Security. Some assembly required.Security is HARD, and 'real security' is a compromise between usability and security while knowing you're still accepting risk.This podcast alternates between interesting interviews and news analysis every other week - tune in, subscribe and join the conversation on REAL security issues relevant to your enterprise.Read the blog > along on Twitter >
DtSR Episode 362 - Real Security is Hard
17/09/2019 Duration: 45minFriends & Colleagues, this week I have the pleasure of being joined by one of my good friends and industry veteran - the one and only Jim Tiller. We revisit the things we talked about in Episode 102 and get an update on the state of security from a guy who would know. Pre-requisite listening: Episode 102 - Highlights from this week's show include... Jim & Rafal talk about the "feature economy" that is the security vendor marketplace today Jim explains the statement "Complexity is the camouflage for bad guys" Jim explains what he believes security organizations have accomplished in the last 5 years Rafal & Jim lament the 'fundamentals' Guest Jim Tiller ( @Real_Security ) -
DtSR Episode 361 - Your Adversary Problem in 2019
11/09/2019 Duration: 37minThis week Adam Meyers joins James & Rafal to talk about the Crowdstrike Mobile Threat Landscape Report 2019 - and the learnings and lessons therein. Highlights from this week's episode include... Adam gives us the lowdown on adversaries, in 2019 Adam bakes some bread Rafal asks who the biggest and baddest attackers are So much more... check out the link above, read the report! Guest: Adam Meyers - - VP, Intelligence at Crowdstrike. We'll let him explain the rest...
DtSR Episode 360 - Thwarting Bots and Frauds
27/08/2019 Duration: 41minThis week, Rafal sits down in person with Sam Bouso of Precognitive, in Chicago headquarters to talk about some very cool tech that's probably only on the periphery of security. Give it a listen! Highlights from this week's show include... Sam discusses the problem that bots and fraud pose to not only digital commerce but overall digital interaction Sam and Rafal talk through the various buzzwords (machine learning, AI, etc) and their real applications here Sam talks through how algorithms and massive data sets can identify human from non-human So much more
DtSR Episode 359 - Mind the Diversity Gap
20/08/2019 Duration: 30minThis week, in the 2nd of two installments recorded live at Black Hat 2019, Alyssa Miller joins Rafal live to talk about some of the talks she's giving, and takes us back in time. Highlights from this week's show include... Rafal and Alyssa discuss the very real problems the lack of diversity in technology creates A jab is taken at the TSA ...because it's just too easy Alyssa revisits the 'castle analogy' for InfoSec and why it's so tough to get right Much more fun... you'll have to listen in! Guest Alyssa Miller ( @AlyssaM_Infosec ) - Alyssa's bio and website is here:
DtSR Episode 358 - No More Crappy Job Hunts
15/08/2019 Duration: 32minThis week on another jammed-packed episode, Rafal takes to Black Hat 2019 to interview some interesting guests that have something unique to tell you. We start with Deidre Diamond, the lady behind CyberSN - and why she's reinventing the way you get your next InfoSec job. Highlights from this week's show include... Deidre tells us a little bit about what's new at CyberSN Rafal & Deidre discuss the insane InfoSec job market Deidre explains why how she's planning on eliminating hiring bias in the InfoSec workforce The last time Deidre joined us was episode 337 - For more, go to and click the "Know More" icon in the top-right corner and get started! Guest Deidre Diamond ( @Cyber_SN ) - With over 20 years spent leading technology and cybersecurity organizations, Deidre Diamond offers a great perspective on the issues that matter most in our industry. Her vision, “to transform employment searching” has remained constant si
DtSR Episode 357 - Hacker Summer Camp 2019
05/08/2019 Duration: 32minThis week, James and I sit down to think (and talk) through Black Hat (and Defcon) 2019. "Hacker Summer Camp" as it's affectionately known in the industry, is a rite of every summer...but is it delivering value to attendees, do we have the right audience, and is the content worthwhile? This and more... Highlights from this week's show include... Raf and James reminisce about summer camp days gone by Rafal addresses Dino's excellent-sounding keynote (abstract) Raf & James discuss the hype (or more precisely, the lack thereof) of this year's conference and why it's nice for a change All this and tune in!
DtSR Episode 356 - Its Been a While Andy
30/07/2019 Duration: 39minWelcome down the security rabbithole friends! This week, Andy Kalat takes a few minutes off from recovering to chat and comment on the state of security, and what's different since we first met back in... 2003? Fun episode... It's been a while, Andy! Highlights from this week's show include... Andy and Rafal try and figure out when they first real life Andy points out the problem vendors suffer from "problem-scope-limiting" (this is an interesting one...) Are things getting better? The guys discuss...snark ensues Rafal asks Andy to predict what will change in the next ~5yrs Guest Andrew Kalat ( @LERG ) - Andy is an IT Security Executive, Co-Host of the Defensive Security Podcast, Speaker, Writer...according to his LinkedIn profile, here.
DtSR Episode 355 - Threat Modeling Rides Again
23/07/2019 Duration: 49minMy dear listeners - we have John Steven back on this episode! If you don't remember his first appearance, it's OK, it was a little while ago back on episode 42 ... so it's been a while! Highlights from this week's show include... John gives us a run-down on the new things since the last episode James & John talk OWASP Top 10 The guys try to understand what happened to Threat Modeling, and security overall, over the last decade So much more, you'll have to listen
DtSR Episode 354 - Pragmatic Azure Security
18/07/2019 Duration: 45minFans & Listeners! This week we have a treat for you... as this episode is recorded LIVE from Microsoft's Inspire 2019 in Las Vegas (where it was 117F) but the conversation here is way hotter. Highlights from this week's show include... What is Microsoft releasing to help guide secure Azure deployment? Mark and Jeff debate "What exactly is the value of "best practices"?" So much more packed into this extended episode! Links to things you need: Azure security guidance & best practices: Microsoft cybersecurity reference strategies: Things Mark thinks you should have handy: Guests: Mark Simos ( @MarkSimos ) - Lead Architect, Cybersecurity Solutions Group, Microsoft Jeff Collins - Chief Strategy Officer, Lightstream
DtSR Episode 353 - Ira Winkler on Point
09/07/2019 Duration: 56minYes, DtSR took a week off ... we were due. This week, Ira Winkler joins Rafal to go down the rabbithole and talk about his career, opinions on our profession, and other important stuff. Sit back, take notes, and enjoy. Highlights from this week's show include... Ira gives a run-through on his career and what's gotten him "here" Ira and Rafal discuss "breaking into security" and how it's being sold now, versus what reality should be Ira gives us his take on training, certifications, career paths and the like Yeah, so much more... Guest Ira Winkler ( @IraWinkler ) - This guy:
DtSR Episode 352 - AWS REInforce Warm Up Episode
24/06/2019 Duration: 47minThis week, ahead of AWS RE:INFORCE 2019 (the first one) Rafal gets a conversation with buddy Mark for a candid talk about the top 3 public cloud providers, and a little insight into the evolution of the industry ... or not... Highlights from this week's show include... What are we expecting from AWS RE:INFORCE this inaugural year? Mark gives us his take on the security in the three major public cloud providers Rafal and Mark reminisce about how things were...and where they are in terms of cloud, and security Mark and Rafal laugh about the opportunity security teams have right now...or may be missing Guest: Mark Nunnikhoven ( @marknca ) - Mark's awesome. He's also the Vice President of Cloud Research at Trend Micro. Other stuff he does here:
DtSR Episode 351 - Deeper Into the Microsoft Security Ecosystem
19/06/2019 Duration: 38minThank you to Microsoft for sponsoring this show, and our podcast over the years... Highlights from this week's show include... Rob discusses what "Microsoft Threat Protection" is, isn't, and why it's relevant today Rob gives us some context to "trillions of signals" - what does that mean? Rob provides perspective on the pillars of operational excellence required to make Microsoft's vision a reality in damn-near-real-time Rafal and Rob discuss what the ecosystem looks like, and how it's being released into production Rob answers whether Microsoft consumes its own tools… the answer may surprise you Guest: Rob Lefferts - @rob_lefferts - Microsoft Responsibilities/Contributions – As corporate vice president for M365 Security within Experiences and Devices, Rob Lefferts is responsible for ensuring that Microsoft 365 provides a comprehensive and cohesive security experience for our all of our customers. Prior to this role, he led the Windows Enterprise & Security team, where he was responsible for hardenin
DtSR Episode 350 - Deep Learning on Deep Packets
11/06/2019 Duration: 47minShow Note: As most of you know, this show has long refused to use advertisements, or ad revenue to keep itself going. That said, I openly welcome organizations who have something interesting to say and some extra marketing dollars to give, to sponsor an episode while still going through the same vetting process as everyone else. This is one of those shows. This week James and Rafal are joined by Saumitra Das, the Chief Technology Officer for an interesting little start-up called Blue Hexagon. If you find yourself nodding along and interested in hearing more, we encourage you to go check out their website and let them know you hear of them on this show. Highlights from this week's show include... Saumitra shares his insights on AI, machine learning, and the limitations and mis-uses of them We discuss the challenges of finding 'malice' at extremely high volumes, at extremely high rates of speed, and in extremely diverse environments Saumitra previews the methods Blue Hexagon use to approach this problem and po
DtSR Episode 349 - Verizon 2019 DBIR Double-Live Part 2
04/06/2019 Duration: 39minFriends & listeners - welcome to the 2nd half of the 2019 Verizon DBIR 2-part extravaganza. Gabe Bassett, one of the authors of the DBIR, joins Rafal & James to talk stats and lessons we can take away from the report. Highlights from this week's show include... We all talk patching... why it's hard, what we can do about it, and realities of patching Gabe does more live data analysis We get an insight into how long and how hard this report is to produce Guest Gabriel Bassett ( @gdbassett ) - Gabe is one of the writers and data scientists behind the Verizon DBIR. His LinkedIn is here:
DtSR Episode 348 - Verizon 2019 DBIR Double-Live Part 1
29/05/2019 Duration: 32minFriends & listeners - welcome to the 2019 Verizon DBIR 2-part extravaganza. Gabe Bassett, one of the authors of the DBIR, joins Rafal & James to talk stats and lessons we can take away from the report. Highlights from this week's show include... Gabe distinguishes between an incident and a breach - for those of you who need the refresher Gabe dives into the stats to talk about small businesses, and the impact of breaches on them Gabs does some live data science for us, pulling in stats on-the-fly We avoid the 'patching' discussion (that's for the 2nd half) Guest Gabriel Bassett ( @gdbassett ) - Gabe is one of the writers and data scientists behind the Verizon DBIR. His LinkedIn is here:
DtSR Episode 347 - Inside the RH-ISAC
21/05/2019 Duration: 36minThis week, Tommy McDowell who is the Vice President at the Retail and Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center, joins Rafal in person, in Dallas. Highlights from this week's show include... Tommy gives us a background on himself, and the RH-ISAC (and it's mission statement, and such) Tommy & Rafal discuss the difficulty in setting up an information sharing center Tommy gives us insights into why retail and hospitality need their own unique threat sharing network Guest: Tommy McDowell - - It's easier to just let you go look at Tommy's page on LinkedIn. He's got a storied, and very interesting, career that we could not possibly do justice to here.
DtSR Episode 346 - Green Waxes Mostly Academically
14/05/2019 Duration: 46minThis week, Rafal gets the rare occasion of sitting down face-to-face with someone and do an interview in person. Andy Green is a great if not sharky fellow, who helped me get over my PG rating for this podcast. So ... it's probably PG-13. Highlights from this week's show include... Andy talks about BSides Atlanta and the labor of love that is getting a conference stood up We talk about conference drama - because we all need more of that in our lives Andy discusses academic programs, shaping young minds, and being a universally beloved professor (not) Guest: Mr. Andy Green ( @SecProfGreen ) - Andy is a lecturer of Information Security at Georgia's Kennesaw State University. When he's not running Atlanta's BSides ATL he teaches classes in the Information Security and Assurance degree program, in the Information Systems department of the Michael J. Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State University.
DtSR Episode 345 - RaffCon the Podcast
07/05/2019 Duration: 41minThis week on the podcast, Rafal gets some one on one time with Raffael Marty ... and it's #RaffCon. Highlights from this week's show include... Raf & Raffy discuss the origins of #RaffCon Raffy talks through Artificial security Raf and Raffy dive into "risk management" Guest: Raffael Marty - ( @raffaelmarty ) - Data analytics and visualization enthusiast. Interested in large-scale big data and cloud infrastructures to support cyber security use-cases. "How can we assist users to gain deep insight into large amounts of data?" I have spent a lot of time building and defining the security visualization space through open. I oversee Forcepoint's X-Labs, a specialized department within Forcepoint that is responsible for behavior-based security research and the development of predictive intelligence. In addition to traditional threat and security intelligence, we are the home of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence within Forcepoint.
DtSR Episode 344 - You've Probably Been Pwned
01/05/2019 Duration: 40minThis week, Rafal is joined by the man, the myth, the Aussie legend - Troy Hunt. We basically talk about whatever is on his mind - which, as it turns out is a lot. Take a listen, we may publish an English translation later (joking, Troy!). Highlights from this week's show include... Troy gives a run-down on HaveIBeenPwned We talk through some of the interesting use-cases for HaveIBeenPwned data Troy gives perspective on usernames, passwords, and other important things technology/security related Guest Troy Hunt ( @TroyHunt ) - Troy is a Microsoft Regional Director and Most Valuable Professionalawardee for Developer Security, blogger at, international speaker on web security and the author of many top-rating security courses for web developers on Pluralsight. I created HIBP as a free resource for anyone to quickly assess if they may have been put at risk due to an online account of theirs having been compromised or "pwned" in a data breach. I wanted to keep it dead simple to use and entirely f
DtSR Episode 343 - The 31st Human Right
23/04/2019 Duration: 39minThis week, on a riveting edition of Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast Raf sits down with Richie Etwaru, a human data ethicist and Founder and CEO of What's a human data ethicist, you ask? Listen to the podcast, and find out. Highlights from this week's show include... Richie walks us through data ownership as a fundamental human right, including why now is the right time in history Raf and Richie discuss the principles of data ownership and how they're different from privacy or security Richie discusses data ownership as a great leveling factor for society SO much more... Guest Richie Etwaru - Richie Etwaru is a human data ethicist and the Founder & CEO at where he is responsible for vision, strategy and execution focus for the company. He is driven to reshape the world by creating a new data economy, where inherent human data is legally human property. He has held c-level roles at Fortune 500 companies for two decades, and serves as advisor to venture capitalists, startu