Bulletproof Executive Radio was born out of a fifteen-year single-minded crusade to upgrade the human being using every available technology. It distills the knowledge of world-class MDs, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, meditation experts, and more than $1M spent on personal self-experiments. From private brain EEG facilities hidden in a Canadian forest to remote monasteries in Tibet, from Silicon Valley to the Andes, high tech entrepreneur Dave Asprey used hacking techniques and tried everything himself, obsessively focused on discovering: What are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything? Welcome to being Bulletproof, the State of High Performance where you take control and improve your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what youd expect, without burning out, getting sick, or just acting like a stressed-out a-hole. It used to take a lifetime to radically rewire the human body and mind this way. Technology has changed the rules. Follow along as Dave Asprey and guests provide you with everything you need to upgrade your mind, body, and life.
Ozone Therapy: Your New Favorite Biohack – Micah Lowe with Dave Asprey : 858
14/09/2021 Duration: 50minMicah Lowe loves all things ozone. So much so that his nickname is the “Ozonaut.”In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, you’ll find out how ozone therapy improves your body’s intake and use of oxygen and activates your immune system. Micah’s company, Simply 03, develops equipment for people to conduct affordable ozone therapy from their own homes.“So, there’s a whole world of ozone that you can dive into,” Micah says. “There’s ozone for municipalities. There’s ozone for wine making. There’s ozone for pools. There’s ozone for hot tubs. There’s ozone for aquariums, and then there’s medical ozone. They’re all different.You may think ozone is a pollutant, but, in fact, it’s a really strong oxidant that alters your body at a cellular level and helps your mitochondria make more antioxidants. Ozone stimulates growth factors and increases oxygen metabolism. This in turn increases energy and stamina and reduces brain fog. “Ozone is actually similar to exercise in that it signals a pathway called the NRF
Speaker Preview 2: Human Upgrades at the 7th Annual Biohacking Conference : 857
09/09/2021 Duration: 49minTake a listen to a few of the world’s most innovative minds in the field of human optimization and biohacking. All will be speaking in person at the 7TH Annual Biohacking Conference, Sept. 17-19, 2021, in Orlando, Florida.This transformative 3-day event, hosted by Dave Asprey and Upgrade Labs, features thought-provoking keynotes, panelists, and Upgrade U and Master U instructors. You’ll find a Tech Playground and fully immersive experiences that push the limits of human advancement, performance and longevity. Here’s a speaker sampling:Vishen Lakhiani: Optimize the brain for prime happiness and performance.Vishen Lakhiani: 10 Laws & Four-Letter Words – #309Dr. Will Cole: Tame inflammation, calm cravings, balance hormones and find food peace.Intuitive Fasting, Metabolic Flexibility & Metaphysical Meals – Dr. Will Cole with Dave Asprey – #796Panache Desai: Be “enough” through the power of insight and energetic transformation.You Are Enough! Find Your Authentic State wit
Speaker Preview 1: Human Upgrades at the 7th Annual Biohacking Conference : 856
08/09/2021 Duration: 42minTake a listen to a few of the world’s most innovative minds in the field of human optimization and biohacking. All will be speaking in person at the 7TH Annual Biohacking Conference, Sept. 17-19, 2021, in Orlando, Florida.This transformative 3-day event, hosted by Dave Asprey and Upgrade Labs, features thought-provoking keynotes, panelists, and Upgrade U and Master U instructors. You’ll find a Tech Playground and fully immersive experiences that push the limits of human advancement, performance and longevity. Here’s a speaker sampling.Marcella Madera: A neurosurgeon gives prep tips for calming pre-surgery stress reactions.Radical Regeneration: Neurosurgery Meets Energy Medicine – Marcella Madera, M.D. #582Naveen Jain: What happens in the gut doesn’t stay in the gut. From Inside Your Gut to Outer Space: Moonshots with Naveen Jain #541 or Your Microbiome May be Misbehaving – Naveen Jain #612Jim Kwik: Progressing and advancing beyond what you believe possible. Limitl
Build Your Career with 5 Keys of Emotional Intelligence – Caroline Stokes with Dave Asprey : 855
03/09/2021 Duration: 43minIn this episode of Bulletproof Radio, you’ll learn about the different kinds of emotional intelligence and how you can use them to catapult your career and your businessAs a human capital entrepreneur, Caroline Stokes specializes in creating emotionally intelligent organizations, starting with leadership.“I take a broader view and define people leaders as anyone who manages people in any capacity,” she says in her newest book, “Elephants Before Unicorns: Emotionally Intelligent HR Strategies To Save Your Company.” “No matter where you stand in your organization’s hierarchy, I challenge you to embrace the mantle of ‘leader.’ Own your influence. Find where you can do the most good and then do it with all your might.”She’s an executive headhunter, certified executive coach, certified EQ.2.0 practitioner, and CEO of the Canadian company FORWARD. Caroline works with major companies throughout Canada and the U.S. on the need for talent to develop emotional intelligence and resilience in the face of technologic
A Trio of Career Experts Say Yes to Criticism, Ideas and Mentors with Dave Asprey : 854
01/09/2021 Duration: 31minHow’s work working for you?Maybe your normal sources of inspiration have run dry. Maybe you keep getting stuck on the same series of tasks you can’t quite figure out how to do. Or maybe, you feel like no one’s telling you the truth about how you work. In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, three experts give you real-time tips on how to level up your career. The truths they share are designed to stimulate many aspects of your career. Steven Herz, Jeffrey Madoff and Kevin Harrington have helped people find not only success, but also passion and creativity in their work.If you like this special episode with Steve, Jeff and Kevin, dive deeper into their expertise by listening to the full Bulletproof Radio podcasts:Embrace Criticism and Don’t Take Yes for An Answer – Steven Herz with Dave Asprey – #745Career advisor Steve Herz sees criticism as a gift and guides you through how you can use that feedback, coupled with authority, warmth and energy (AWE) to get exceptional results.
Mini-Episode: Cool Facts Friday #14
27/08/2021 Duration: 12minCool Facts are quick hits of new human and world science curated into short bursts of information just for you. This fun compilation publishes one Friday a month. Enjoy!Here’s the current lineup for episode #14:CBD linked to Alzheimer's preventionReducing stress could reverse gray hair A new device detects bad breathSpirituality found in brain circuitryInflammatory clock of aging determines your "immunological age" EPISODE SPONSOR: Learn more about the benefits of nano-emulsion CBD at Use code DAVE to save 20% off the entire product line7TH ANNUAL BIOHACKING CONFERENCE: SEPTEMBER 17-19, 2021Dave Asprey and Upgrade Labs host a transformative 3-day event featuring thought-provoking keynotes and fully immersive experiences that push the limits of human advancement, performance and longevity. You will connect with the world’s most innovative minds in the field of human optimization and biohacking. Join the community, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, Florida. htt
Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Using Biofeedback – Mackay Rippey with Dave Asprey : 853
27/08/2021 Duration: 01h01minLet’s not sugarcoat it; both low blood pressure and high blood pressure are bad for you. With either, you can experience an inability to focus, dizziness, heart disease, and other health problems. You want to find a way to stabilize your blood pressure in the Goldilocks zone–just right.Controlling blood pressure is especially important when it comes to heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. There used to be a significant gap between men and women in the incidence of heart disease, but that gap has closed over the past few decades and now women die of heart disease as frequently as men.In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I brought on an expert to talk about Zona Plus. Mackay Rippey serves on the Medical Advisory Board of Zona Health. He explains how the biofeedback device helps you train your own body to change your blood pressure, using isometric exercise. In this kind of muscle contraction, the muscle is tens
3 Dimensions of Longevity That Will Extend Your Life – Sergey Young with Dave Asprey : 852
24/08/2021 Duration: 01h10minSergey Young has his finger on the pulse of all things longevity. He’s spent years connecting with the world’s anti-aging research leaders. He’s learned that living to 200 years old and beyond is not only possible — it’s inevitable. When Sergey was on Bulletproof Radio episode #715, he and I talked about ways to make longevity affordable for everyone. Now he’s back with a new book, “The Science and Technology of Growing Young: An Insider’s Guide to the Breakthroughs that Will Dramatically Extend Our Lifespan… and What You Can Do Right Now.”In this new episode of Bulletproof Radio, he explains how medicine and technology advances are rapidly paving the way for the long and healthy future of the human race. He lays out three dimensions to longevity: prevent premature death, life extension and age reversal.“So you just need to keep your body and your mind in a state which is worth expanding its resource,” Sergey says. “And then it comes down to the full horizon of longevity, which is going to
3 Rs to Up Your Energy: Rest, Recovery & Restoration – Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith & Kate Northrup – #851 : 851
19/08/2021 Duration: 30minYou’re probably skipping rest to get more done in your day. Or you think you’re resting while you sleep. The former doesn’t work; the latter just isn’t true. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith and Kate Northrup approach rest and recovery in ways that actually re-energize and power your performance. In this special episode of Bulletproof Radio, you’ll learn about your “rest deficit” and ways to optimally rest your brain, body, and emotions.If you enjoy this special episode with Dr. Dalton-Smith and Kate, listen to their full Bulletproof Radio podcasts:7 Types of Rest That Will Fix What Sleep Doesn’t – Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith with Dave Asprey – #720Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a board-certified internal medicine physician, work-life integration researcher, speaker, and best-selling author. She’s been the featured wellness expert for numerous media outlets including MSNBC, Dr. Oz, Fast Company, and Psychology Today. She’s practiced clinical medicine for more that 20 years in the Birmingham, Alabama, area.In her
Habits from Simple to Atomic Propel Big Life Changes – BJ Fogg & James Clear : 850
17/08/2021 Duration: 29minHabits form the base of your life. So the more you can form habits that manage and automate your day and power your decisions, the more brain space you free up for creativity and bigger thinking. BJ Fogg and James Clear approach habits in ways that get to the root of how your think and feel. In this special episode of Bulletproof Radio, they share useful tips you can (and probably must) start doing today.If you enjoy this special episode with BJ and James, listen to their full Bulletproof Radio podcasts:The Simplicity of Tiny Habits Will Change Your Life – BJ Fogg, Ph.D. – #662Behavior scientist BJ Fogg, Ph.D., founded the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University and is considered the leading scientific authority on habits. His behavior model is easy to learn and easy to apply to everyday life… and doesn’t include willpower. “The thing that wires a habit in is not repetition,” BJ says, “it’s the emotion you feel when you do the behavior.” He explains that behavior happens when three
ENERGY: 3 Ways to Find Your Flow – A Top 10 Episode with Dr. Barry Morguelan
14/08/2021 Duration: 29minWelcome to Your Upgraded Summer!This new series revisits the Top 10 Bulletproof Radio episodes of all time. The topics cover essentials like nutrition, energy, hormones, sleep and autophagy, as well as gut, brain, autoimmune and women's health.You'll get the main points in a shortened version so you can get the good stuff and get on with your summer plans. And if you want to listen to more, tune in to the original episode.Dr. Barry Morguelan takes the No. 3 spot: The Ancient Energy Discipline That Stimulates Healing and Vitality – Dr. Barry Morguelan – #413Dr. Morguelan is one of only about a dozen living grandmasters of Chinese energy healing techniques. He’s spent nearly four decades studying ways he can help others access their energy. He’s also a gastroenterologist and endoscopic surgeon, with four decades of experience in Western medicine techniques. His search for ways to better help and heal his patients led him to ancient Chinese energy medicine.He began by learning acupu
BRAIN POWER: Feeding Neurotransmitters Improves Mental Health – A Top 10 Episode with William Walsh, Ph.D.
13/08/2021 Duration: 28minWelcome to Your Upgraded Summer!This new series revisits the Top 10 Bulletproof Radio episodes of all time. The topics cover essentials like nutrition, energy, hormones, sleep and autophagy, as well as gut, brain, autoimmune and women's health.You'll get the main points in a shortened version so you can get the good stuff and get on with your summer plans. And if you want to listen to more, tune in to the original episode.William Walsh, Ph.D., takes the No. 10 spot: Tailor Your Brain’s Neurotransmission with Nutrients — William J. Walsh, Ph.D. #567In this revamped episode of Bulletproof Radio, I talk with research scientist Dr. Bill Walsh about how brain cells function, how they’re nourished, and what we need to clear out our brain’s trash and keep the good stuff around. He’s spent over three decades studying how you can use nutrients and foods to improve your brain health. His expertise shows how mental health can be improved with nutritional psychiatry.More than 100 neurot
The Cheat Codes That Get You to Soul Force – Jamie Wheal, Part 4 with Dave Asprey : 849
12/08/2021 Duration: 53minWhen Jamie Wheal comes on Bulletproof Radio we always dig into mind-bending topics. This time, our conversation spans a special four-part mini-series to discuss his new book: “Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death in a World That’s Lost its Mind.” In the Part 3 episode we talk about the five things that can transform cultural consciousness, and in this last installment of the series, Part 4, we’re talking about the more specific ways those five pathways can transform your body. Music, breathwork, sex and more all have the power to do things like reset your brainstem, stimulate your nervous system, and unclog your fascia.“You're loading that system,” Jamie says. “You're creating a peak experience that you send through your body and brain, and it lights up your body and brain. And there is a narrative. There's impressions. There's stories. There's characters. There's insights There's whatever else would be the interior content that is often profoundly valuable and meaningfu
5 Ways to Find Meaning and Trust in a Skeptical World – Jamie Wheal, Part 3.1 with Dave Asprey : 848
11/08/2021 Duration: 50minWhen Jamie Wheal comes on Bulletproof Radio we always dig into mind-bending topics. This time, our conversation spans a special four-part mini-series to discuss his new book: “Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death in a World That’s Lost its Mind.” In this Part 3 episode, we talk about the “meaning crisis” and the role of biohacking in human consciousness.Jamie makes the case that more than ever people generally distrust and scrutinize larger governing institutions. When people don’t trust the things they used to trust, they’re led to greater stress, less connection and are more likely to reach for extremism and nihilism. “Any belief system where people are doubling and tripling down in the face of contravening evidence, that’s happening, and so is nihilism, where people are just giving up knowing anything at all or the fact that anything is actually ever truly knowable,” Jamie says. “We see the rise in diseases and despair and all the accompanying rudderlessness. We’r
5 Ways to Find Meaning and Trust in a Skeptical World – Jamie Wheal, Part 3 with Dave Asprey : 847
10/08/2021 Duration: 50minWhen Jamie Wheal comes on Bulletproof Radio we always dig into mind-bending topics. This time, our conversation spans a special four-part mini-series to discuss his new book: “Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death in a World That’s Lost its Mind.” In this Part 3 episode, we talk about the “meaning crisis” and the role of biohacking in human consciousness.Jamie makes the case that more than ever people generally distrust and scrutinize larger governing institutions. When people don’t trust the things they used to trust, they’re led to greater stress, less connection and are more likely to reach for extremism and nihilism. “Any belief system where people are doubling and tripling down in the face of contravening evidence, that’s happening, and so is nihilism, where people are just giving up knowing anything at all or the fact that anything is actually ever truly knowable,” Jamie says. “We see the rise in diseases and despair and all the accompanying rudderlessness. We’r
GUT HEALTH: Enzymes Do the Heavy Lifting – A Top 10 Episode with BiOptimizers
07/08/2021 Duration: 29minWelcome to Your Upgraded Summer!This new series revisits the Top 10 Bulletproof Radio episodes of all time. The topics cover essentials like nutrition, energy, hormones, sleep and autophagy, as well as gut, brain, autoimmune and women's health.You'll get the main points in a shortened version so you can get the good stuff and get on with your summer plans. And if you want to listen to more, tune in to the original episode. The BiOptimizers guys take the No. 6 spot with: How to BiOptimize Your Gut & Digestion – #515In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we’re revisiting an episode with Wade Lightheart and Matt Gallant, founders of BiOptimizers. They aim to optimize digestion, leading into better health and greater performance. Just like me, they believe holistic health, with a focus on body and brain, makes us higher functioning humans.Wade is a former three-time Canadian, natural bodybuilding champion. Matt’s a kinesiologist who’s trained pro athletes and has been developing supplements for
AUTOIMMUNITY: Signs, Symptoms & Triggers – A Top 10 Episode with Dr. Thomas O’Bryan
06/08/2021 Duration: 29minWelcome to Your Upgraded Summer! This new series revisits the Top 10 Bulletproof Radio episodes of all time. The topics cover essentials like nutrition, energy, hormones, sleep and autophagy, as well as gut, brain, autoimmune and women's health. You'll get the main points in a shortened version so you can get the good stuff and get on with your summer plans. And if you want to listen to more, tune in to the original episode.Dr. Thomas O’Bryan takes the No. 7 spot with: The Autoimmune Fix – Dr. Thomas O’Bryan – #478In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dr. Thomas O’Bryan says seven out of every 10 patients he treats have autoimmune issues. He’s a physician internationally renowned for his work with autoimmune diseases and inflammation, and the nutrition and lifestyle choices that can help.With a healthy immune system, your antibodies have the power to get rid of old and damaged cells and make room for new cells to grow and develop. But with any kind of autoimmunity issue, your antibodi
Taking the Kink Out of Kinky – Jamie Wheal, Part 2 with Dave Asprey : 846
05/08/2021 Duration: 43minWhen Jamie Wheal comes on Bulletproof Radio we always dig into mind-bending topics. This time, our conversation spans a special four-part mini-series to discuss his new book: “Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death in a World That’s Lost its Mind.” In this Part 2 episode, we talk about how you can biohack sex and the impacts of a post-orgasmic state.Jamie studies neuroanthropology, which brings together culture, biology, and psychology. He’s the founder of the international Flow Genome Project, an organization that helps people reach their peak human performance. He’s currently focusing on Hedonic Engineering, a combination of neuroscience and optimal psychology. His book looks at the world’s collapse of meaning, the embracing of nihilism, and how you can shift your stories to tackle the world by connecting to others and revitalizing yourself. In Part 1, The Neuroscience of Sex – Jamie Wheal, Part 1 with Dave Asprey – #845, you learn about Jamie’s research on sex a
The Neuroscience of Sex – Jamie Wheal, Part 1 with Dave Asprey : 845
03/08/2021 Duration: 39minWhen Jamie Wheal comes on Bulletproof Radio we always dig into mind-bending topics. This time, our conversation spans a special four-part mini-series to discuss his new book: “Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death in a World That’s Lost its Mind.” In this Part 1 episode, we talk about the neuroscience of sex and how it can change our minds over time and truly better our lives.Jamie studies neuroanthropology, which brings together culture, biology, and psychology. He’s the founder of the international Flow Genome Project, an organization that helps people reach their peak human performance. He’s currently focusing on Hedonic Engineering, a combination of neuroscience and optimal psychology. His book looks at the world’s collapse of meaning, the embracing of nihilism, and how you can shift your stories to tackle the world by connecting to others and revitalizing yourself. “We need to reclaim the story of what's happening and where do we all go now together. Because one percent solu
Mini-Episode: Cool Facts Friday #13
30/07/2021 Duration: 08minCool Facts are quick hits of new human and world science curated into short bursts of information just for you. This fun compilation publishes one Friday a month. Enjoy!Here’s the current lineup for episode #13:Fireflies: Nature's synchronization in actionEarworms: Sleep quality declinesIntermittent Fasting: Improves cognitive function and memoryAlzheimer's: Disease signature found in the bloodTech: Hacking vacuums7TH ANNUAL BIOHACKING CONFERENCE: SEPTEMBER 17-19, 2021Dave Asprey and Upgrade Labs host a transformative 3-day event featuring thought-provoking keynotes and fully immersive experiences that push the limits of human advancement, performance and longevity. You will connect with the world’s most innovative minds in the field of human optimization and biohacking. Join the community, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, Florida. https://www.biohackingconference.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at