This combined feed gives your Brians Forest Talks and the re-released Shire Network News Archives.Every week Brian gives you his taken on the culture wars, news of the day and whatever crosses his consciousness. Brian is a Jewish expat Brit whos returned home to his indigenous homeland: Israel. I could be covering Israeli, US or British politics, security resisting global Jihad. Brians a Brexiteer, a friend of Tommy Robinson and staunchly pro Western Civilisation.The archives lost for years have been found and they're coming back. Shire Network News was one of the earliest podcasts and ran from 2005 to 2009 ending just a few years before anybody had even heard of podcasting. It would be called conservative today but it was staffed mostly with ex-lefties. Fiercely pro-Western Civilisation, pro-Israel standing up to bullies.
Podcast is taking the Internet back to the decentralised future
30/01/2021I'm trying to decentralise everything. How I'm applying the principles of decentralisation to Podcasting 2.0.
Podcast asks can Big Tech be tamed in America? Fixing Section 230
30/10/2020I’m getting the podcast feed going again! Following up on yesterday’s post, here’s my thoughts on taming Big Tech censorship in the USA. Yesterday’s post is here.
Podcast talks Israel Deal of the Century, Brexit and Impeachment
31/01/2020 Duration: 10minWhat do I really think of the Deal of the Century?
Podcast says Thanksgiving, let’s talk about it and who’s indigenous and does it matter anymore?
29/11/2019 Duration: 08minI think the American Thanksgiving Holiday is terrific. It’s a solid holiday that the whole nation can get behind and a strong binding force.
Podcast explains how The Economist gets Israel so wrong in one paragraph
29/03/2019 Duration: 16minThe Economist is consistently maliciously wrong about Israel
022 Podcast discovers possible Islamist training camp in Virginia from October 30 2005
30/10/2005 Duration: 33minFirst Broadcast October 30, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon seems rather out of sorts over a statement from the Iranian President about relations with Israel. Terribly touchy those Hebrews, I find. The smallest threat to exterminate them with atomic weapons and they take so personally.Our Man in … Continue reading "022 Podcast discovers possible Islamist training camp in Virginia from October 30 2005"
015 Podcast withdraws from Gaza from August 28 2005
28/08/2005 Duration: 35minWe talk to Israeli blogger Dave, from Israellycool, about how the orange side of Israeli society view the Gaza pullout.
011 Podcast holds demonstration in Cairo from July 29 2005
29/07/2005 Duration: 30minIn this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Our Man in London brings us up to date on how the cops cornered and tasered one of the tube bombing suspects only hours after a particularly clueless Muslim cleric in Birmingham insisted there was no evidence Muslims were involved. Andrew says moderate … Continue reading "011 Podcast holds demonstration in Cairo from July 29 2005"
003 Podcast remembers Episode 3 from May 29 2005
29/05/2005 Duration: 26minIncludes interviews with Damian Penny and Aussie Dave from Israellycool. What's somewhat distressing, listening to this back 13 years later is how we find very similar themes to those still being discussed.