Preaching from the pulpit of Harvest Baptist Church, Pastor Larry Wright.
What Kind of Watchman?
13/10/2019We need someone to stand guard and be a first line of defense, warning of danger. This was true in Ezekiel’s time and it is no less true today. Ezekiel was God’s watchman. He warned Israel to repent of their sins and once again, begin to follow God. Today, that task belongs to the Church. […]
Opportunities For God’s Grace
13/10/2019God’s grace can never be earned; it can only be given. As we look at the book of John, we see a wonderful example of God’s grace as Jesus washed the feet of Judas. He washed his feet even as He understood it was Judas who betrayed Him. God always looks for opportunities to provide […]
God-Pleasing Workplace Relationships
10/10/2019Cultures may change, but God’s Word does not. In this passage we see that Paul addresses servants. In today’s culture we don’t have servants, but most of us do have jobs. The relationship, whether we call it servant-master or employer-employee is much the same. Let’s learn together what God expects from Christians in our workplace […]
Discipline and Grace
06/10/2019God chose David to be His servant and the King of Israel. God promised David His grace, but then David began to make poor decisions. God did give Grace to David, but sometimes that Grace came in the form of punishment. When we drift from God, He offers us His grace, and yes, sometimes His […]
Freedom From Bondage
03/10/2019Sometimes in our Christian life we feel stuck in a place where we can’t seem to move forward. In this passage Paul address this feeling of being in bondage to other than what God wants for us. This bondage is related back to the law. Yet, in Christ, we are free from bondage and have […]
Grace is More Than Enough
29/09/2019In this passage we read about Rahab, a harlot in the city of Jericho. As the passage proceeds, we see that regardless of the life Rahab had lived, when she understood who God is, and that He loved her in spite of her past, she made a decision to follow Him, He showed His grace. […]
Spiritual Parenthood
26/09/2019Children need someone to care for them until the child reaches maturity and can begin to care for themselves. Then these children, now adults usually have children of their own whom they care for. As Christians, we all have different levels of Christian maturity. As babes in Christ, we need someone to help us grow […]
Spending Always Costs
23/09/2019In this passage we see that Paul tells the Church at Corinth that he is happy to spend on them to make them better Christians. Paul considered it a joy to spend on the Corinthians. Repeatedly, when we try to help others it costs us. This is not always referring to money, but in time […]
Grace and the Law of the Harvest
23/09/2019We see the Law of the Harvest clearly in this passage. We will reap what we sow. However, we cannot take this to mean that we can earn God’s grace through our actions—our planting of grace. God’s grace cannot be earned. Nevertheless, we see many examples throughout the Bible, and in our own livers, where […]
No Longer a Servant
19/09/2019In this passage we see that Paul tries to help the early church understand the difference between being immature children and Christians. While they were under the Law, they did not have the freedom that they have as mature Christians. As they tried to move back under the Law, they were moving back into bondage […]