Life application messages to encourage and challenge you
Everybody Needs Somebody To Believe They Can Change
15/03/2020 Duration: 50minIn Mark 5 we see the incredible account of how Jesus saw a man who needed a change, while everyone else saw man who needed to be subdued.
It's Personal
01/03/2020 Duration: 32minChurch, faith, relationships are not business it's personal. Jesus was always going somewhere to save the world, but always seem to make time for the people who interrupted. Join us in Luke 19 to learn how Jesus makes it personal.
Worship Anyway!
23/02/2020 Duration: 45minWhen we face pressure, pain and stressful people what comes out of us? Just like a rag soaked in water, when pressure is applied - water comes out. What about you?
Change Your Mind - Change Your Life
09/02/2020 Duration: 40minGod has given us the power to be transformed by renewing our mind. What will it take for you to change your mind?
Are You Serious?
02/02/2020 Duration: 38minJoin us as we learn and ask the question - "Are you serious?"
Removing the veil
26/01/2020 Duration: 47minHas your mind, heart or eyes been blinded by the veil? Join us in 2 Corinthians 3 to see how Christ removes the veil and transforms our life.
Blurry Vision
19/01/2020 Duration: 49minHas your vision gotten blurry? Maybe its strain, a foreign object, need a new prescription or perhaps its something serious. Join us to discover how to get our vision clear and focused again.
20/20 Vision part 2
12/01/2020 Duration: 36minIs your faith incomplete? James asks some probing questions to all of us to see if our faith is dead and useless or alive and active.
How's Your Vision
05/01/2020 Duration: 38minOur vision as Jesus followers should be the same as God's vision. Do you have a vision for how you want your day, week, month, year, life to go? Check out Proverbs 29:18 & Habakkuk 2:2
Next Steps
29/12/2019 Duration: 42minAre you following Jesus? Not attending church; not serving in a ministry or prayer or devotions, but actually taking steps to follow Jesus? Join us as we look at four practical steps from Luke 5 that will help us take the next step wherever we are on our walk of faith.
The power of food
15/12/2019 Duration: 54minJesus frequently used a powerful tool to build relationships - food! Don't miss this tool given by Jesus to build bridges with the world around us.
01/12/2019 Duration: 54minOur primary goal as we follow Jesus is that we allow God to transform us into the likeness of Jesus. This requires a new nature and some decisions.
A Thankful Life
24/11/2019 Duration: 40minIn a time where the world seems to have lost it's gratitude, Psalm 136 reveals that we can & should remember the marvelous works of God in our life. We need to practice some thankful habits to keep an attitude of gratitude.
Let's Make A Deal
17/11/2019 Duration: 44minJohn 10:8-13 shows us the path to abundant life and the pitfalls along the way. Choose the abundant life of Jesus.
Choose Wisely
03/11/2019 Duration: 48minUsing the story of Abram & Lot we find the factors that don't lead to good decision making. Genesis 13:9-13
Functional Faith 4 - working out
27/10/2019 Duration: 43minPaul reveals that we must work out - our own faith with fear and trembling as God works in us to do his will and good deeds. Are you ready to work out as God works in?