This podcast is my attempt to take all of my depression and negativity and channel it into effective ways for everyone to cope and find their own happiness. I wish to spread as many good vibes as possible and I want to help people find their happy. -Cover art photo provided by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash:
It's okay to not be okay
30/09/2021 Duration: 50minWith today being the last today of suicide awareness month, it was a strong motivation for me to finally resume podcasting. In this episode I want to share the recent emotional struggles I've been having and hopefully it helps some of you talk honestly about your depression too. This is also the final episode of my season 2 so I summarize my past year and a half of being a podcaster. One more large development I've achieved recently is my website being ready! Check it out at,
Discussion or Distraction?
10/05/2021 Duration: 31minWhen someone is overwhelmed by life and their negatives, it's not easy to know what to say to help them. Asking them questions is a lot more effective than telling them what to do, and it all starts with this question. Essentially, do you want to talk about it or do you need a distraction for now? If we make the decision on how to help someone, we could easily be wrong so it is crucial to be asking them how to be helped.
Positive Thought Anchors
04/05/2021 Duration: 01h06minThis episode is similar to my episode about Mental Souvenirs, since it involves attaching thoughts and memories to things in the world. This is something we all do already especially with music. Whenever you hear a specific song, it can trigger a very specific thought. That is the concept I want to teach you how to do on purpose. My ordinary rubber drug-free wristband, became a powerful reminder and promise to myself because I anchored it to my feelings of wanting to be sober. Many more examples in the episode, so have a listen!
Learning From Everything
26/04/2021 Duration: 01h09minThe ability to learn from everything everyone and every moment is easily what has helped my mental health journey have such progress. Since this is so important to me, I split the episode into two parts. The first part explains the concept and the second part is full of examples and ways that I have learned valuable lessons from everything.
Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others
19/04/2021 Duration: 52minDon't let others make you feel less than.
Consumerism With A Purpose
05/04/2021 Duration: 48minAs consumers, we have the power to support eco-friendly companies
Leaving Things Better Than You Found Them
30/03/2021 Duration: 35minWe can improve everything around us in tiny or big ways
Saying 'Sorry' Too Much
22/03/2021 Duration: 52minTwo issues with over-apologizing and two ways to prevent saying sorry too much
Placebo and Nocebo Effects
01/03/2021 Duration: 45minPlacebos can be great, and nocebos can be destructive
Genuinely Mutual Connections
08/02/2021 Duration: 01h13minMutual connections are essential for balanced mental health
Live Intentionally and Masterfully
18/01/2021 Duration: 44minLive with intent to make every moment a choice