Facebook ads expert Rick Mulready from brings you The Art of Paid Traffic, revealing the best paid traffic tips, tactics and strategies for generating leads and sales for your business on autopilot. Discover how to create freedom in your business through paid traffic without having to empty your wallet in the process. Learn how to automate your leads and sales from the top experts in paid traffic on Facebook ads, to YouTube ads, Twitter ads, Google Adwords, retargeting, native advertising, Instagram, LinkedIn ads, sales funnels, analytics, landing pages, sales pages, how to write good ad copy, banner ads, ad networks, buying email lists, affiliate marketing and more. Everything that’s working right now (and not working) to help you create a killer sales machine for your business so you know exactly where your next lead and sale are going to come from.
Quick Tip: How to Hone Your Copywriting Skills
15/03/2019 Duration: 14minWelcome to another Quick Tip episode! This is where I share a quick tip with you each week that’s related to Facebook ads or online marketing or just general growing your business tips. Today’s quick tip is about how to hone your copywriting skills. Let’s jump into it...Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode: (#197) (#119)Books Mentioned:Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. SchwartzScientific Advertising by Claude C. HopkinsThe Boron Letters by Gary C. HalbertTested Advertising Methods by John CaplesCashvertising by Drew Eric WhitmanInfluence by Robert CialdiniRick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull episodes of The Art of Online Business Podcast on YouTubeKwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie's Links:Visit Kwadwo's website for Facebook Ads helpSay hi to Kwadwo on InstagramSubscribe to K
3 Business Lessons I've Learned As a New Dad
13/03/2019 Duration: 22minToday’s episode is a little bit different from what I normally share here on the podcast. A few months ago I opened up to my email list and Instagram followers about the experiences I was having as a new dad, because it was a really hard time for me. The support and outreach I received really touched me, and it inspired me to record this show today. As you can imagine, I’ve learned a whole lot in the 3 months since my daughter was born. Some of these lessons are applicable to running a business, and I’ll be sharing them with you in this episode of The Art of Paid Traffic. Before we start the show, I’ve got something to ask. How do you listen to this podcast? Is it in the iTunes app, Stitcher, Spotify or maybe iHeart Radio? Do you listen to it at regular speed, or maybe like me you listen to your podcasts at 1.5X speed? I want to know! Take a screenshot of you tuning in to The Art of Paid Traffic, and include it on your Instagram Story, while tagging me, @RickMulready!Want to win a 30-minute strategy session w
Quick Tip: Is it ok to turn off and turn back on Campaigns?
08/03/2019 Duration: 09minWelcome to another Quick Tip episode! This is where I share a quick tip with you each week that’s related to Facebook ads or online marketing or just general growing your business tips. Today’s quick tip looks at if it's ok to turn off and turn back on campaigns. Let’s jump into it...Rick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull episodes of The Art of Online Business Podcast on YouTubeKwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie's Links:Visit Kwadwo's website for Facebook Ads helpSay hi to Kwadwo on InstagramSubscribe to Kwadwo's YouTube channel to learn with him as he learns about personal finance, financial freedom, foreign languages and enjoying life!See for privacy information.
Case Study: How Blogger/Online Entrepreneur Angie Gensler Generated $200k in 30 Days
06/03/2019 Duration: 35minToday’s guest has been a listener of the podcast for years now, back to when she was working a corporate job, and you’re going to be super-impressed with what she’s accomplished in her business to date. Angie Gensler has a social media and digital marketing blog, where she focuses on teaching small businesses owners how to grow their business in a simplified way – without all the hustle. Angie says she was basically a “team of one” as a marketer for a multi-million dollar company before making the leap to entrepreneurship, which was the driving force behind starting her own business to help other solopreneurs. In this episode she reveals how her business started as a side hustle, but with the intent to do it full-time eventually, and her almost two-year journey to get there. Angie was able to leave her corporate job in April of 2018, and today she breaks down her November 2018 ad campaign in which she absolutely crushed it! You’ll hear how she generated almost $200,000 in sales on a $60,000 ad spend mainly ta
Quick Tip: How to Increase Revenue Without More Leads
01/03/2019 Duration: 12minWelcome to another Quick Tip episode! This is where I share a quick tip with you each week that’s related to Facebook ads or online marketing or just general growing your business tips. Today’s quick tip is about how to increase revenue without more leads. Let’s jump into it...Rick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull episodes of The Art of Online Business Podcast on YouTubeKwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie's Links:Visit Kwadwo's website for Facebook Ads helpSay hi to Kwadwo on InstagramSubscribe to Kwadwo's YouTube channel to learn with him as he learns about personal finance, financial freedom, foreign languages and enjoying life!See for privacy information.
How I Would Market It: “High-Ticket” Coaching Program with Nutrition Coach Casey Tom
27/02/2019 Duration: 34minToday’s episode is something I’ve said I’d talk about for some time now. My guest today is Casey Tom, a nutrition coach who has personally helped me with my own health. As you’ll hear though, we’re not only going to be talking about that on this episode. We’ll take a look at Casey’s business, including how she’s currently using Facebook ads and what I think she can be doing differently to maximize the results she is seeing.Casey has been a nutrition coach for almost 10 years now and she runs her own company called iCan Nutrition. She specializes in elevating entrepreneurs’ lives and allowing them to understand that in order to have their wealth, they must have their health. To do this she helps her clients with metabolism repair, gut health repair, energy and mood focus, among other things.The catalyst for me seeking out Casey’s help is that in the Spring of 2018, I wasn’t feeling good physically. In fact, at a visit to my doctor’s office I discovered that I weighed the most I ever had, and I knew that I need
How to Find Your Facebook Ads Target Audiences
20/02/2019 Duration: 28minA few shows back I did a Quick Tip episode, which talked about how specific you should be getting when it comes to your Facebook Ads targeting. It raised a lot of questions from listeners who messaged me and asked how to go about finding target audiences in Ads Manager, which is why I wanted to do this show today. A lot of people think they have to be as targeted as possible, but this is really no longer the case with Facebook. You want to be targeted, but you’re going to want to give more data to Facebook’s algorithm so it’ll find that target audience who are looking to convert, if that’s what your objective is. In this episode I share how I approach finding target audiences for my Facebook Ads, and I take you through my entire process for doing this. The key here is that you’ve got to do the work upfront, and that research will give you a clear and holistic understanding of your target audience. If you’re currently managing ads for other people, you’ll have to do the exercise I talk about today for your cli
Quick Tip: Facebook Ads Campaign Budget Optimization
15/02/2019 Duration: 14minWelcome to another Quick Tip episode! This is where I share a quick tip with you each week that’s related to Facebook ads or online marketing or just general growing your business tips. Today’s quick tip is all about Facebook Ads Campaign Budget Optimization. Let’s jump into it..Rick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull episodes of The Art of Online Business Podcast on YouTubeKwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie's Links:Visit Kwadwo's website for Facebook Ads helpSay hi to Kwadwo on InstagramSubscribe to Kwadwo's YouTube channel to learn with him as he learns about personal finance, financial freedom, foreign languages and enjoying life!See for privacy information.
What’s Working Now: LinkedIn Marketing for Leads & Sales with David Tash and Joe Rizzo
13/02/2019 Duration: 47minOn today’s show we’re going to be discussing LinkedIn, both from an organic and paid advertising standpoint for generating leads and sales. This is something I haven’t talked awhole lot about on the podcast, and as you’ll hear, it’s not something that I’ve focused on for my own business.In early 2019 posting content organically on LinkedIn started becoming an effective strategy for building brand awareness, connecting with your target audience and for generating leads. Now LinkedIn is finally focusing on improving its ad platform, and my guests today are killing and getting amazing results for their clients with the organic and paid strategies they’re using on LinkedIn.David Tash and Joe Rizzo run an ad agency called Tash Advertising, specializing LinkedIn marketing. Specifically, they work with recruiters to generate leads, but the strategies they use can work for many types of businesses on LinkedIn.We’re going to break down their exact process for using both organic content and paid advertising, and they s
Quick Tip: How Specific Should You Get With Your Facebook Ads Targeting?
08/02/2019 Duration: 15minWelcome to another Quick Tip episode! This is where I share a quick tip with you each week that’s related to Facebook ads or online marketing or just general growing your business tips. Today’s quick tip is about how specific should you get with your Facebook ads targeting. Let’s jump into it...Rick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull episodes of The Art of Online Business Podcast on YouTubeKwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie's Links:Visit Kwadwo's website for Facebook Ads helpSay hi to Kwadwo on InstagramSubscribe to Kwadwo's YouTube channel to learn with him as he learns about personal finance, financial freedom, foreign languages and enjoying life!See for privacy information.
Case Study: How a Photography App Uses Facebook Ads to Increase Monthly Revenue & Generate Leads
06/02/2019 Duration: 51minLast Fall at my FBA Live event in San Diego, one of the attendees approached me with his laptop and showed me some charts of his revenue and email leads. Not only was he showing me a massive spike in both, but he said it corresponded with when he started listening to The Art of Paid Traffic! Chris Scott is the co-founder and CEO of a company called Swift Galleries, which is a web app that helps photographers increase their sales by helping their clients visualize the photos on their on walls. Chris also bundles this app with a course that teaches photographers how to sell more and grow their businesses, and once I heard his story, I knew I had to bring him on the podcast to share what he’s doing with his marketing. Chris has been running Facebook ads for a few years now, but he wasn’t getting the results that he wanted. As mentioned, he then started listening to this podcast, while implementing and testing what he was learning on the show. It was at this point that Chris started to gain real momentum in his b
How to Build Your Influence Online So You Can Sell More & Have a Bigger Impact with Julie Solomon
30/01/2019 Duration: 53minAre you looking to build your influence in order to have a greater impact with your online business? On today’s episode I’m super pumped to bring you my friend Julie Solomon, who is an expert in this field. Julie is the host of The Influencer Podcast, which is one of the top podcasts in the Business category on iTunes (in fact, her show is one of the few that I make sure to listen to regularly)! Julie is also a New York Times best selling publicist, and an influencer marketing educator. I asked her to come on the podcast to share her expertise on building influence, and she delivers in a big way. If you’re using Facebook Ads to build your business, but frustrated that they’re not working, one reason I’ve seen for this is that a lot of people haven’t done the work to position themselves as a go-to resource in their respective niche. Julie shares strategies for building influence today, without it being overwhelming, and she breaks it down into 3 simple questions to ask yourself. She talks about how to get bran
[Case Study] How a Beta Course Launch Earned $16k Without a Sales Page with Chanti Zakariasen
23/01/2019 Duration: 55minOn today’s show I wanted to share an inspiring case study with an amazing copywriter who’s appeared on the podcast before, Chanti Zakariasen (or Chanti Zak as she’s known)! Last time Chanti was here we talked about how to use quizzes and Facebook ads to get quality leads to grow your business, and it has been one of the most talked about episodes we’ve aired to date.In a very short time Chanti has positioned herself as the go-to copywriter for creating quizzes that convert, and she’s helped created a quiz for our business, Become a Facebook Ads Superhero (which you can find on our website).Chanti has created quizzes for many top online entrepreneurs, and because of how quickly she’s grown, the demand for her time and expertise has skyrocketed. For this reason, she’s decided to create an online course teaching people how to grow their businesses with quizzes, which she talks about here in this episode.She generated $16,000 in the beta version of her new program, and what surprised me the most was that she was
How to Get Traffic & Leads With Podcast Sponsorships with John Lee Dumas
16/01/2019 Duration: 46minOn today’s show we’re going to be diving into a traffic strategy that I’ve never covered here on the podcast, with John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire. For those of you who have a very clear understanding of your target audience, an offer that attracts that audience and a funnel that converts, podcast sponsorships may be something that you want to explore. At the time that this interview was recorded in late 2018, John had published over 2,060 episodes in the almost 6 years he’s been doing his podcast. He’s literally made millions of dollars through podcast sponsorships, so needless to say, he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to this topic. In this episode I’ve asked John to share his insights from the perspective of both a business that wants to sponsor a podcast, as well as a podcaster looking to create revenue by offering sponsorship opportunities to businesses. John shares his step-by-step guide for finding a podcast to sponsor, or how to get the right sponsors onboard for your show if you
Strategy Session: Troubleshooting Facebook Video Ads, Webinar Funnel & Audience Targeting
09/01/2019 Duration: 32minToday’s episode is a strategy session with one of my students, Alan Beckley. Alan is an entrepreneur whose mission is helping inventors and entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams more quickly.Alan has been running video ads and testing short versus longer copy, but he’s now wondering how he can see better results from his Facebook marketing as it’s not working quite as well as he would like it to.He’s also hosted multiple webinars for How to License Your Invention for Royalties, and is looking for ways to reach his ideal audience of inventors (and people who want to become one), and have more registrations and attendees.In this episode we break down his current ad campaign and webinar funnel, analyzing the numbers while I look for a “red flag”, or reason for why he’s not seeing the results he’s after.I don’t feel that Alan needs a large budget for running ads, but he does need more traffic. As you’ll hear, his clickthrough and conversion rates are pretty strong, so I share my recommendations for how he can get
(Encore) Back to Basics: How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake People Make with Their Facebook Ads
02/01/2019 Duration: 38minThere have been a handful of episodes here on the podcast that have really stood out for me, that people have consistently reached out to me about because it’s helped their business. Today’s episode is an encore of Episode 190, a show that I’ve gotten a ton of great feedback on, and I wanted to make sure that you caught it. Even if you have listened to this episode already, I guarantee that you’ll pick up new things that you didn’t the first time around. On the Show Today You’ll Learn: • What things you need to know about your customer to effectively market to him or her• The questions you need to be asking yourself, like are there sub-segments of your audience that you’re looking past?• 5 ways to figure out your target audience’s paint points, hobbies, interests and more – including how I did it in my own business• What knowing their beliefs, objections and myths can tell you and why you need to address these in your ad copy• Examples from my own business of Facebook ad copy used and an exercise that we’ve d
Setting Yourself Up For Success in 2019
19/12/2018 Duration: 32minOn today’s episode I’ll be sharing what I think that you should be doing to set yourself up for success marketing your business online in 2019.A lot of what I talk about today are things that I discuss almost every single show, like the importance of testing, but everything shared here is something you should be paying very close attention to as you enter the new year.I’m so excited for what’s ahead for you in 2019, and you can count on me being right there to help you every step of the way.Before we start the show, I’ve got something to ask. How do you listen to this podcast? Is it in the iTunes app, Stitcher, Spotify or maybe iHeart Radio? Do you listen to it at regular speed, or maybe like me you listen to your podcasts at 1.5X speed? I want to know! Take a screenshot of you tuning in to The Art of Paid Traffic, and include it on your Instagram Story, while tagging me, @RickMulready!Want to win a 30-minute strategy session with me? I’ll be drawing one winner at random each month, and all you have to do is
7 Business & Mindset Books That Have Changed My Business (and Life)
12/12/2018 Duration: 38minI’m always asked what books I recommend for business, because I absolutely love reading these types of books (in fact, I usually have 3 or 4 on them on the go at once)! So on today’s show I want to share 7 books I’ve read that have changed my business, and as a result, changed my life. As you’ll hear, it was tough to narrow this list down to just 7 books, and I do mention a few extras near the end of the episode. These books aren’t just business books though, as I also include books on mindset that have been a great influence to me. I’ll be telling you a bit about what each of these books are about, as well as giving my two cents on why I found so much value in it. In addition to giving you this list of recommendations, I’ll be sending one lucky winner a copy of each of these 7 books! To enter, you’ll need to subscribe to this podcast and take a screenshot showing you have subscribed. Second, you need to leave an honest rating and review of The Art of Paid Traffic on iTunes, and also take a screenshot confirm
Quick Tip: How to Increase the Quality of Your Facebook Ad Leads
07/12/2018 Duration: 11minWelcome to another Quick Tip episode! This is where I share a quick tip with you each week that’s related to Facebook ads or online marketing or just general growing your business tips. Today’s quick tip is all about How to Increase the Quality of Your Facebook Ad Leads. Let’s jump into it...Rick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick on InstagramFull episodes of The Art of Online Business Podcast on YouTubeKwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie's Links:Visit Kwadwo's website for Facebook Ads helpSay hi to Kwadwo on InstagramSubscribe to Kwadwo's YouTube channel to learn with him as he learns about personal finance, financial freedom, foreign languages and enjoying life!See for privacy information.
[Case Study] How a Facebook Messenger Ad Campaign 10x’d ROI For a Snow Plowing Business
05/12/2018 Duration: 42minIt’s the third installment of our Messenger Marketing mini-series here on the podcast, and today I’m speaking with one of my FB ADmanager and ROI Club students. Steve Loiselle is a former police offer who decided to start his own Facebook Ads management business, and in the less than a year of doing so, he’s already seeing amazing results (and he’s just getting started).I asked Steve to come on the show to share a case study of a recent Facebook Messenger campaign he ran for a local snow plowing business, and you’re going to hear how a $500 ad spend for that campaign resulting in between $30k and $50k of revenue for his client. Not a bad ROI!In fact, this campaign worked so well that Steve’s client had way more business than he could handle, and the business owner needed to hire additional help to service the number of new customers he got as a result of the ad campaign Steve set up and managed.You’re going to hear the story of how Steve got this client, his targeting strategy for the ads and the use of scarc