Chef and author Brian L. Patton presents vegan cooking tips, recipes, and interviews with prominent cookbook authors, personalities, and foodie-type peoples. Don't let the "V" word scare's just (mostly) food!
Veganize Anything! Joni Marie Newman
01/10/2015 Duration: 39minTalking with prolific cookbook author Joni Marie Newman about her new book: The Complete Guide to Even More Vegan Food Substitutions. PLUS my appearance in the new issue of Thrive Magazine, my upcoming Thanksgiving cooking class, and a vegan kickstarter you're going to want to support. Show notes:
Making Vegan Cooking Easy with Kathy Hester
24/09/2015 Duration: 43minMy interview with accomplished cookbook author, Kathy Hester. We talk about her new book The Easy Vegan Cookbook, as well as the black rice tornado of death, and the black ravioli of death. Also my Almost Instant Nacho Cheese Sauce and Kathy's Veggie Quinoa Drop Biscuits. Show Notes:
The Blender Girl: Smoothies!
17/09/2015 Duration: 51minMy interview with The Blender Girl, Tess Masters about her new book The Blender Girl Smoothies! 100 gluten-free, vegan and paleo friendly recipes. Show notes:
Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen: Kathy Patalsky
10/09/2015 Duration: 40minI interview cookbook author Kathy Patalsky. We talk about her new book Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen, her extremely succesful websites ( and, and her weird water therapy. Plus you get the recipe for her Lasagna Verde.
Homemade Vegan Pantry: Miyoko Schinner
03/09/2015 Duration: 34minMy interview with culinary pioneer Miyoko Schinner, about her new book Homemade Vegan Pantry. Also her brilliant homemade mac n cheese mix recipe, my pesto potato salad, and adventures in the F word. Show Notes:
Cooking Under Pressure: J.L. Fields
27/08/2015 Duration: 43minMy interview with author, blogger, and Jane of all trades, J.L. Fields. All of her pro vegan pressure cooking tips from her new book "Vegan Pressure Cooking". PLUS a preview of my sweet and spicy braised tempeh. Show notes:
Vegan Muscle Man: Robert Cheeke
20/08/2015 Duration: 54minI interview plant powered bodybuilder and author of the new book, "Shred It", Robert Cheeke. He lets us in on tons of expert tips about nutrition, exercise at any level, and simplifies the concepts related to burning fat, and building muscle. I could have talked to him for another hour, easily. Lots of good stuff! Show notes:
Plant Powered Families: Dreena Burton
13/08/2015 Duration: 42minInterview with author and supermom Dreena Burton. Talking about her new book Plant Powered Families. Also the Arby's Brown Sugar Bacon Saga, and my recipe for a vegan version of the aforementioned meaty monstrosity. Show notes:
JingSlingers: Joy & Jay
06/08/2015 Duration: 37minAfter a heartfelt apology from me, you hear all about the ways of the "jing". Health, wellness,'s all in the jing. Chefs and authors Joy Coelho and Jay Denman, talk about their upcoming book "Food With Benefits". Plus vegan beerfests coming to Los Angeles and Portland. Show Notes:
Vegan Richa's Indian Kitchen: The Interview
14/06/2015 Duration: 41minInterview with Richa Hingle of and author of Vegan Richa's Indian Kitchen. Also Beyonce, Ben and Jerry, and a Beyond Meat contest you don't want to miss. PLUS I'm giving away a copy of Richa's book! Listen up! Show Notes:
Teff Love, Kittee Berns, and Ethiopian Risotto
05/06/2015 Duration: 47minMy interview with author of Teff Love, Kittee Berns. Plus my recipe for Ethiopian inspired risotto. Show Notes:
History of the Po' Boy
21/05/2015 Duration: 22minLearn how the Po' Boy came to be. And also hear my little recap about the Los Angeles Vegan Beer and Food Festival, with an accidental rant about non vegan restaurants serving vegan menu items. Show Notes:
Easy Vegan Omelet
14/05/2015 Duration: 21minMy recipe for Beyond Chicken Florentine Omelet. PLUS I'm awesome at Mother's Day.
06/05/2015 Duration: 37minI interview author Scott Daigre about his new book "Tomatomania!" Hear his tips on planting, caring for, and of course eating our favorite summer gem. Show Notes:
Persimmon Takes on Humanity: Christopher Locke
29/04/2015 Duration: 32minMy interview with author of "Persimmon Takes on Humanity", Christopher Locke. PLUS a reading of the first two chapters. Show Notes:
Smoked Shiitake Ravioli + Chloe's Surgery + New Vegan Products
14/04/2015 Duration: 36minJust doing a little catchup after a couple month hiatus. I'll explain the break, and offer you my favoirte new vegan products from Expo West, and my much anticipated recipe for Smoked Shiitake and Butternut Squash Ravioli. Show notes:
The Meatout with Michael A. Webermann
26/02/2015 Duration: 44minMy interview with Executive Director of Farm Animal Rights Movement (F.A.R.M.), Michael A. Webermann. Show notes:
Edamame Wonton Soup
11/02/2015 Duration: 25minMy recipe for Edamame Wonton Soup. PLUS my evening with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The winner of #sandwichsmackdown is announced. Show notes:
The Vegan Cuts Story: Jill Pyle
04/02/2015 Duration: 25minInspirational interview with co-founder of Vegan Cuts, Jill Pyle. PLUS I announce that I've paired up with Vegan Cuts to curate their February Snack Box. PLUS another BIG announcement. Show Notes: Get your February Vegan Cuts Snack Box here:
But I Could Never Go Vegan: Kristy Turner
28/01/2015 Duration: 38minAn interview with founder of and author of brand new cookbook, "But I Could Never Go Vegan", Kristy Turner. I also have a love-hate relationship with towels. PLUS I thank you for the iTunes reviews. Show Notes: