Teachers Education Review

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 329:45:36
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Podcast by Teachers' Education Review


  • #TER 114 - Social and Emotional Behaviours in Schools with Rebecca Collie - 10 June 2018

    09/06/2018 Duration: 55min

    #TER 114 - Social and Emotional Behaviours in Schools with Rebecca Collie - 10 June 2018 by Teachers' Education Review

  • TER #113 - Undertaking a research degree while teaching - 27 May 2018

    27/05/2018 Duration: 46min

    Amanda Heffernan, Scott Bulfin and David Bright of Monash university discuss their experiences of completing research degrees while teaching, and offer advice for anyone considering pursuing a research degree while still working in a school. Timecodes coming soon.

  • TER #112 - Perspectives on Gonski 2 - 13 May 2018

    13/05/2018 Duration: 01h42s

    With the release of the "Gonski 2.0" report, there have been many conversations about just what is the ideal vision for the future of Australian education. But in considering the many recommendations included in the report, what would it even mean to implement them? And is there broad agreement that they do actually represent the best vision for the future of education in Australia? For this special episode, we bring together 4 different perspectives on the report and its findings, including: Dr. Bronwyn Hinz Dr. Nicole Mockler Dr. Michael Anderson Dr. Glenn Savage Timecodes: 00:00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro 05:19 What are the positives to come out of this report? 05:33 Bronwyn Hinz 10:49 Nicole Mockler 13:55 Michael Anderson 18:38 Glenn Savage 19:57 Causes for concern? 20:02 Glenn Savage 31:51 Bronwyn Hinz 33:40 Michael Anderson 35:44 Nicole Mockler 41:19 Implications for schools 41:30 Nicole Mockler 43:01 Bronwyn Hinz 45:42 Glenn Savage 49:46 Michael Anderson 55:39 Final Thoughts

  • TER #111 - Wellbeing and Learning with Helen Street - 29 April 2018

    29/04/2018 Duration: 40min

    TER #111 - Wellbeing and Learning with Helen Street - 29 April 2018 by Teachers' Education Review

  • TER Topics - Leadership in Education

    15/04/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    This TER Topics episode brings together feature interviews from episodes #052 and #088 of the TER Podcast. The first interview is with Leoni Degenhardt, first released in TER #52 in July of 2015, in which Dr. Degenhardt discusses issues around school leadership and ways to ensure future school leaders are better able to meet demands of the role The second is with Richard Niesche, from TER #88 in March of 2017. Dr Niesche discusses some of the problematic ideas associated with Educational Leadership that keep coming back to life, and explores a critical response to the question of what leadership actually is. Timecodes: 00:00 Opening Credits 00:33 Intro 02:36 Dr Leoni Degenhardt 43:44 Dr Richard Niesche 01:17:00 Sign out

  • TER #110 - A conversation with Sir Ken Robinson - 1 April 2018

    01/04/2018 Duration: 32min

    Main Feature: In a special edition of Off Campus, Dan Haesler chats with Sir Ken Robinson about emerging education policies and priorities since his famous 2006 TED talk. Timecodes: 00:00 Opening Credits 00:33 Intro 02:21 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 03:31 Interview - Sir Ken Robinson 30:12 Announcements 31:03 Sign Off

  • TER Topics - Talking about PISA

    18/03/2018 Duration: 01h40min

    This TER Topics episode brings together feature interviews from episodes #060 and #95 of the TER Podcast. First, Simon Breakspear talks about the ways that PISA influence school curriculum and education policy in different countries, then David Rutkowski breaks down some of the issues and misconceptions about how PISA is calculated, to help people have more informed conversations about the test, its results, and their application in schools. Timecodes: 00:00 Opening Credits 00:33 Intro 02:09 Interview - Simon Breakspear 55:05 Interview - David Rutkowski 01:38:40 Sign Off

  • TER #109 - How large-scale tests affect school leadership with Marten Koomen - 04 march 2018

    04/03/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    Main Feature: Marten Koomen discusses his research into the process by which large-scale tests like PISA and NAPLAN affect school management and curriculum. 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro 03:32 Interview - Marten Koomen 1:02:13 Close & Sign Off

  • TER #108 - ACARA's Literacy and Numeracy Progressions with Hilary Dixon - 18 Feb 2018

    18/02/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Main Features: ACARA’s Acting Director, Curriculum, discusses the new literacy and numeracy progressions, their relationship to curriculum, and intended applications in teaching and assessment practices; Annabel Astbury outlines the ABC’s new education initiative. Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan Haesler discusses the issue of schools that treat students as a liability; Education in the news, Cameron looks at the recent announcement of a national review into teacher registration, and state and parent pushback against NAPLAN. Timecodes (links at TERpodcast.com): 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro 01:55 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 12:48 Education in the News 20:44 ABC Education - Annabel Astbury 28:50 Feature Introduction 30:52 Interview - Hilary Dixon 59:28 Announcements 1:01:52 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER #107 - Implementing Research in Education with Tanya Vaughan - 04 Feb 2018

    04/02/2018 Duration: 01h43min

    Main Feature: Dr Tanya Vaughan discusses implementation science, and outlines a framework for teachers to implement educational research as part of their teaching practice. Regular Features: Off Campus - Dan Haesler explores the link between rising perfectionism and mental and emotional well being; Education in the news - Cameron considers the role of the media in promoting the increased commodification of education. Timecodes: 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro - NAPLAN robot-marking halted 02:21 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 15:11 Commodification of education 30:48 Feature introduction 32:45 Interview - Dr Tanya Vaughan 59:05 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER #106 - Stoic Phillosophy & Education with Massimo Pigliucci - 21 Jan 2018

    21/01/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    Links available at TERpodcast.com Main features: Philosophy Professor Massimo Pigliucci discusses the philosophy of stoicism, and it’s application in teaching practice; Ben Newsome from Fizzics Education comes on to talk about the Fizzics Education podcast. Regular features: Education in the News: Pasi Sahlberg criticises NAPLAN; How to discuss disparity in school resources. 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro 03:16 Ben Newsome - Fizzics Ed Podcast 11:19 Pasi Sahlberg on NAPLAN 17:39 Discussing disparity of school resources 21:28 Feature Introduction 24:02 Interview - Massimo Piglucci 1:19:05 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER Topics - Project Based Learning

    07/01/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    This episode brings together feature interviews from episodes #024 and #046 of the TER Podcast. First, Laura McBain discusses the whole-school approach to PBL taken at High Tech high in California, then David Price, OBE,  discusses his experiences leading PBL initiatives in different school contexts. Timecodes: 00.00 Opening Credits 00.33 Intro 01:42 Interview - Laura McBain 37:28 Interview - David Price 1:14:34 Sign Off

  • TER Topics - Literacy & Phonics

    24/12/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    This episode brings together feature interviews from episodes #068 and #086 of the TER Podcast. First, Stewart Riddle talks about literacy in the classroom, then Misty Adoniou discusses phonics and literacy, and issues with the proposed mandatory year 1 phonics assessment. Timecode: 00.00 Opening Credits 00:33 Intro 01:32 Interview - Stewart Riddle 37:26 Interview - Misty Adoniou 1:05:16 Sign Off

  • TER #105 - Design Thinking as TPL with Lesley Henderson - 10 Dec 2017

    10/12/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    Main Feature: Lesley Henderson from Flinders University discusses the use of Design Thinking as an approach to Teacher Professional learning. Regular Features: Dan Haesler discusses teacher workload in Off Campus; Cameron discusses news stories about NAPLAN robot marking and recently released PIRLS results, as well as the future of the TER Podcast. Timecodes: 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro 01:59 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 17:19 NAPLAN robot marking 21:48 PIRLS data shows growing divide 28:35 Feature Introduction 30:36 Lesley Henderson - interview 1:01:19 Announcements 1:06:36 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER #104 - Makerspaces & Curriculum with Michelle Jensen - 26 November 2017

    26/11/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Main Feature: Michelle Jensen discusses Makerspaces, what they are, how to build them, and how to use them to achieve curriculum outcomes in a range of subject areas. Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan Haesler discusses the importance of goals in education; Education in the News, Cameron explores the issue of standardised testing and current debate about mandatory phonics testing.  Timecodes - Links coming soon 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro - AARE17 conference 02:44 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 17:23 Goals, Values and Culture 23:17 Standardised Testing and Phonics 39:22 Feature Introduction 41:28 Interview - Michelle Jensen 1:17:10 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER #103 - Having Hard Conversations with Jennifer Abrams - 12 Nov 2017

    12/11/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    TER #103 - Having Hard Conversations with Jennifer Abrams - 12 Nov 2017 by Teachers' Education Review

  • TER #102 - Holistic Education and Gifted Children with Prof Kirsi Tirri - 29 Oct 2017

    29/10/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    Main Feature: Prof Kirsi Tirri from the University of Helsinki discusses holistic education and its role in delivering education to support gifted learners within a comprehensive education system. Regular features: Off Campus with Dan Haesler – Dan reflects on the experience of seeing education system directors walk out of a conference after the opening speeches; Education in the News – Cameron reviews the open letter regarding the Leading Learning 4 All resources – Western Australia walks back a significant element of its Independent Public Schools model. 00.00 Opening Credits 01:31 Intro - AEON.net.au 03:19 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 11:57 Leadership, culture & visibility 14:52 Leading Learning 4 All 25:00 WA Independent Public Schools 36:35 Feature Introduction 38:41 Interview Prof Kirsi Tirri 1:18:54 Announcements 1:19:25 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER #101 - Effective Classroom Practice with Glen Pearsall - 15 October 2017

    15/10/2017 Duration: 45min

    Features: Teacher and Author Glenn Pearsall discusses his approach to effective classroom practice, and how it integrates classroom and behaviour management, effective teaching and learning, and reducing teacher workload. Maggie Hill from the Foundation for Young Australians discusses their recent New Work Order report series, exploring the future of work and the needs of education to help ensure students are prepared. Timecodes: 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro 05:33 FYA & Future of Work, with Maggie Hill 14:35 Glen Pearsall - Effective Classroom Practice 43:29 Quote & Sign Off

  • TER #100 - Teachmeet TER 100!

    01/10/2017 Duration: 01h39min

    This is it! The 100th episode of the Teachers' Education Review (if you ignore all the other episodes). To celebrate, we've created TeachMeet TER 100! A podcast made up of contributions and presentations from members of the TER community - many of whom you've heard on previous episodes, plus some newcomers joining us for the first time. Timecodes (links to follow:) 00.00 Opening Credits 00.21 Intro - TER 100! 01:51 Blogging - Aaron Davis @mrkrndvs 07:16 Gamification - Pete Whiting @P_van_W and John Catterson @JFcatto 15:26 Communicating with Parents & Carers - Elizabeth Saunders @E_R_Saunders 22:02 Teaching Vocabulary - Mark Johnson @Markxsyst 27:36 Voice Care - Amy Cotton @Amycottonteach 35:16 Student Action & Authenticity - Nick Jackson @largerama 40:50 Nuturing Democracy in Schools - Darcy Moore @darcy1968 47:53 Who Mentors the Mentor? - Yasodai Selvakumaran @yasodaiselva 52:42 Distributed Practice & Retrieval Practice - Ollie Lovell @ollie_lovell 1:03:05 Theory - Jon Andrews @obi_jon_ 1:10:

  • TER #099 - The Staffroom with Jane Caro - 17 Sept 2017

    17/09/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Main Feature: Jane Caro talks about the production and outcomes of her recent ABC series, The Staffroom. Regular Features: Dan Haesler explores the controversial Great Yarmouth Charter Academy's student induction program; Cameron talks with Shane Duggan about the recently introduced suitability test for aspiring teachers in Victorian High Schools.  00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro - TER 100 06:52 Off Campus - Dan Haesler 35:25 Victorian Teacher Test - Shane Duggan 56:22 Feature Intro 58:47 Feature Interview - Jane Caro 1:16:11 Announcements 1:17:04 Quote & Sign Off

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