Podcast by Teachers' Education Review
TER #081 - TIMSS, PISA & Teaching Science with Marten Koomen and Dr Ken Silburn - 11 Dec 2016
11/12/2016 Duration: 01h27minTER #081 - TIMSS, PISA & Teaching Science with Marten Koomen and Dr Ken Silburn - 11 Dec 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER Live #013 - TeachMeet Futures
27/11/2016 Duration: 01h34minTER Live #013 - TeachMeet Futures by Teachers' Education Review
TER Live #012 - TeachMeet SciTech
12/11/2016 Duration: 01h25minTER Live #012 - TeachMeet SciTech by Teachers' Education Review
TER #080 - ACE National Conference with Ollie Lovell - 30 Oct 2016
29/10/2016 Duration: 01h07minTER #080 - ACE National Conference with Ollie Lovell - 30 Oct 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #079 - Mantle of the Expert with Tim Taylor - 16 Oct 2016
16/10/2016 Duration: 01h28minMain Feature: Tim Taylor talks about the mantle of the Expert teaching method and using drama and narrative as a way to engage students in learning. Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan haesler talks with Nick Jackson about student autonomy; Education in the News, Cameron considers the implications of the recent changes to the VEt FEE HELP Loans scheme. Links & Timecodes: 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro 01:46 VET FEE HELP Loans 11:48 Off Campus with Dan Haesler 25:07 Feature intro 26:51 Tim Taylor – Mantle of the Expert 1:26:31 Announcements 1:27:42 Quote & Sign Off
MP3 TEST TER #078 - The Stronger Smarter Approach with John Bray - 02 October 2016
03/10/2016 Duration: 01h08min00.00 Opening Credits 01:18 Intro - Labor Day 03:50 School Funding in the News 18:57 Off Campus with Dan Haesler 30:22 Feature Introduction 32:36 Interview - John Bray Stronger Smarter Institute website 1:06:06 Announcements 1:07:40 Quote & Sign Off
TER #078 - The Stronger Smarter Approach with John Bray - 02 October 2016
02/10/2016 Duration: 01h41min00.00 Opening Credits 01:18 Intro - Labor Day 03:50 School Funding in the News 18:57 Off Campus with Dan Haesler 30:22 Feature Introduction 32:36 Interview - John Bray Stronger Smarter Institute website 1:06:06 Announcements 1:07:40 Quote & Sign Off
TER #077 - Evaluating Teachers with John Fischetti - 18 Sept 2016
18/09/2016 Duration: 01h24minMain Feature: Professor John Fischetti from Newcastle University talks about the issues with different approaches to teacher, school and system evaluation processes. Regular Features: Dan Haesler interviews Dr Elliot Gann about Hip Hop culture in Education; Cameron considers issues relating to same-sex schools. 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro - Book recomendations 05:10 Single Sex Schools 19:19 Off Campus with Dan Haesler 29:14 Feature Introduction 31:19 Interview - Prof John Fiscetti 1:19:55 Announcements 1:22:40 Quote & Sign-Off
TER Live #011 - TeachMeet InfoLit
04/09/2016 Duration: 49minOn August 11th, TeachMeet InfoLit was held at Newington College in Stanmore. The focus was on information literacy, a core competency of the curriculum delivered by Teacher Librarians, as well as the ways that Information Literacy can be taught and improved throughout the curriculum. 00.00 Opening Credits 21.56 Intro 01:32 Welcome - Lily Young 03:52 Michelle Harrison (The University of Sydney, Fisher Library): Research Skills Development 12:34 Tanya Toohey (Christian Brothers Lewisham): Yr 7 Information Skills in HSIE 21:34 Gill Gratton (Trinity Grammar): Collaboration is the Key - employing a collaborative planning and teaching approach to Library at Trinity Grammar Junior School 32:26 Erin Patel (Kambala): Student reflections on the inquiry process/scaffolding & synthesising knowledge from research 40:14 Karen Keighy (St Pius X) How lib guides have been used to implement information literacy 43:43 Rukevwe Bateren (Newington College) IB Science and infolit 47:34 Concluding remarks - Lily Young 48:17 Thanks
TER #076 - Evidence for Learning with John Bush and Matt Deeble - 21 August 2016
21/08/2016 Duration: 01h22minTER #076 - Evidence for Learning with John Bush and Matt Deeble - 21 August 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #075 - Are Edu-businesses helping or harming education - 07 August 2016
07/08/2016 Duration: 01h36minMain feature: Corinne interviews Dr Anna Hogan about the increasing role of Edu-businesses in Education in Australia and around the world, and explores the question of whether for-profit businesses can fulfil the needs of education as a public good. Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan Haesler discusses issues of teachers on social media disclosing their involvement in promoting corporate interests; Cameron and Corinne discuss the reporting and rhetoric around the 2016 NAPLAn results. Timecodes: 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro - Gonski & the Senate 05:08 NAPLAN in the news 31:17 Off Campus - Disclosure 39:38 Discussion - Teacher Endorsements on Social Media 52:30 Feature Introduction 55:00 Interview - Dr Anna Hogan 1:23:28 Discussion - Business & the Public Good 1:35:33 Quote & Sign off
TER #074 - Coaching for Teachers with Chris Munro - 24 July 2016
24/07/2016 Duration: 01h31minMain Feature: Following a feature panel discussion at Research Ed in Melbourne, Chris Munro discusses the practice and processes of Coaching as a tool for teacher professional development, and his experiences implementing coaching as part of regular school practices. Regular Features: Spotlight on Special Education: Tim Connell discusses the 'good behaviour game' for addressing ongoing minor behavioural issues in class. Education in the News: Cameron and Corinne discuss issues of third arty providers delivering curriculum in schools. Subscribe: iTunes | RSS 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro - 3 years of TER Podcast 13:07 Spotlight on Special Education 17:00 Third Party Providers in Schools 38:10 Feature Intro 40:29 Interview - Chris Munro 1:19:35 Discussion 1:29:16 Thanks for 3 years! 1:30:25 Quote & Sign Off
TER #073 - Inside 'Education Nation' - 10 July 2016
10/07/2016 Duration: 01h26minMain Feature: On June 7 & 8, the first Education Nation conference was held at Luna Park in Sydney. Corinne and Donelle attended and interviewed a number of presenters. Regular Features: Education in the News, Cameron & Corinne discuss the election results and the implications for education funding, as well as the ongoing situation with schools in Aurukun. 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro - Corrections from ep 72 06:27 Election Result & Gonski Funding 13:35 Noel Pearson's Direct Instruction Program 27:09 Feature Intro 28:33 Education Nation Conference 46:18 Cameron Patterson 49:11 Jacues du Toit 51:32 Lila Mularczyk 58:42 Jon Andrews 1:05:03 Brendan Mitchell 1:18:46 Simon Breakspear 1:21:46 Philip Cooke 1:23:34 Final Thoughts on Education Nation 1:24:36 Announcements 1:25:31 Quote & Sign Off
TER #072 - Education in the Election - 26 June 2016
26/06/2016 Duration: 01h24minTER #072 - Education in the Election - 26 June 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER Live #010 - #GirlsInTech at Vivid Ideas
11/06/2016 Duration: 01h47minAs part of the 2016 Vivid Sydney Festival, Intel held #GirlsInTech as part of the Vivid Ideas presentations, with research and panel discussions about girls in STEM subjects and the challenges - both personal and systemic - that need to be overcome to improve the number of women participating in tech fields such as coding and engineering. This TER live episode presents the entire event with minimal editing. 00.00 Opening Credits & Intro 02:12 Welcome - Katie Ford - @KatherineLFord 07:57 Kate Burleigh - General Manager Intel A-NZ - @Kate_Burleigh 36:20 Research Presentation Bronwyn Moreton - @B_Moreton Dr Karsten Schulz - @kkschulz 53:40 Panel Discussion 1 Sarah Moran, Geek Girl Academy - @SarahMoran Cathie Howe, Macquarie ICT - @Cathie_H Karsten Schulz, Digital Careers - @kkschulz Felicity Furey, Machinam - @felicitybriody 1:17:17 Panel Discussion 2 Sunny South - @sunnysouth2 Abi Woldhuis - @abiwoldhuis Zeina Chalich - @ZeinaChalich Luna (school student) 1:45:24 Acknowledgements and Sign Off Special th
TER #071 - Poverty and Education with Linda Tirado - 29 May 2016
29/05/2016 Duration: 01h26minAnti-Poverty Campaigner Linda Tirado talks about the challenges facing low-income earners and the impact of education policy on disadvantaged communities. Cameorn and Corinne discuss Direct Instruction in relation to recent events in far-north Queensland, and discuss the recent ResearchEd conference in Melbourne. 00.00 Opening Credits 01:19 Intro 06:09 Direct Instruction in the Indigenous Communities 33:01 ResearchED Melbourne 48:07 Feature Introduction 50:32 Interview - Linda Tirado 1:23:08 Announcements 1:25:43 Quote and Sign Off
TER #070 - TPL & Professional Identity with Deborah Netolicky - 15 May 2016
15/05/2016 Duration: 01h10min00.000 Opening Credits 01:19.210 Intro - ICTENSW Conference 03:25.790 Off Campus with Dan Haesler 12:30.536 Workcover decision re workplace stress 24:59.405 Spotlight on Special Education 33:17.950 Feature Introduction 35:02.202 Interview - Deborah Netolicky 1:01:38.838 Thoughts on Professional Learning 1:09:05.738 Quote & Sign Off
TER #069 - School Funding Special - 01 May 2016
01/05/2016 Duration: 01h15minFollowing the May 1st announcement of a new school funding proposal by the Australian Federal Government, Cameron and Corinne explore the implications of the key policy proposals connected to the funding announcement.
TER #068 - Literacy in the Classroom with Stewart Riddle - 17 April 2016
17/04/2016 Duration: 01h57minTER #068 - Literacy in the Classroom with Stewart Riddle - 17 April 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #067 - Leading Curriculum Change with Rod Allen - 03 April 2016
03/04/2016 Duration: 01h04minTER #067 - Leading Curriculum Change with Rod Allen - 03 April 2016 by Teachers' Education Review