Welcome to Jessica Summers: Choosing Your Life. Would you like to be paid and enjoy your life by being you? Me too! And I'm well on the way. Every week we explore ways of choosing more of what you'd like in your life, and getting rid of anything holding you back. I'm an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner and a Certified F****n Miracle Worker (technical term!), and I love working with minds and bodies to create more of what's required to really choose happiness. I've gone from zero to 3 exciting business in 18 months. These tools can change anything...
22/01/2019 Duration: 49minThe first step in REALLY choosing what we'd like our lives to look like. We choose from a VERY different place than we think. And we're always choosing, just not always what we'd like! Also a gorgeous energy pull to turbo power your impossible things into actualisation! Listen often to create more of what you love