A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
085 - YNAB for the Freelancer
18/06/2013 Duration: 07minThere are three secrets to budgeting successfully on even the wildest of variable incomes. Here they are.
084 - Budgeting Late in the Month
11/06/2013 Duration: 05minIf you just decide things are great, maybe a monthly budget is a bit too frequent…how long would you last before the lack of frequency/familiarity left you sinking back into your old ways?
083 - Control
20/05/2013 Duration: 05minYNAB's (very successful) headline on the homepage sends the message of "control," but most people say they don't like budgets because they feel controlled. Which is it?
081 - Handling Accounts Receivable in YNAB
06/05/2013 Duration: 06minThis is a quick riff on how you could (quite easily) handle accounts receivable in YNAB.
080 - The Idea of Retirement is Really Starting to Bug Me.
29/04/2013 Duration: 06minThis should probably just be a replay of my interview with Leo from The key to money (and probably everything else in life) is to be happy in the moment.
078 - The Black Box of Spending
15/04/2013 Duration: 04minYour "Miscellaneous" category is a black box of spending. Is that spending a reflection of your values? Or are you being lazy? And should you care anyway? We discuss :)
077 - Why Roths are Better than Regular IRAs
08/04/2013 Duration: 09minThis is the end of that debate.
076 - Taxes and Timing
01/04/2013 Duration: 07minHaving the choice to create a taxable event (or avoid one) is extremely powerful when it comes to minimizing your life's single biggest expense.
075- How I Tripled My Money in the Stock Market
25/03/2013 Duration: 05minIt involved a company that made karaoke machines. I got lucky.
074 - Your Kids Need a Budget
18/03/2013 Duration: 10minI take a few minutes to explain how we use YNAB with the kids. We have five kids, so there's proof that it scales.
073 - Your Life on a Treadmill
11/03/2013 Duration: 08minAnyone can keep pace when the treadmill is level, you're not carrying any extra weight, and the speed is slow. But what happens when Big Events change that? What drove you to the point where you thought, "We need a budget!?"
072 - Sowing Seeds of Money Happiness
04/03/2013 Duration: 08minWhat causes discontent with money? What influences how you spend your money, what you value, and whether you're truly happy?
071 - The Key to Reinventing Yourself (Bit by Bit)
25/02/2013 Duration: 23minI interview my favorite Behavior Designer of all time, BJ Fogg of the Standford Persuasive Technology Lab. BJ and I discuss key principles for creating lasting, positive behavior change in your life. You'll love this.
070 - I'm Saving This Money. (For What?!)
18/02/2013 Duration: 05minSavings without purpose is savings frittered away. Make sure you're saving with purpose!
069 - Managing Your Life's Single Biggest Expense
11/02/2013 Duration: 32minAn interview with my tax advisor, and the author of Tax Insight, Casey Murdock. He's a tax genius, and he saved me 20k in taxes a few years ago. Case closed!
068 - Budgets are Sexy. An Interview with J. Money.
04/02/2013 Duration: 28minI get to interview a fellow man-cave enthusiast and personal finance blogger who writes one of my favorite money blogs: Of course I'd like it.
067 - Spending Tens of Thousands of Dollars is So Easy
28/01/2013 Duration: 06minMore about our car purchase from December. Now that the dust has settled, here's what's really freaking me out.
066 - Big Goals, and Nothing Else Matters
21/01/2013 Duration: 07minIf you're getting the big goals taken care of, nothing else really matters.