Writer/Director Ivan Madeira is going through the easy peasy lemon squeezy process of making his first feature film SUNRISE (was your sarcasm meter was turned on?). As he goes through this adventure, Ivan talks to some of his creative collaborators to understand their process, but more so the journey behind building it. Really though, its just mates - old and new - cracking jokes and reminiscing with an existential moment or two thrown in for good measure.
EP08 - Jay Reid
21/05/2019 Duration: 54minJay reid is a writer and director based in Montreal, Canada. At the time of release Jay in Cannes with Telefilm Canada, who are supporting his latest short film Lifelike under there Not Short on Talent series. Ivan and Jay talk about the process of approaching a film festival as a filmmaker and how to hustle it right. Having both been there before with zero clue of how things work, they talked through the best way in approaching such a prestigious film festival and market place. Lifelike -
EP07 - Farooque Bhai Project
07/05/2019 Duration: 57minFarooque Bhai Project or Issa as Ivan knows him is one of the emerging Indie artists in Bangladesh. Though having lived in Toronto for over a decade, he's been honing his influences whilst always playing homage to his homeland by singing in his native tongue. Issa talks about his own process, why he released his album on 4-20, his influences whilst holding a guitar in his hand throughout. He gives us a first hand demonstration of how he brings an idea in his head to life and shows us exclusively an insight into his process. Related LinksStreet Rap in India - and Coming Bhangeldeshi Musicians - Rules of Kabaddi - Bhai Project - Bunny featuring Drake -
EP06 - Will Thorne
23/04/2019 Duration: 01h04minWill is an old friend of Cary, but a recent friend of Ivan. Having met in Toronto during the 2016 Toronto Film Festival, him and another filmmaker Jay Reid, quickly formed a bond over gasmen. Having enough of people blowing hot air, they promised (drunkenly) each other to get their debut feature films in festivals one after the other. Will is the first one out of the three and at the point of this episode was about to go into principal photography of his debut film, Silent Night. At this point he's in post, whilst having just finished his pick ups. That's serious indie filmmaking. Ivan talks to Will about how he got from leaving school at 16 to working in TV to writing, directing and co-producing his first feature. Related LinksSilent Night - Taster Trailer featuring Cary Crankson - Rent (also featuring Cary Crankson... you see Will's a fan) - Come Dancing - Producer and Director of 2017 Christmas Special -
EP05 - George Harris
09/04/2019 Duration: 01h50sComing from an engineering background, where he met Ivan at university, George has gone from working to Microsoft to becoming an Analytics and Technical Director at a Digital Marketing Agency and a Product Owner at a Technology company. He's busy, but Ivan and George knew each other as fresh face teenagers, who eventually were in a band 'Kid Karoshi' together that they founded with other uni friend, Amir. George has an understanding of data driven results and takes his learning in how aspiring filmmakers and creatives should think about the dirty world 'marketing' at the beginning of plotting your idea, than right at the end when you're putting the finishing touches to the sound mix. Related LinksKid Karoshi - The River EP (long after Ivan left with a different line up) - Key Word Planner - Analytics - Analytics -