Forbidden fruit? The enigma of Jezebel? Hidden treasures buried in the Gospel? Follow religious scholar Genie Deez as he uncovers lost stories of scripture with the help of prominent figures in the field of Religious Studies.
S01E06 Susanna & the Apocrypha (Part 2)
04/11/2019 Duration: 35minMany people are unaware of the Apocrypha and how it came to be excluded from protestant bibles. But among these stories is the telling tale of Susanna and three creepy elders. Experts include Dr. Tammi Schneider. For a transcript of this episode, email cgupodcasts at and include the episode title.
S01E05 Susanna & the Apocrypha (Part 1)
03/10/2019 Duration: 37minMany people are unaware of the Apocrypha and how it came to be excluded from protestant bibles. But among these stories is the telling tale of Susanna and three creepy elders. Experts include Dr. Tammi Schneider. For a transcript of this episode, email cgupodcasts at and include the episode title.
S01E04 The Spirit of Jezebel (Part 2)
16/08/2019 Duration: 31minJezebel is the only character in the Bible who, somehow, became her own noun. And we still use it today! A “Jezebel” has come to represent sexual promiscuity and narcissism -- but are these associations rooted in the original text? Experts include Dr. Tammi Schneider. For a transcript of this episode, email cgupodcasts at and include the episode title.
S01E03 The Spirit of Jezebel (Part 1)
03/06/2019 Duration: 38minJezebel is the only character in the Bible who, somehow, became her own noun. And we still use it today! A “Jezebel” has come to represent sexual promiscuity and narcissism -- but are these associations rooted in the original text? Experts include Dr. Tammi Schneider. For a transcript of this episode, email cgupodcasts at and include the episode title.
S01E02 A Pillar of Salt
01/05/2019 Duration: 40minLot’s wife is a favorite sermon of New Year’s Eve “Watch Night” services. But, how has she come to be associated with materiality and disobedience? Well, a Lot has to do with it. Experts include Dr. Tammi Schneider. For a transcript of this episode, email cgupodcasts at and include the episode title.
S01E01 Forbidden Fruit
27/03/2019 Duration: 37minIs Eve responsible for tempting Adam with the apple? Why has she taken the blame? In this episode we take a trip back in time with Dr. Tammi Schneider, professor of religion at Claremont Graduate University, to ask why this ancient story is so important today. TRANSCRIPT Speaker 1: In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, and the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said, let there be light. Genie: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Okay, hold on a second. I already know what you're thinking. That's the old way of telling this story, and I agree with you 100%. But let me just fast forward a little bit. Speaker 1: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. An innocent love spoiled by sin. Genie: Okay, so maybe that's one way you've heard this story before, but maybe, just maybe there's another. Genie: The reason I started this podcast is because I think the Bible is the most misunderstood book ever. I mean, really understanding it would entail expertise in ancient civ