FOR YOUR EARS ONLY/ON AIR -- a unique, far-ranging weekend news program produced and hosted by veteran journalist/broadcaster David Alpern from April 1982 through September 2014 for U.S. stations, the Pentagon's American Forces Radio Network, and podcast listeners worldwide. Formerly Newsweek On Air, the show became independent in 2010 with tax-deductible status as a project of non-profit Gatewave, Inc. and The New York Foundation for Arts. Search subjects and guests at:
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 05/11/2014
11/05/2014Midterm Maneuvers, NATO and Ukraine, Press Freedom and Foreign Policy, New Blood for Old Brains, Bufford's Blues, Archive: Mother's Day Memo - 5/12/13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 05/04/2014
04/05/2014Reminders of Racism, Putin and Ukraine: Patterns of Power, High Court Meets High Tech, The "Gentleman" Sweeps, In Praise of Playgrounds, Archive: Mabel and Bobby - 5/5/13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/27/2014
27/04/2014What Obama Left Behind, Ukraine: A Neighbor's View, Asia: How the Pivot Played, Movie Deja Vu, Scandal, Sin and Song, Archive: How Iraq Went Wrong -- 4-28-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/20/2014
20/04/2014Boston, Ukraine: From Russia with..., State of Hate, Species Killer, 54th and Crazy, 32 and Still Here, Archive: What the Bombing Taught -- 8-4-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/13/2014
13/04/2014Politics: In and Out, Show Biz: In and Out, LBJ Legacy, Afghan Surprise, Lucy's Lucie, Archive: Sisters in Song -- 8-25-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 04/06/2014
06/04/2014Defining Deterrence, What LBJ Would Say, Celebrating Chavez, Mind of a Winner, Tunes of Tennessee, Archive: Mental Health and Mass Murder -- 9-22-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/30/2014
30/03/2014Faith, Rights and Reproduction, Lessons from the Lost, Media and the Missing, Russia, NATO and Nukes, Just Say 'Noah', Archive: Warning! Robot Surgery -- 3-31-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/23/2014
23/03/2014After Crimea, Unsound on the Ground, Deportation Limitation , Wheels of a Dream, Lauding Lavin, Archive: Obama's Mideast Mission -- 3-24-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/16/2014
16/03/2014Without A Trace, Capital Offensives, Francis' Year One, Theater for Ears Only, The Grandson Also Rises, Archive: Hostile Allies -- 3/17/13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/09/2014
09/03/2014Cold War Politics, Crimea Conundrum, IMF: Cost of Salvation, A Child's China, Have You Met Ms. Jones?, Archive: After Chavez -- 3/10/13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 03/02/2014
02/03/2014Reheating Cold War, XL PipeLIES, Selling STEM, New Old Broadway, Banjo Belle, Archive: CAUTION--Non-Communicable -- 3-03-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/23/2014
23/02/2014Pressure on Presidents, Stand Your Groundless, Creating Stem Cells, Hollywood Olympics, Moods of Maude, Archive: Black History-Unknown Pioneers -- 2-24-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/16/2014
16/02/2014Tea Party Tempest, Slushy Sochi, Creating 'Containment', Secrets of Nascar, Behind (Piano) Bars, Archive: Vacating the Vatican -- 2-17-13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/09/2014
09/02/2014Thin Ice: Sochi, Woody and Phil, Hoffman and Heroin, Policy and Politics, Arms and the Men--and the Money, Art of War: Monuments Men, Archive: Leno Before Tonight - 5/25/86
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 02/02/2014
02/02/2014State of Obama and the GOP, Closing the Income Gap, Letter to Snowden, Burlesque is Back, Pete Seeger Passes, Archive: Egypt's Counter-Revolution - 2/03/13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/26/2014
26/01/2014Sochi's Security Olympics, Iran, Syria and Surveillance, Politics vs. Citizenship, In Bed with Wall Street, Very Lost and Found: A Ring Cycle, Archive: Climate Challenge - 1/26/13)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/19/2014
19/01/2014Obama: I Spy, Congress, The Court and Christie, What Mentors Mean, Mind Games, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Archive: Tinkers' Nation (1-20-13)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/12/2014
12/01/2014Christie, Congress and Politics As Usual, Roadblocks to Medical Residency, Rethinking Memory, Tomorrow Tech, Wolf, Walter and Oscar, Archive: Mortgage Medicine (1/13/13)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 01/05/2014
05/01/2014Lessons from Iraq, Encore: Gayer Marriage, Encore: Slavery Reel and Real, Encore: 3D Printing - Beyond the Gun, Maye By Request, Archive: How Would Jesus Vote? (1/6/13)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/29/2013
29/12/20132013 Encores: Obama--Self Inflicted Wounds, National Security--Boston and Syria, The New Pope--First Steps, Mental Health and Mass Murder, Inside the New Oz, Archive -- What Trayvon Taught(3/25 and 12/30/12)