Sales hacks for startup hustlers by Steli Efti. Tactics, strategies and sales stories straight from Silicon Valley's most prominent sales hustler. Head over to for sales videos and blog posts plus extra materials related to each episode.
The old-school sales rejection hack
27/07/2015 Duration: 10minRejection can eat a sales soul up and spit it out. Here's how sales people have been turning it into their advantage for decades already..
"Which sales metrics should you track?" by @Steli from
24/07/2015 Duration: 03min If you're building a sales process, what metrics should you measure and track? Read the full blog post
B2B sales strategy: Should you sell to enterprise, SMBs, or...?
23/07/2015 Duration: 17min Got a great solution that could be valuable to enterprise customers, SMBs and micro-businesses? Whom should you start selling to first?
"The Market will always test your resolve" by @Steli from
22/07/2015 Duration: 08min► ◄Free Sales Course
What I learned from Jack Welch about sales recruitment
20/07/2015 Duration: 13min Why you should hire for cultural fit, and how to do it correctly.
How to become a priority for someone? The follow up!
18/07/2015 Duration: 10min Here's a simple hack to get people to deliver on their promises, stick to their deadlines and fulfill their commitments: follow up persistently!
Reset yourself: 3 minute mindfulness for sales reps
17/07/2015 Duration: 08min Unclutter your distracted mind, win back your focus and close more deals with this simple 3 minute mindfulness hack
The moment I realized I couldn't be a sleazy sales guy
16/07/2015 Duration: 11min I was young and needed the money. They were driving Porsches and operated in this opulent mansion. Fancy suits, smooth talk. The job was easy: work the phones. We were a bunch of clueless kids. Had seen their ad in the paper: "Make $500 part-time, plus bonus!
Turn product demo fails into massive sales success
16/07/2015 Duration: 12min I was demoing a product to a person I’ve been following for a long time already. Not just some random prospect - someone very accomplished whom I’ve looked up to for a long time already. Let’s just call him Mr. Mysterious. Just as I was getting into the groove of the demo, a red bar appeared on the screen with an error message. What to do? How can you proceed when you’re giving a product demo, and you’re really eager to close that deal, and then your product fails in front of the prospect?
How to captivate your prospect's attention
14/07/2015 Duration: 16min Highlight the highlights. Mark what's memorable. Ask for attention. Read the full blog post
"Sales scripts or no sales scripts?" by @Steli from
13/07/2015 Duration: 10min Should you use a sales script? I have a very strong opinion on that..
Emotional Alchemy: How to turn nervousness into excitement
10/07/2015 Duration: 07min A simple mind-hack you can use to turn anxiety into empowering excitement.
"A powerful question to end a sales call with" by @Steli from
09/07/2015 Duration: 08minYou're on a sales call with a prospect, and the say they'll buy soon. Here's the question you should ask them to seal this deal. ►
The Unscalable Startup
06/07/2015 Duration: 01h01min
The startup sales intern hustler: Flavio Rump
04/07/2015 Duration: 21min Flavio is a very successful founder who's previously sold a multi-million dollar startup and helped various startups with Growth & Marketing. Earlier this year, he decided to do a sales internship at Here's what he learned...
How To Give Product Demos That Sell [webinar]
01/07/2015 Duration: 01h01min Learn in just 1 hour how to give powerful product demos that close deals and win sales. Watch the free webinar recording with Steli Efti and get access to bonus materials here
Sales Mindset: Expect the Yes & Embrace the No!
29/06/2015 Duration: 07min One of the things that's preventing people from achieving sales success is not about which words to use, or the mechanics of sales. It's their attitude - they don't have a solid sales mindset. ► ◄Free Sales Course
"How To Create A Successful Sales Call Script" by @Steli from
26/06/2015 Duration: 12minGet your free sales call script
"If you get lost in details your deal will be lost" by @Steli from
25/06/2015 Duration: 08min► ◄Free Sales Course Read the full blog post ►
Watch people, not just clicks!
24/06/2015 Duration: 09minRead the full blog post: Many startup founders have this unhealthy fascination with data, metrics and analytics. They think all these numbers contain the answers to the mystery of business success. More often than not, it’s just a dangerous distraction. I’ve learned this from experience, and today I want to share with you why you shouldn’t be too fixated on the numbers, and what to do instead. Read the full blog post: