseed community by inspiring, guiding, educating individuals on many different issues related to being a starseed or indigo. This podcast is going to cover just about everything under the sun as it relates to starseed/indigo life. The sparkling mission is about accessing the potential that is innate in the indigo. Enjoy!
Starseed Missions
15/10/2019 Duration: 12minHave you ever felt that you have failed in your mission? Have you ever felt compelled to do something, but have no idea what it might be? Sparkle In The Deep dives into the mission of a starseed. References: “Star seeds especially feel as if they should be doing something which very often is not found within ordinary life. Many struggle to find what these missions are and so there is much frustration and even depression. They feel as if they are here to do something special but do not know what this is. Very often star seeds are humble and cannot imagine that they could be helping and serving in profound ways.” I will have a link for you below. “Starseeds are usually sent here to complete a type of mission, or they may have personally chosen to be here for a specific purpose. These missions or purposes are usually based around helping all beings and introducing new levels of consciousness to earth’s humans, animals, and sentient creatures.”http://www.paow
Starseed Forgiveness
30/09/2019 Duration: 14minStarseeds are forgiving by nature, even so, forgiveness is a rich and needed topic. Starseeds face added issues to everything in life, for example, you channel the emotions of the individual who did you harm, and you struggle with being able to read their mind. If you can't get away from someone energetically and move on how can you have the space to forgive? Come Learn ten steps to forgiveness by Wayne Dyer, idiot compassion and remaining neutral. REFERENCES: Bodhipaksa IDIOT COMPASSION: Chogyam Trungpa borrowed from Gurdjieff: idiot compassion Wayne Dryer: Forgiveness How to Forgive someone who has hurt you in 15 steps Remaining Neutral: REV. Liliana Barzola
15 - Empathic Hacks: Sparkle In The Deep
17/09/2019 Duration: 15minAre you an empathic starseed/indigo? This can be a very beautiful yet overwhelming gift. Grab ahold of your black tourmaline, and hematite for today’s show -which is being empathic. Now the tips I am going to share are going to help all abilities in general - Let’s check out this beautiful double edged sword together so we can learn 15 life hacks to make us better in general. Resources from PODCAST: The Empath’s Survival Guide, Life Strategies for Sensitive People. Empath by Daniel Spade Your An Empath...Now What: A resource guide with 15 powerful tips to develop inner power an energetic balance-Micheal R. Smith, Ph, D CRYSTALS: Black Tourmaline Black Onyx Smokey Quartz Lapis Lazuli Anhydrite Danburite Videos: Talks at Google "The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for [...]" Judith Orloff OTHER RESOURCES: The Psychic Protection Handbook, by Caitlin Matthews And How to stop absorbing other people's energy
Sparkin Minutes: spoof
30/08/2019 Duration: 04minErika sits down with a person who has their future ahead of them. Join Erika for this hard hitting interview, and what was hidden will be revealed. Have fun!
Angels the Turkey Talk - Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia
30/08/2019 Duration: 17minDo you talk to your angels? I do, and often. Join your host Erika as she talks turkey about Angels. Welcome and enjoy!! Email; Angel Documentary:
the Thread, US - Interview with Skylor Powell
13/08/2019 Duration: 32minJoin Erika as she sits down with Skylor Powell, Producer of The Thread, US - an ongoing social investigation; to dig through the tension that divide us to find the threads that unite us. This amazing podcast is coming to your curious ears this November. Sklyor Powell is the producer of this podcast, yoga teacher, and opportunity junkie. She embarked upon this project a year ago to figure out what we hold in common as a national community, so we can use that as a starting point to begin to heal as a nation. Let’s get curious about the threads the unite us to sow a world beyond our wildest dreams. For more information visit Skylor Powell and Associates at her site: The Thread Podcast: About:
Hacking Your Life
31/07/2019 Duration: 19minStarseed Survival - we talk about hacking our lives, pain, suffering, ego, mindfulness (from a Buddhist perspective) and most importantly loving your life. Erika talks about her own experiences with her mind and how she uses her modalities to enhance her spirituality and heal her brain. Reference Material: An Ascension Handbook - Tony Stubbs The Ascension Manual by Tony Stubbs “Remember that you, as spirit, want you, as ego, to ascend more than anything else. In this sense, ascension for the ego involves its redifining itself as spirit. This means looking, freeling, thinking and being as spirit. Ego doesn’t have to change what it is but only what it thinks it is…..(81). The Heart of The Buddha’s Teaching p. 59 Thich Nhat Hanh “When Right Mindfulness is present the Four Noble Truths and the other seven elements of the Eightfold path are also present” (59). Hacking Your Brain Is The Key To Success - Pauleanna Reid
Cosmic Hologram, Societal Transformation, Starseed Loneliness
02/07/2019 Duration: 12minWelcome Starseeds! In this episode we are going to talk a bit about shifting reality using the cosmic hologram, societal transformation, and starseed lonliness. Dive IN and Enjoy! Thank you, Erika Sources Below “Reality is not fixed. Alter the global situation, atmosphere, or temperature, and all local events are affected. Transform any aspect or part of the universal mandala, the cosmic hologram, and all aspects are affected. A presence of mind, or innate awareness, is the pivot upon which all things turn” (DAS155). Rajiv Malhotra: The Vedic Metaphore of Indra's Net Awakening To Reality
Tobacco Industry and Climate Change & TELL YOUR STORIES!!
19/06/2019 Duration: 07minWhat does the Tobacco Industry and Climate Change have in common. They both use the same methods to create doubt in the public so it can be business as usual. Do you have a story to share or tell? I bet you do! Stories can change society, and many stories have, for example, Black Beauty to name one. Get out in the world and tell your story! References: Altruism: Matthieu Ricard (war and humanity: page 418) Altruism: Matthieu Ricard (Tobacco & Climate Change: "doubt is our product" page, 483 "One of the most disturbing aspects.....481). DreamKeeper: Directed by Steve Barron. With August Schellenberg, Eddie Spears, Gary Farmer, John Trudell. The Power of Myth is a book based on the 1988 PBS documentary Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. "speak of eternal values that have to do with the centering of our lives" (Cambell 3). Awakening the Buddha Within "Reality is not fixed....." page 155
Sparkle In The Deep: The Starseed Hybrids
04/06/2019 Duration: 18minLet's go down the rabbit hole of hybrid starseeds together. What is a hybrid? Why are we here? Mary Rodwell teaches (in a short clip) exactly what you need to know about hybrids. The sparkle in the deep’s mission is to provide value to the indigo starseed community by inspiring, guiding, educating individuals on many different issues related to being a starseed or indigo. The sparkle in the deep is about accessing the potential that is innate in the indigo. BOOKS: The New Human, Mary Rodwell (Dec 2016) VIDEOS: David Jacobs, Ph.D Aliens Are Here, Alien Hybrids Are Living Among Us [FULL VIDEO]. HYBRIDS & THE COSMIC HUMAN with Australian Mary Rodwell
Sparkle In The Deep - Starseed Multimedia
20/05/2019 Duration: 15minThis is Erika's personal share to connect with each and everyone of YOU! Come and get to know me! The sparkle in the deep’s mission is to provide value to the indigo starseed community by inspiring, guiding, educating individuals on many different issues related to being a starseed or indigo. The sparkle in the deep is about accessing the potential that is innate in the indigo.
relationship w/ the transcendent
23/04/2019 Duration: 15minA starperson's relationship with the transcendent is vitally important for the indigo. This episode covers some very important topics to assist the starseed with their vibrations which is a component of a healthy connection. Books Cited: The Direct Path: Creating a Personal Journey to the Diving Using the World's Spiritual Traditions (Kindle & Audible edition) Andrew Harvey Raise your vibration 11 practices to increase your spiritual connection (Audible Book) - Kyle Grey Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World - Linda Hogan Mysticism: A study in Nature and Development of spiritual consciousness - Evelyn Underhill Voices of Truth: Enlightened Teachings of Contemporary Eastern Mystics (Kindle Edition) Matthew Flickstein
Manifesting - The Sparkle In The Deep
10/04/2019 Duration: 15minWe have a great show for you today so make sure you stick around because we are going to be covering manifesting/the law of attraction in todays episode - and of course we will wash it all down with UFO in news and entertainment. Works Cited & References: WEBSITES: Ananda Center “karma is the law of cause and effect. (1) Karma is action, whether physical or mental, individual or preformed by a group, and each action has a consequence…..” “Over 25 million Americans aged 60+ are economically insecure - living at or below 250% of the federal poverty level (FPL).” NLP - Law of Attraction SITE: BOOKS: The Compound Effect - By Darren Hardy How to win friends and influence people Matthieu Ricard - Altruism
Psychic Protection: Sparkle In The Deep
27/03/2019 Duration: 11minThis episode covers a very important topic psychic protection. The sparkling mission is to provide value to indigo people by inspiring, guilding, educating, supporting star people in life, love and their missions. The mission is to support indigos in accessing their innate potential.
Whistleblowers Of America - Jacqueline Garrick: Sparkle In The Deep
12/03/2019 Duration: 37minSparkle In The Deep sits down with Jacqueline Garrick the founder of Whistleblowers of America (Woa) to discuss whistle blowing. Learn more about this amazing organization. Learn about the tools to keep yourself safe when you become the canary in the coal mine! Resources: Work Place Promise Campaign: “WoA can help you launch a “Workplace Promise” campaign that brings resilience, health and wellness awareness, and “rightdoing” to your organization and its community. Contact us for assistance in launching your Workplace Promise campaign!” Jacqueline Garrick’s Book: Whistleblowers of America Peer Support Mentor Training Manual: Peer Support in overcoming the toxic tactics of whistleblower retaliation…coding=UTF8&psc=1 How to protect yourself as a whistleblower - Amnesty International:…-whistleblower/ “It was while working for the Defense Dep
Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia
25/02/2019 Duration: 13minThe sparkle in the deep’s mission is to provide value to the indigo starseed community by inspiring people, guiding people, educating individuals on many different issues related to being a starseed or indigo.The sparkle in the deep is about accessing the potential that is innate in the indigo.
Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia
12/02/2019 Duration: 09minIn this episode of Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia - I am going over some of the topics Mary Rodwell talked about in her interview: Posted January 28th. The mission of the Sparkle In The Deep is to provide value to indigo people by inspiring, guiding, educating, supporting star people in life, love and their missions. The sparkling mission is to support indigos in accessing their innate potential. SOURCES: Personal Interview w/ Mary Rodwell BooK: BEYOND UFO's DNA HOLOGRAPHIC SOURCE:
Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Multimedia - Mary Rodwell Interview
29/01/2019 Duration: 01h16minThe mission of the Sparkle In The Deep is to provide value to indigo people by inspiring, guiding, educating, supporting star people in life, love and their missions. The sparkling mission is to support indigos in accessing their innate potential. MARY RODWELL is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002); and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:- Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Her new book ‘The New Human’ which describes and documents star children is due to be released in late 2016. Mary is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) which was established in 1997 to provide professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and thei
Sparkle In The Deep: Starseed Potential, Pt. 1
29/12/2018 Duration: 15minWe got a two part series on starseed potential along with the segment: UFO in news and entertainment. The mission of the Sparkle In The Deep is to provide value to indigo people by inspiring, guiding, educating, supporting star people in life, love and their missions. The sparkling mission is to support indigos in accessing their innate potential. JOIN ME FOR THE INDIGO POTENTIAL RUN (IPR): Contact me @ Start Date: 01/?/19 What you are going to be doing: Meditation Please feel free to contact me directly at Books Cited in this PODCAST: Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness: Evelyn Underhill The Holographic Universe: Michael Talbot Awaken Your Indigo Power, by Doreen and Charles Virtue, and Indigo Adults: Understanding who you are and what you can become, by Kabir Jaffe. The Direct Path by Andrew Harvey.
Sparkle In The Deep
16/12/2018 Duration: 11minThe sparkling mission is to provide value to the indigo starseed community by inspiring, guiding, educating individuals on many different issues related to being a starseed or indigo. This podcast is going to cover just about everything under the sun as it relates to starseed/indigo life. The sparkling mission is about accessing the potential that is innate in the indigo. Enjoy!