FOR YOUR EARS ONLY/ON AIR -- a unique, far-ranging weekend news program produced and hosted by veteran journalist/broadcaster David Alpern from April 1982 through September 2014 for U.S. stations, the Pentagon's American Forces Radio Network, and podcast listeners worldwide. Formerly Newsweek On Air, the show became independent in 2010 with tax-deductible status as a project of non-profit Gatewave, Inc. and The New York Foundation for Arts. Search subjects and guests at:
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/22/2013
22/12/2013Looking to Legacy, Mideast Remake, Tech Rx for Leukemia, Holiday Box Office, Tech Rx for Xmas, Archive: Inside Africa (12-23-12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/15/2013
15/12/2013Beyond the Budget Deal, Newtown and Guns plus 1, Games Super-Spies Play, Mandela Memorial, New World at Hand, Archive: Very Merry McGovern (12/16/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/08/2013
08/12/2013Mandela: Life and Legacy, Inequality: From Pope to President, Profiting on Obamacare, Recreating Rita, Oh, Baby!, Archive: Schemers and Dreamers (12/9/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 12/01/2013
01/12/2013Iran/Afghan: Deal/No Deal, Obamacare: Roots and Ruts, Typhoon Recovery, To Beat Bullying, "Hunger" Hunger, Archive: Cahn-Do -- 06/16/13
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/24/2013
24/11/2013Senate Goes Nuclear, Echoes of Gettysburg, Surviving Ourselves, NFL Embed, Brava Benanti!, Archive: Gaza, Egypt, Syria -- 11/25/12
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/17/2013
17/11/2013Philippines Rebuilding, Obamacare Aboutface, Unhealthy Mental Health, Why Camelot Continues, Cabaret Birthday Cocktrail, Archive: General Confusion - 11/19/2012
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/10/2013
10/11/2013Rejecting Responsibility, Election Fallout, Say What?, Supporting SEALs, The Other Wizards of Oz, Archive: American Song, Yiddish Roots-6/10/2012)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 11/03/2013
03/11/2013NSA: What Friends Are For?, Mideast Muddle, Obamacare: After the Website Works, Further from Fukushima, Reel Crisis: Redford and JFK, Archive: Managing Disaster (11-04-13)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/27/2013
27/10/2013Obamacareless, Yours, Arthur, Politics of PSAs, Inside Bezos, Keys to Song, Archive: Voting--Fraud or Frustration (10-28-13)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/20/2013
20/10/2013After Shutdown, Slavery Real and Reel, Hi-Tech Hero-Villain, To Beat Bullying, Solo at Last, Archive: Bearing Bad News - 10-21-12
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/13/2013
13/10/2013Shutdown Reforms, Campaign Cash and the Court, Seeking Satisfaction, Terror at Sea and In Space, Carols and Cabaret, Archive: Message of Meningitis - 10-14-12
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 10/06/2013
06/10/2013Shutdown Fallout, Obamacare Rollout, Climate Contradictions, L'Americain, Soundtrack New York, Archive: Dealing with Deficit (10/07/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 09/29/2013
29/09/2013From Tehran with Trust?, Bio-Ideology, Behind Nairobi's Mall War, Day By Dee, Hart and Soul, Archive: Cost of Free i-Speech (9/30/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 09/22/2013
22/09/2013Shutdown Chicken, Red Flag Massacre, Mental Health and Mass Murder, Technology v. Humanity, Gandolfini's Good Goodbye, Archive: Cry Syria (9/23/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 09/15/2013
15/09/2013From Russia with Peace?, 9/11 Terror Tally, Once and Future Venezuela, Brendan at the Chelsea, From Russia with Jazz, Archive: Addictive Cells (9/16/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 09/08/2013
08/09/2013Credibility Crisis, Congressional Complications, Pushing Obamacare, Making Cash, Fostering Her Favorites, Archive: SEAL UNSEALED (9/9/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 09/01/2013
01/09/2013Mixed Signals on Syria, Lessons of the March, Partisan Divides, Their Way with Words, Her Way with Songs, Archive: Mounting 'The Mountaintop' - 10/16/11
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 08/25/2013
25/08/2013Pressures Grow: Syria, Egypt, Questions Mount: NSA, Snowden, Manning, Workplace Harassment, Sibling Revelry, What "The Butler" Saw, Archive: Why West Nile - 8/26/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 08/18/2013
18/08/2013Egypt Back to Blood, Egypt and Al Qaeda, Republican Redesign, The Dream at 50, Serious Gaming, Archive: Seeking Swing (08/19/12)
For Your Ears Only (On Air) 08/11/2013
11/08/2013Terror: Surveillance and Shutdowns, Media Musical Chairs, A-Rod Suspension, Blue Jasmine and Elysium, Astaire Before Ginger, Archive: Sikh Temple Tragedy (08/12/12)