Learn what works in the world of SEO with Chase Reiner and other team members at First Click Inc. We focus on topics related to search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media marketing, conversion rate optimization, and digital marketing.
How to Generate Leads Through Blab
21/01/2016 Duration: 07minBlab is easily the best platform I have ever used to generate leads for the SEO business. Just by talking and hanging out I have gotten more leads off blab then any other social media platform out there. Even if you're business is unrelated this social media platform can be used to promote pretty much anything.Especially other social media channels. Why do I beleive so strongly in it? Because when you are talking to some body on a live chat, you're usually more likely to believe them then if you were to read a blog post they wrote. Blab is in my opinion one of the most personal ways you can distrubute content right now. Start Growing Your Following through twitter and other social channels Join the Blab Google Plus Community (in show notes) Start following other people on Blab Join other Blabs and also comment and use the /Q to ask questions Look for other people on the #Blab In your titles for Blab make sure to include popular hash tags so when people tweet your blab they tweet with that hash tag. Simply
How to Distribute Content and Drive Traffic
20/01/2016 Duration: 09minHow to Distribute Content and Drive Traffic Today we're going to talk about the steps you need to take to distribute content and drive traffic which will in the end generate leads. First, you need to figure out what your content source is. Will it be blogging, vlogging, or podcasting? What I found works best is all three. What I do is I do a podcast while I'm on blab and I record through audacity. Why Blab and not other platforms like periscope or meerkat you may ask? Well, Blab gives you the ability to create a discussion or debate after the initial Podcast is finished. I will hit the end record button on audacity and use that file for the podcast but I will keep the record live for Blab to later post to youtube or so that the blab community can watch the debate after the Blab. Now that I have the podcast I will send it to and get a content breakdown and submit that Afterwards, I will share to many different social media channels. Here is the list that I share on: Facebook Facebo
How to Get Number One PPC Ads on Google
19/01/2016 Duration: 08minToday we're going to be talking about the search network so sorry if you're looking to learn about the display network, we will talk about that at a later time. Furthermore, we're going to talk about how to increase your ad score. First of all, let's discuss why it's important to have a high ad score. When you have a high ad score you could potentially pay 3 dollars per click and be in position 1 opposed to paying 5 dollars a click and be in position 3. Here are some of the things that I do to increase ad score. After you setup conversion tracking and do keyword research and hopefully find keywords that have low competiton, high search, and low cpc, create a landing page that is highly relevant to your ad. Do some SEO and CRO to the page making sure that there is a clear CTA and content that is relevant to your ad. Landing page experience and content relevancy is going to largely contribute to your ad score. Next, create your add and include your keywords and prices if possible. For instance, SB Computer
How to Get More Followers and Engagement on Google Plus
15/01/2016 Duration: 07minHow to Get More Followers and Engagement on Google Plus Today we're going to talk about an app I use called Circlescope and some other techniques to get more followers and engagement on Google. Circlescope is sort of like ManagedFlitter except the interface is a little different. If you didn't hear the last podcast about managed flitter I talk about how to get more twitter followers and engagement as well so make sure to check that out. After you create a circlescope account you're going to need to buy the premium for $49 a year unless your just posting from your profile and not a business page. The premium version supports 3 business pages, if that's not enough you can upgrade to the pro version for $178 a year dollar that supports 15 business pages? You should also install the chrome extension for Cicrclescope, i put the link in the show notes: Once you upgrade and install the chrome extension, you're going to wan
Twitter Tool To Get More Followers and Engagement
14/01/2016 Duration: 05minSMM Tool to Get More Twitter Followers and Promote Your Products Today we're going to talk about an app I use called managed flitter. Managed flitter let's you search for people who are interested in the same things you are and let's you add them in bulk if people don't follow you back, manged flitter let's you find all of the people who aren't following you and gives you an easy way to unfollow them it's suggested that you already have a large following on twitter before you start adding a lot of people and one way this can be done is to go on fiver and buy 10k followers for 5 bucks. However, I don't feel that this is neccesary. I would only follow up to 200-300 people a day at a time and unfollow 100-200 at a time. If you have an account with a larger following you may be able to raise your numbers. Also, before I start following a lot of people, I will generally post one of First Click Inc.'s most recent Podcast's and pin it to the top of my Twitter. When I follow people in my industry and they see that
How to SEO for Craigslist and Make Money
13/01/2016 Duration: 08minToday we talk about how to SEO for Craigslist and what techniques Chase Reiner has used in the past to make money with these secret techniques. Email me at for a interview or if you have any questions!
How to Supercharge Your Local Seo
12/01/2016 Duration: 18minDon't forget to subscribe! 1. create local business page 2. submit to moz local so that you can get indexed by different sites3. create adwords campaign to start generating reviews create pages for cities around one area also i like to put alt titles in menu links make sure you name adress and phone number and hours are on every page breadcrumbs are also nice to have list your special promotions and discounts shoot for 2-3 paragraphs per page include pictures with good keyword rich urls and alt text maybe even alt titles. Also make sure they are compressed you can do this through keywords should represent city (keyword) check out competitors back links and see which ones are easy to grab. Don't grab spammy links! Make sure to constantly update your google plus channel (may or may not help) but either way get buffer to schedule daily updates for social shouldn't make doorway pages but should intrerlink and create content based around city keywords externally link to high authoritave website creat
How I make 200 a Week With a SEO and SEM Combo
09/01/2016 Duration: 08minToday I talk about how I've been making 200 a week with a SEO and SEM combo. If you have any questions please contact me at
The Future of SEO and Social Media
08/01/2016 Duration: 17minToday we talk about the future of SEO and Social Media in the up and coming year of 2016.
Will SEO be Dead in 2016?
07/01/2016 Duration: 07minToday we discuss whether SEO in 2016 will be dead or not. This is really a response to some one who was telling me on today that SEO is dead already. Either way, I'm going to continue to learn and talk about SEO, SEM, and SMM because it is in my opinion that the art is still very alive and thriving.
Secret SEO, SEM, and SMM Tools For 2016
06/01/2016 Duration: 20minFor more tips and tricks visit and
SEO Podcast Episode 1: Is Jumpshot Worth it?
20/11/2015 Duration: 07minIn this podcast Chase Reiner, SEO strategist at First Click Inc, discusses whether the new application, "Jumpshot" is worth the subscription cost. Tune in each week for a new exciting SEO podcast where we discuss what works in the world of SEO.