A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
105 - The Year of the Status Quo
30/12/2013 Duration: 05minYNAB had a banner year (thank you for telling your friends and family!). 2014 shall be the year of the status quo.
104 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
23/12/2013 Duration: 05minSince Julie took over the budget, things are green. Christmas is no different. We've been saving all year for it. It's exactly how you too, can have yourself a merry little Christmas.
103 - Timing Expenses to Save a Grand (or so) on Taxes
16/12/2013 Duration: 20minThis "loophole" isn't a loophole at all. It's actually a plain Jane tax planning strategy that can be employed by almost anyone, with even the most boring of tax returns. You can contact Casey directly at
102 - When Your Tax Rate is 2000% (Not a Typo)
09/12/2013 Duration: 23minI've brought back my tax adviser, Casey Murdock, for another podcast. He should be your adviser too. We discuss the fringe world of tax credit and deduction phaseouts. You can contact Casey directly at
101 - When You Finance Anything, You Finance Everything
02/12/2013 Duration: 06minInspired by Mark's blog post over on the blog, we discuss the very true (albeit depressing) principle that once you finance something, everything else you purchase is also "financed."
100 - A Look Back (and Forward) at YNAB
25/11/2013 Duration: 19minI reminisce, and then look forward.
099 - Real Estate Investing with YNAB
18/11/2013 Duration: 12minA discussion on how I use YNAB to manage our real estate investing.
098 - An Update on Julie Owning the Budget
11/11/2013 Duration: 06minThis is awesome. Having Julie "own" the budget has been just short of revolutionary.
097 - The Most Radical Shift in Money Management to Ever Take Place in Our Household.
14/10/2013 Duration: 14minI've handed the Budgetingi Reins over to my wife, Julie. She'll do a better job, and our relationship will be even better for it. Here what lead up to this, and why it's going to be awesome.
096 - Mr Money Mustache's View on Retiring FAR Earlier Than the Norm (Take Two).mp3
07/10/2013 Duration: 31minAn interview with my favorite personal finance blogger, Mr. Money Mustache. He retired at 30 years old, and he and his wife and son live a luxurious life on just under $30,000 per year. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PODCAST YOU WILL LISTEN TO THIS YEAR. :)
095 - Soldier of Finance
27/09/2013 Duration: 27minAn interview with Jeff Rose, CFP and author of Soldier of Finance. You can snag a chance for a free copy by going to
094 - Cellphone, Unshackled.
24/09/2013 Duration: 16minMy thoughts on cellphones, not just smartphones, and how we're being sold a bill of goods that's costing us money, and decreasing quality of life. And yes, I'm going for "dramatic" here.
093 - Financial Priorities
19/08/2013 Duration: 07minMark's blog post from a while back spurred this commentary. My thoughts on financial priorities regarding the big picture, longer-term stuff.
092 - Just Show Up
12/08/2013 Duration: 05minWith your budget, especially for those just starting, just show up. Keep it simple, do what you're told, and…just show up.
091 - Creation vs. Consumption
05/08/2013 Duration: 07minSometimes creation trumps consumption purely for its own sake; where you're satisfied on a personal level, even though the math doesn't work.
090 - Boosting Income by Thinking Small
02/08/2013 Duration: 04minSometimes the best way to start thinking about making extra income is to think small. Really small. Don't let visions of grandeur slow you down.
089 - Wildly Fluctuating Income
15/07/2013 Duration: 05minThere are a few ways to apply Rule Two (Save for a Rainy Day) to your wildly fluctuating income situation. This also applies if you happen to receive windfalls, but are otherwise on a fairly steady income.
088 - Perfect is the Enemy of Good
08/07/2013 Duration: 06minYour budget will never be perfect, because you're dealing with imperfect variables (people, external events, and bad data).
087 - A Tactic for the Reluctant Spouse
01/07/2013 Duration: 11minThe key is to give them a taste of how good it feels to save up and pay for something. Positive, achievable, and life-changing.
086 - It's Beginning to Look Halfway Like Christmas
24/06/2013 Duration: 03min(Holiday spending target - current category balance) / six months remaining = your monthly contributions for the rest of 2013.