Podcast by Teachers' Education Review
TER #066 - Teaching Gifted & Talentd Students with Shirley Koch - 20 March 2016
20/03/2016 Duration: 01h35minMain Feature: Shirley Kock talks about strategies for identifying and teaching gifted students, and about the particular needs ot gifted student sin an education system. Regular Features: Cameron and Corinne discuss technology in education and the recent cuts to the Safe Schools program; Donelle Batty reports on recent proposed changes to the Tasmanian school system. Timecodes: 00.00 - Opening Credits 01:19 - Intro - ICTENSW Conference 10:39 - Safe Schools Review 35:12 - Donelle Batty on Tasmanian Schools 38:38 - Feature Introduction 40:20 - Interview - Shirley Kock 1:12:02 - Discussion 1:34:07 - Quote & Sign Off
TER #065 - Safe Schools Program with Sally Rishardson - 06 Mar 2016
06/03/2016 Duration: 01h34minTER #065 - Safe Schools Program with Sally Rishardson - 06 Mar 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #064 - Education in the Northern Territory with Jarvis Ryan - 21 Feb 2016
21/02/2016 Duration: 01h48min00.00 Opening Credits 02:06 Intro & Discussion 21:52 Off Campus with Dan Haesler 30:01 Vocational Education 46:10 Spotlight on Special Education 51:46 Feature Introduction 53:47 Interview - Jarvis Ryan 1:39:50 Announcements, Quote & Sign Off
TER #063 - The Sydney Story Factory with Prof Robyn Ewing - 07 Feb 2016
07/02/2016 Duration: 01h20minTER #063 - The Sydney Story Factory with Prof Robyn Ewing - 07 Feb 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #062 - Education & Technology with Alan November - 24 Jan 2016
24/01/2016 Duration: 01h28minTER #062 - Education & Technology with Alan November - 24 Jan 2016 by Teachers' Education Review
TER Live #009 - TeachMeet at the House
10/01/2016 Duration: 44minThis episode contains a selection of presentations recorded at TeachMeet at the House, on Monday, 30 November 2015. Show notes and time doces at
TER #061 - 2015 Year in Review, incl Matt Deeble from SVA - 26 Dec 2015
26/12/2015 Duration: 01h33minTER #061 - 2015 Year in Review, incl Matt Deeble from SVA - 26 Dec 2015 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #060 - PISA & Education Policy - 13 Dec 2015
13/12/2015 Duration: 01h32minTER #060 - PISA & Education Policy - 13 Dec 2015 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #059 - University Secondments for Teachers - 29 Nov 2015
29/11/2015 Duration: 01h25minRegular Features: Dan Haesler shares insights following his recent trip to the BETT Asia Leadership Summit in Singapore in a new Off Campus; Cameron provides updates on the prosecutions related to abuse of VET FEE Help loans. Special Feature: Donelle Batty interviews teachers who have undertaken secondments to University to teach pre-service teachers, exploring the benefits to students and to teachers own perspectives and practice as a result. Subscribe: iTunes | RSS Timecodes and Links 00:00 - Opening Credits 01:19 - Intro 02:12 - Off Campus with Dan Haesler 09:47 - Update: VET-FEE Help prosecutions 12:12 - Feature intro 13:54 - Donelle Batty Intro 18:41 - Interview - David Shorter 41:50 - Interview - Wendy Wilson 01:04:38 - Interview - Michelle Hinds 01:23:00 - Conclusion
TER #058 - Whole-School Blended Learning with Peter West - 15 November 2015
15/11/2015 Duration: 01h36minMain Feature: Peter West, director of eLearning at Saint Stephen’s College in Qld, talks about their whole-school approach to blended learning, and the process of implementing their whole-school approach. Regular Features: Cameron and Corinne discuss: Issue in vocational education; the idea of a national school starting age; recent federal court ruling on Victorian school laptop scheme. Links & Timecodes: 00:00 – Opening Credits 01:19 – Intro 01:41 – Vocational education funding 17:54 – Federal Court ruling on Victorian laptop scheme 27:35 – National school starting age 45:43 – Feature Intro 47:46 – Interview – Peter West 01:34:10 – Announcements 01:35:13 – Quote & sign off
TER #057 - Gonski Week Special - 01 Nov 2015
01/11/2015 Duration: 01h12minMain Feature: In 2015 the AEU organised National Gonski Week to continue the push for needs-based funding in Australian schools. In this special episode we review what the Gonski funding model means, why it matters, and what is in store for the future of school funding. This episode includes interviews with Jane Caro, Adrian Piccoli and Maurie Mulheron discussing different aspects of the Gonski policy and the ongoing campaign, as well as an example of how Gonski funding is being implemente din schools, and Dan Haesler talking bout how the language of Gonski has changed in federal politics.
TER #056 - Roleplay-based Pedagogy with James Witchard - 18 Oct 2015
18/10/2015 Duration: 01h37minMain Feature: As a teaching tool, Roleplay offers a way for students to engage personally and emotionally with learning activities. James Wictahrd has been researching and implementing Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan Haesler talks about ways to improve Professional learning in schools; Spotlight on Special Education, Tim Connell discusses Positive Behaviour, Intervention and Supports (PBIS); Reports: Corinne talks about her recent visit to the Microsoft Office in Sydney; Cameron provides a snapshot of the recent Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards. Timecodes: 00:00 – Opening Credits 01:19 – Intro 01:56 – Off Campus with Dan Haesler 10:16 – Microsoft in Education 25:45 – Spotlight on Special Education 36:45 – Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards 50:05 – Feature Introduciton 51:57 – Feature Interview – James Witchard on Roleplay-based Pedagogy 01:19:00 – Feature Discussion 01:32:34 – Announcements 01:36:32 – Quote & Sign Off
TER #055 - The London Challenge with Prof Sir George Berwick - 04 Oct 2015
04/10/2015 Duration: 01h19minEach year, Social Ventures Australia hold their Education Dialogue day, bringing together people from all different sectors of society to discuss issues facing education in Australia with a particular focus on improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged students. One of the keynote speakers at the 2015 event was Prof. Sir George Berwick, CEO of Challenge Partners UK, and formerly Principal of Ravens Wood School in Bromley. In this extended special interview, Sir George discusses the period of growth and success of London schools during the period of the London Challenge. Links: Challenge Partners website Prof. Sir George Berwick’s website Timecodes: 00:00 – Opening Credits 01:18 – Intro 01:34 – Social Ventures Australia Education Dialogue 16:42 – Interview with Prof. Sir George Berwick 01:10:07 – Discussion 01:18:28 – Quote and Sign Off
TER #054 - National Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools Program - 20 Sept 2015
20/09/2015 Duration: 01h11minTER #054 - National Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools Program - 20 Sept 2015 by Teachers' Education Review
TER Live #008 - TeachMeet @ EduTech 2015
06/09/2015 Duration: 46minIn June, Corinne travelled to Brisbane for EduTech 2015, and recorded presentations from the Teachmeet event held on the floor of the convention room. Educators form around Australia gathered to share stories of their educational practice. This podcast brings you a selection of recordings from 2 sessions of TeachMeet presentations held on Day 1 of Edutech. Links: This episode was recorded at EduTech Congress and Expo EduTech is presented by ACEvents Timecodes: 00:00 - Opening Credits & Intro 01:48 - Matt Esterman - Welcome to TeachMeet 03:09 Monika Kern - The RAT model - an alternative to SAMR 06:57 Paul Hamilton - Making student thinking visible with iPads 11:06 Paul Herring - Solving Real Problems with Computational Thinking 16:09 Corinna Bailey - Collaboration & ICT managing project work 24:12 Jon Andrews - Grassroots Research & Innovation 32:11 Peter Sercombe - Meet "Grover" - a 3d printed, FPV search and rescue robot 37:45 Eric Sheninger - A Better Way to Backchannel 42:42 Jacques du Toit -
TER Live #007 - TeachMeet Engage!
23/08/2015 Duration: 01h17minTER Live #007 - TeachMeet Engage! by Teachers' Education Review
TER #053 - Class Blogging with Sue Waters - 09 August 2015
09/08/2015 Duration: 01h37minTER #053 - Class Blogging with Sue Waters - 09 August 2015 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #052 - School Leadership with Dr Leoni Degenhardt - 26 July 2015
26/07/2015 Duration: 01h53minTER #052 - School Leadership with Dr Leoni Degenhardt - 26 July 2015 by Teachers' Education Review
TER #051 - Computational Thinking with Meredith Ebbs - 12 July 2015
12/07/2015 Duration: 01h12minMain feature: Meredith Ebbs discusses computational thinking in an interview recorded at Edutech 2015. Regular Features: Off Campus, Dan Haesler discusses the issue of 'The System' being a perceived obstacle to innovation; Education in the News, Cameron and Corinne discuss literacy and numeracy tests for teachers and the recent National Summit on Student Engagement.
TER #050 - Social Justice and Drama Pedagogy with Michael Finneran - 28 June 2015
28/06/2015 Duration: 01h16minMain Feature: Dr. Michael Finneran from the University of Limerick discusses the power of Drama Pedagogy for teaching students about social justice issues and it's use across the curriculum. Regular Features: Education in the news, Corinne and Cameron discuss federal education of government schools.