Wastelands And Wyverns

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 46:13:13
  • More information



Wastelands and Wyverns is a 5th edition real play dungeons and dragons podcast that takes place in a world destroyed by a magical cataclysm centuries ago. We have a rogue that turns into santa, an albino ranger, a bald elf bard, a hormonal sorcerer, and a barbarian who is pretty sure they're all idiots. Listen as they try to survive in a ravaged world. Spoiler : It does not go well


  • 11 - Our Barbarian Discovers Alcohol

    10/03/2016 Duration: 01h27min

    After braving through what was essentially a whole small story arc for the DM to make a Santa Clause joke the pilgrims decide to shack up in this cave for a while and take inventory. The group also manages to make a basic decision without taking 30 minutes to do. That's quite impressive for us! Matt/Tre decides to try to come up with a skill challenge system for playing the D&D version of quarters and Zuni discovers mead.     Wait...what's that noise in the distance? That can't be good   Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaughn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), Tre (Matt Haley), and Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastel

  • 10 - A Very Kringeworthy Adventure Part 3

    29/02/2016 Duration: 01h48min

    The final part of our winter holiday adventure! Upfront warning on this one, Matt/Tre's audio got a little bit messed up so our quality on that regard isn't quite as good. Randy however has a new mic starting this episode so that is awesome!  The pilgrims continue exploring this winter cave in hopes of finding the Winter Star...and maybe even Kringe's father. There is this really loud roaring sound, I'm sure that's normal though.    Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), Tre (Matt Haley), and Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast  

  • 9 - A Very Kringeworthy Adventure Part 2

    15/02/2016 Duration: 01h53min

    Happy....umm...President's Day for those of you who live in the U.S., for everyone else though happy Monday.    The pilgrims begin to explore that chilly cave (I've hit our cave quota for a few levels now) in hopes to find out what exactly happened to Nikolai's dad and what this whole "Winter Star" thing is about. Anyways we're really slow at editing but hopefully things will start getting a bit faster around here. Thank you for all of your support.  By the way for those of you cool kids who are on tumblr you should check out this blog. The person running it posts a lot of cool d&d stuff and they have been very supportive of us! Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), Tre (Matt Haley), and Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever pod

  • 8 - A Very Kringeworthy Adventure

    29/01/2016 Duration: 01h23min

    Oh boy...where to start with this one.    This was recorded a long time ago, and meant to come out a month ago...since it's a holiday themed adventure. We certainly messed that up.  However I am incredibly proud of this episode and this story arc. You see, among my players I am known as "The DM of a thousand voices that all sound oddly similar."  Buckle up and get ready for a weird sleigh ride.  Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), Tre (Matt Haley), and Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

  • 7 - Hand Gestures

    14/01/2016 Duration: 02h14min

    A message from Matt the DM -  I am so so so sorry this one took so long. I had the original upload back on the 13th and somehow the files were mixed up and I ended up only uploading Randy's audio. So sorry for the 10 or so of you who listened to that mess. Well the original copy was corrupt and I had to re-edit this beast from scratch. A whole of other excuses can pile up but this should have been done a long time ago. I apologize sincerely. Now onto the episode.    What we have here is a failure to communicate, but really we're so sorry about how long this episode is. It's really long. Much longer than we ever should have recorded a single episode...but as you'll see we have a fight that doesn't go so well.  The pilgrims decide to check out this creepy house some more because "hey, let's go see our potential doom and try to figure out the DM's foreshadowing" was a popular opinion that night. Later on Walker tries to use some military tactics he learned in ranger school...things could have gone better. Our su

  • 6 - Fusion Illusion

    08/01/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    As the group is looting the dead bodies of Zunizara's newly deceased companions we remember that creepy tall guy that was standing on one of the buildings. Eventually after a lot more looting and a brief discussion of the chemical propenents of urine we wander into that one building. Weeeeiiiirrrrddddd stuff goes down.    Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), Tre (Matt Haley), and Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

  • 5 - The One Where Zunizara Shows Up

    07/01/2016 Duration: 01h37min

    Welcome to 2016 everyone! Sorry for the delay in episodes. The cast here have all suffered a bit of illness along with holiday madness. Anyway... We find something pretty interesting out in the wastelands...a road...that probably will lead somewhere right?  The pilgrims find an interesting location and some even more interesting squatters.    Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), Tre (Matt Haley) and introducing Zunizara Darkeyes (Randy Guerra), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

  • 4 - Know It Before You Blow It

    19/12/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    We spend a lot of time talking about a whistle. No really, a lot of time.. I don't know what I expected.... Walker changes his opinion on whether or not the cave is a defensible position.  The group also finds something very unexpected once we leave the cave.    Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdeklinge (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), and Tre (Matt Haley), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

  • 3 - Spice Girl

    18/12/2015 Duration: 01h49min

    Fixed upload! Sorry for those of you who listened to the version with messed up audio.    The Pilgrims continue exploring this tiny cave of potential horrors with Nikolai having a very cool story that he wants to tell everyone. We also discover one of Bobert's hidden talents. Oh boy, Maeprys is going to hold a grudge for a very long time.    Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdekligne (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), and Tre (Matt Haley), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)  If you're enjoying the show then you should leave us a review on iTunes or whatever podcasting service you use! It really helps people discover the show.   You can check us out on our shiny social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

  • 2 - Making Splashes

    09/12/2015 Duration: 01h24min

    So somehow most of us escaped from that giant vulture thing. Most of us...but hey there's this really cool random cave that we could potentially explore. What could go wrong? I'm sure this puddle of cave water is completely safe to drink. Plus Randy shows up for the intro and is then quiet for pretty much the whole episode. Our survival in the wastelands continues with; Walker Erdeklinge (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), and Tre (Matt Haley), as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization with our DM (Matt Hladik.)   You can check us out on our shiny new social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

  • 1 - The Gates Are Open

    09/12/2015 Duration: 01h42min

    The adventure in the post magic apocalypse wasteland begins, the party introduces themselves and they are escorted out of the Citadel. Also we struggle with basic directions.  Join our DM (Matt Hladik), Walker Erdkline (Graham Vaugn), Nikolai "Kringe" Hellborn (Jordan Thompson), Maeprys (Haley Zimmer), and Tre (Matt Haley) as they are exiled from the last know bastion of civilization. You can check us out on our shiny new social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast  

  • 0 - Welcome To The Wasteland ( Introduction )

    08/12/2015 Duration: 15min

    You should totally listen to this before the other episodes! Our DM Matt (@ekotata) gives a brief introduction to the campaign setting for the Wastelands and Wyverns Podcast.   You can check us out on our shiny new social media pages!  Facebook.com/wastelandsandwyverns Twitter.com/wandwpodcast

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