Stereo Voodoo - .

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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  • Stereo Voodoo #111 (111)

    11/05/2015 Duration: 59min

    1. Bossacucanova (Brazil) - "Balana (No pode parar!)" CD "Our kind of Bossa" (Six Degrees) 2. The Flesh Eaters (USA) - "Azami" CD "Miss Muerte" (Atavistic) 3. HHY & The Macumbas (Portugal) - "Reanima electrica" CD "Throat permission cut" (Silo/Cargo) 4. Rebekka Karijord (Norway) - "Kjaere gud jeg har det Godt" CD "Music for film and theatre" (Control freak kitten) 5. Viet Cong (Canada) - "Pointless experience" CD "Viet Cong" (Jagjaguwar) 6. Jane Weaver (UK) - "Dont take my soul" CD "The silver globe" (Bird/Finders keepers) 7. Locomondo (Greece/Germany) - "Diploreggaes" CD "New day rising" (Monopol) 8. Arthur H (France) - "Les Papous, cest nous!" CD "Soleil dedans" (Mystic Rhumba) 9. Race to Space (Russia) - "I see stars" CD "Is this home?" (Тёмные Лошадки) 10. The Sea Kings (UK) - "Moonlit range" CD "Woke in the Devils arms" (Iffy folk) 11. Shawn Lee (USA/UK) - "Muson Magic" CD "Golden age against the machine" (BBE) 12. Trio Mara (Turkey) - "Nazdar" CD "Deri/Behind the doors" (Ahenk muzik) 13. Cabaret Voltair

  • Stereo Voodoo #110 (110)

    04/05/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    1. Einsturzende Neubauten (Germany) - "All of nomans land is ours" CD "Lament" (Mute/BMG) 2. Наадя (РФ) - "Омут" CD "Наадя" (Kometa music) 3. The Broken Family Band (UK) - "At the back of the chapel" CD "Its all over: The best of The Broken Family band" (State 51) 4. Massilia Sound System (France) - "La responsa es dins lo vent" CD "Massilia" (Manivette) 5. The Deadbeats (UK/USA) - "Crazy when I hear that beat" CD "On tar beach" (Big Beat/Ace) 6. The Deadbeats (UK/USA) - "Sexy Sadie" CD "On tar beach" (Big Beat/Ace) 7. Barbarisms (Sweden) - "Olga Khokhlova" CD "Barbarisms" (Control Freak Kitten) 8. Rocca-Benigni-Duo (Italy) - "Silfineide" CD "Upset." (FinisTerre) 9. Cymbals Eat Guitars (USA) - "Chambers" CD "Lose" (Tough Love) 10. Jun Miyake feat.Lisa Papineau (Japan/France) - "The Unspoken" CD "Lost Memory Theatre - Act 2" (Yellow Bird) 11. Slim Twig (Canada) - "Shroud by the sheetful" CD "A hound at the hem" (DFA) 12. Coco Mbassi (Cameroun) - "Din longe" CD "Joa" (Conserprod) 13. Current 93 (UK) - "The hear

  • Stereo Voodoo #109 (109)

    27/04/2015 Duration: 58min

    1. Erland & The Carnival (UK) - "I am Joan" CD "Closing time" (Full time hobby) 2. La Chiva Gantiva (Belgium/Colombia) - "Vivo" CD "Vivo" (Crammed) 3. Modern Feelings (Finland) - "Smooth variations VI" CD "Modern Feelings" (Shk) 4. The Warlocks (USA) - "Dead generation" CD "Skull worship" (Zap banana/Cargo) 5. Ejecta (USA) - "Smalltown girl" CD "Dominae" (Happy Death) 6. Niels Klein (Germany) - "Track" CD "Tubes & wires" (N Wog) 7. Gaspard Royant (France) - "Break-Up Bar" CD "10 Hit Wonder" (Sardanapale) 8. Maurice Louca (Egypt) - "Sharraq rah tegharrab" CD "Salute the parrot" (Nawa) 9. Vampires (South Africa) - "Exodus" CD "Underground" (Pharaway sounds) 10. The Pierces (USA) - "Devil is the lonely night" CD "Creation" (Polydor) 11. The Mighty Sieben (UK) - "Jigsaw Chainsaw" CD "Each Divine Spark" (Redroom) 12. The Mighty Sieben (UK) - "She is there" CD "Each Divine Spark" (Redroom) 13. Cosines (UK) - "Walking away" CD "Oscillations" (Fika) 14. Dub Thompson (USA) - "Epicondyles" CD "9 songs" (Dead oceans) 15

  • Stereo Voodoo #108 (108)

    20/04/2015 Duration: 53min

    1. Pere Ubu (USA/UK) - "Drag the river" CD "Carnival of souls" (Fire) 2. Addys Mercedes (Cuba/Germany) - "No queda nada" CD "Locomotora a Cuba" (Media Luna) 3. Jonne (Finland) - "Ken si lapsen lattialta?" CD "Jonne" (Playground) 4. Woo (UK) - "1001 decisions" CD "When the past arrives" (Drag City) 5. White Lung (Canada) - "Face down" CD "Deep fantasy" (Domino) 6. Nylon Jail (Czech republic) - "Indian Summer" CD "My heart soars like a hawk" (Indies scope) 7. The/Das (Germany) - "Receiver" CD "Freezer" (Sinnbus) 8. Domotic (France) - "Le Dmon (theme)" CD "Le Dmon des hautes" (Tona serenad) 9. Half-handed Cloud (USA) - "Pneumatic Mystery Envelopes" CD "Flyingscroll flight control" (Asthmatic Kitty) 10. Rocco de Rosa feat.Barbara Eramo (Italy) - "Alibi (dall i viaggi perduti)" CD "Sonoaria" (Helikonia) 11. John Addison (UK) - "Big ship sails" CD "Funny old shit" (Trunk) 12. Ray Cathode (UK) - "Waltz in orbit" CD "Funny old shit" (Trunk) 13. Bertrand Burgalat & Aquaserge (France) - "Sans titre" CD "La nuit est la"

  • Stereo Voodoo #107 (107)

    13/04/2015 Duration: 56min

    1. Rosco aka Sterling Roswell (UK) - "Interplanetary spaceliner" CD "The call of the Cosmos" (Roscom) 2. Sylvie Simmons (USA) - "My lips still taste of you" CD "Sylvie" (Light in the attic) 3. Johann Johannsson (Iceland) - "Domestic pleasures" CD "The Theory of Everything (OST)" (Universal) 4. Shanren (China) - "Drinking song" CD "Left foot dance of the Yi" (WMN) 5. Gemma Ray (UK) - "Rubbing out your name" CD "Milk for your motors" (Bronze rat) 6. Gemma Ray (UK) - "Buckle up" CD "Milk for your motors" (Bronze rat) 7. Jack Ruby (USA) - "Sleep cure" CD "Hit and run" (Saint Cecilia knows) 8. Trad.Attack! (Estonia) - "Reied" CD "Trad.Attack!" (Artist release) 9. Heterotic feat. Vezelay (UK/France) - "Boxes" CD "Weird drift" (Planet Mu) 10. Do Amor (Brazil ) - "Undum" CD "Piracema" (Disco Maravilha) 11. Von Spar (Germany) - "V.S.O.P." CD "Street life" (Italic) 12. Steven James Adams (UK) - "Man down" CD "House music" (State 51) 13. Little Dragon (Sweden) - "Killing me" CD "Nabuma rubberband" (Because) 14. Smallgan

  • Stereo Voodoo #106 (106)

    06/04/2015 Duration: 56min

    1. Ex Hex (USA) - "Dont wanna lose" CD "Rips" (Merge) 2. Wally Warning (Aruba) - "Mi amor bo ta" CD "Dushi ritmo" (Cunucu) 3. Scanners (UK) - "Love is symmetry" CD "Love is symmetry" (Tigertrap) 4. Siinai (Finland) - "En-trance" CD "Supermarket" (Splendour) 5. Sea Oleena (Canada) - "If Im" CD "Shallow" (Lefse) 6. Abelardo Barroso (Cuba) - "La hija de Juan Simon" CD "Cha Cha Cha" (World circuit) 7. Cleo T (France) - "Trista stella" CD "Songs of gold & shadow" (Grand Palais) 8. Cleo T (France) - "Comme vient la nuit" CD "Songs of gold & shadow" (Grand Palais) 9. Ike Yard vs Tropic of Cancer (USA) - "Half a God" CD "A fact a second remixed" (Desire) 10. Elephant (UK) - "Skyscraper" CD "Sky swimming" (Memphis Industries) 11. Les Big Byrd (Sweden) - "1,2,3,4,Morte" CD "They worshipped cats" (a) 12. Ethiocolor (Ethiopia) - "Helle loyo helle ioho" CD "Ethiocolor" (Selam sounds) 13. Anand Wilder & Maxwell Kardon (USA) - "Coal into diamonds" CD "Break line" (Secretly Canadian) 14. Jagun (Germany/Brazil) - "La primera

  • Stereo Voodoo #105 (105)

    30/03/2015 Duration: 58min

    1. Blues Pills (Sweden) - "Astralplane" CD "Blues Pills" (Nuclear blast) 2. Ergo Phizmiz (UK) - "Open artery surgery" CD "The Peacock" (Care in the community) 3. Orquestra Imperial (Brazil) - "Mocot em Tijuana" CD "Fazendo as pazes como Swing" (Mais um discos) 4. Pharmakon (USA) - "Body betrays itself" CD "Bestial burden" (Sacred bones) 5. Radicanto (Italy) - "Strade" CD "Oltremare" (Artist release) 6. Timber Timbre (Canada) - "Curtains?!" CD "Hot dreams" (Full time hobby) 7. Timber Timbre (Canada) - "The three sisters" CD "Hot dreams" (Full time hobby) 8. Marianne Faithfull (UK) - "True lies" CD "Give my love to London" (Nave) 9. The Fresh & Onlys (USA) - "Animal of one" CD "House of spirits" (Kemado) 10. Jac Berrocal (France) - "Priere" CD "MDLV" (Sub Rosa) 11. The Ministry of Wolves (International) - "Cinderella" CD "Republik der Wlfe" (Mute) 12. The Ministry of Wolves (International) - "Rapunzel (as Isadora Duncan)" CD "Republik der Wlfe" (Mute) 13. Kali Mutsa (Chile) - "Quispe" CD "Souvenance" (Shock/Flo

  • Stereo Voodoo #104 (104)

    23/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    1. Niagara (Italy) - "Vanilla cola" CD "Dont take it personally" (Monotreme) 2. Lutine (UK) - "Come wander" CD "White flowers" (Front&Follow) 3. Maria Kalaniemi Quartet (Finland) - "Indifference" CD "Kaustinen live 2003" (Aker) 4. C.W.Stoneking (Australia) - "The thing i done" CD "Gon Boogaloo" (King Hokum) 5. The Wharves (UK/Ireland/France) - "Ode a Jimmy" CD "At bay" (Gringo) 6. Frank Roberts (Austria) - "Maloja" CD "Schnitzelbeat vol.1" (Konkord) 7. Die 4 Bambis (Austria) - "Inka City 60" CD "Schnitzelbeat vol.1" (Konkord) 8. The Hubbubs (Austria) - "Nachts in Chicago" CD "Schnitzelbeat vol.1" (Konkord) 9. Nicole Atkins (USA) - "Red ropes" CD "Slow phaser" (OhMercy) 10. Chancha Via Circuito (Argentina) - "Sueo en Paraguay" CD "Amansara" (Wonderwheel/Crammed) 11. Avey Tares Slasher Flicks (USA) - "Strange colores" CD "Enter the Slasher House" (Domino) 12. Lydia Lunch & Cypress Grove (USA/UK) - "Revolver" CD "A fistfull of Desert Blues" (Rustblade) 13. Lydia Lunch & Cypress Grove (USA/UK) - "End of my rope"

  • Stereo Voodoo #103 (103)

    16/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    1. Katerine (France) - "Stripteaseuses" CD "Magnum" (Riviera) 2. Katerine (France) - "Le Trouvere de Verdi" CD "Magnum" (Riviera) 3. Sonzeira feat. Elza Soares (Brazil) - "Nana" CD "Brazil Bam Bam Bam" (Brownswood) 4. Colorama (UK) - "Raylene" CD "Temari" (AED) 5. Big Blood (USA) - "Everything is improving" CD "Radio Valkyrie 1905-1917" (Feeding tube) 6. Ali Khattab (Spain/Egypt) - "El secreto" CD "Sin pais" (Nesma) 7. Womans Hour (UK) - "To the end" CD "Conversations" (Secretly Canadian) 8. Scott Walker + Sunn O))) (UK/USA) - "Lullaby" CD "Soused" (4AD) 9. Andrea Schroeder (Germany) - "The spider" CD "Where the wild oceans end" (Glitterhouse) 10. Nick Grey & The Random Orchestra (Canada/UK/France) - "Youre mine again" CD "Youre mine again" (Milk&Moon) 11. Sainkho & Garlo (Tuva/France) - "Plastic" CD "Go to Tuva" (BP12) 12. Universal Daughters feat. Mick Collins (Italy/USA) - "Its your Voodoo working" CD "Why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Santeria) 13. Universal Daughters feat. Alan Vega (Italy/USA) - "I Hear Voic

  • Stereo Voodoo #102 (102)

    09/03/2015 Duration: 59min

    1. Tuxedomoon (USA/Mexico/Belgium) - "Triumphant procession" CD "Pink Narcissus" (Cramboy) 2. Brown Reininger Bodson (Mexico/USA) - "In a new world" CD "Clear tears / Troubled waters" (Made to measure/ Crammed) 3. Rebeca Matta (Brazil) - "Um sopro leve" CD "A flor de pele" (MSK) 4. Big Boss Man (UK) - "Crimson 6Ts" CD "Last man on Earth" (Blow Up) 5. Yann Tiersen (France) - "Slippery stones" CD "Infinity" (Mute) 6. JJ (Sweden) - "Dynasti" CD "V" (Sincerely Yours / Secretly Canadian) 7. Tariq (Spain) - "DAire I" CD "Jaume compte nafas ensemble" (ARC) 8. Anna Calvi (UK) - "Ghost rider" CD "Strange weather" (Domino) 9. Anna Calvi (UK) - "Lady Grinning Soul" CD "Strange weather" (Domino) 10. Apache Dropout (USA) - "Radio Double Agent" CD "Heavy Window" (Magnetic South) 11. Submotion Orchestra (UK) - "Awakening" CD "Alium" (Counter) 12. Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn (USA) - "Railroad" CD "Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn" (Rounder) 13. The Chills (New Zealand) - "Part past, part fiction" CD "The BBC Sessions" (Fire)

  • Stereo Voodoo #101 (101)

    02/03/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    1. Tony Allen feat. Adunni & Nefretiti (Nigeria) - "Ire omo" CD "Film of life" (Jazz village) 2. Human Hair (UK) - "Worldly one" CD "My life as a beast and lowly form" (State 51) 3. Wye Oak (USA) - "Glory" CD "Shriek" (Merge) 4. Braunation (Brazil) - "Om da onda" CD "Derruba os muros da cidade" (Artist release) 5. Felix Kubin mit Mitch&Mitch (Germany) - "Creeper" CD "Bakterien & Batterien" (Lado ABC) 6. The Pop Group (UK) - "Thief of fire" CD "We are time" (Freaks R Us) 7. The Pop Group (UK) - "Words disobey me" CD "Cabinet of curiosities" (Freaks R Us) 8. Redi Hasa & Maria Mazzetta (Italy) - "Maria" CD "Ura" (FinisTerre) 9. Kemialliset Ystvt (Finland) - "Alempana kuin enkelit" CD "Alas rattoisaa virtaa" (Dekorder) 10. Wampire (USA) - "Bad attitude" CD "Bazaar" (Polyvinyl) 11. Nasser Kilada (Egypt/Germany) - "Coptic blues" CD "Ranin" (Phonector) 12. Phantom Love (Italy) - "Dead illusion" CD "Crave for lust" (Zerokilled music) 13. Shoukichi Kina & Pascal Plantinga (Japan/Holland) - "Shima guwa" CD "Washinnayo"

  • Stereo Voodoo #100 (100)

    23/02/2015 Duration: 58min

    1. Chuck E. Weiss (USA) - "The Hink-a-Dink" CD "Red beans & Weiss" (Anti-) 2. Dale Cooper Quartet & The Dictaphones (France) - "Lampyre bonne chre" CD "Quatorze pieces de menace" (Denovali) 3. Вася Обломов (РФ) - "Трагедия" CD "Многоходовочка!" (В.О.) 4. Hrbarium (Austria) - "Friedhof" CD "Spafudla" (Progressive folk) 5. King Tuff (USA) - "Magic mirror" CD "Black Moon spell" (Sub pop) 6. Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom (USA) - "Distant space" CD "Daytime viewing " (Unseen worlds) 7. Dave Bartholomew (USA) - "Monkey speaks his mind" CD "The history of New Orleans Rhythm&Blues" (R&B) 8. Melanie Pain (France) - "Black Widow" CD "Bye bye Manchester" (Fierce panda) 9. Traams (UK) - "Loose" CD "Grin" (Fat cat) 10. Marcio Faraco (Brazil/France) - "Outro tempo" CD "Cajueiro" (Harmonia Mundi) 11. Watter (USA) - "Rustic fog" CD "This world" (Temporary residence) 12. The Amazing Snakeheads (UK) - "Memories" CD "Amphetamine ballads" (Domino) 13. Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp (Switzerland) - "Slide" CD "Roto

  • Stereo Voodoo #99 (99)

    16/02/2015 Duration: 01h38s

    1. Mark Lanegan Band (USA) - "Floor of the ocean" CD "Phantom radio" (Heavenly) 2. O Que Strada (Portugal) - "Sweet old country" CD "Atlantic Beat: Mad in Portugal" (O Sonho) 3. -M- (France) - "Mojo" CD "Il" (Barclay) 4. Archon Orchestra (Russia) - "Hope & calm" CD "Cenotaph" (Shadowplay) 5. Marc Almond (UK) - "The dancing marquis" CD "The dancing marquis" (Cherry red) 6. Marc Almond (UK) - "A comet" CD "Ten plagues" (Cherry red) 7. Linda Perhacs (USA) - "Freely" CD "The soul of all natural things" (Asthmatic kitty) 8. Korhan Futaci & Kara Orkestra (Turkey) - "Unutulmasin bu yaz" CD "Korhan Futaci & Kara Orkestra" (Unibro) 9. Olivia Louvel (UK/France) - "In my shed" CD "Beauty sleep" (Cat werk) 10. The Youth (Denmark) - "Baby, Im back" CD "Nothing but..." (Dirty water) 11. Alsara & The Nubatones (Sudan) - "Nuba noutou" CD "Silt" (Wonderwheel) 12. Sun Foot (USA) - "Recession psychonaut" CD "Purple & orange Memorial record" (Pork salad) 13. Pacifika (Canada) - "Panamericana" CD "Amor Planeta" (Six degrees) 14.

  • Stereo Voodoo #98 (98)

    09/02/2015 Duration: 53min

    1. БГ (РФ) - "Пришёл пить воду" CD "Соль" (Kroogi) 2. Cibo Matto (USA/Japan) - "10th floor ghost girl" CD "Hotel Valentine" (Chimera music) 3. Forest Swords (UK) - "Hjurt" CD "Dagger paths" (No pain in pop) 4. Cascadura (Brazil) - "Colombo" CD "Aleluia" (Artist release) 5. Vashti Bunyan (UK) - "The boy" CD "Heartleap" (Fat cat) 6. Sebastien Tellier (France) - "Pepito bleu" CD "My God is blue" (Record makers) 7. Sebastien Tellier (France) - "LAdulte" CD "LAventura" (Record makers) 8. Peter Michael Hamel & Thomas Gunderman (Germany) - "Ashwalk" CD "Coincidence" (Schneeball) 9. The Shivas (USA) - "Stalking legs" CD "You know what to do" (K) 10. The Shivas (USA) - "Manson girls" CD "You know what to do" (K) 11. Megafon (Denmark) - "Vi svever" CD "Triskaidekamani" (Artist release) 12. Gallon Drunk (UK) - "Over and over" CD "The soul of the hour" (Cloud Hill) 13. Sonido Gallo Negro (Mexico) - "El misterio de Zangbedos" CD "Sendero Mistico" (Glitterbeat) 14. Maria Minerva (Estonia/USA) - "Hingede " CD "Histrionic" (

  • Stereo Voodoo #97 (97)

    02/02/2015 Duration: 57min

    1. The Twilight Sad (UK) - "Theres a girl in the corner" CD "Nobody wants to be here and nobody wants to leave" (Fat Cat) 2. Madame Baheux (Austria/Serbia/Bosnia/Bulgaria) - "The moving on song" CD "Madame Baheux" (Lotus) 3. Irmler & Liebezeit (Germany) - "Washing over me" CD "Flut" (Klangbad) 4. David Woodcock (UK) - "Same things" CD "David Woodcock" (Blow Up) 5. Nios du Brazil (Italy) - "Essenghelo tropical" CD "Novos misterios" (Hospital) 6. Venetian Snares (Canada) - "10th circle of Winnipeg" CD "My love is a bulldozer" (Planet Mu) 7. Venetian Snares (Canada) - "Too far across" CD "My love is a bulldozer" (Planet Mu) 8. Ljom (Norway) - "Kortkauken" CD "Seterkauk" (KKV) 9. Glass Ghost (USA) - "Wait a second" CD "Lyfe" (Western Vinyl) 10. 9Bach (UK) - "Lliwian" CD "Tincian" (Real World) 11. Wildest Dreams (UK/USA) - "Rollerskates" CD "Wildest Dreams" (Smalltown Supersound) 12. Wildest Dreams (UK/USA) - "Pleasure swell" CD "Wildest Dreams" (Smalltown Supersound) 13. The Ghost Wolves (USA) - "Dangerous moves"

  • Stereo Voodoo #96 (96)

    26/01/2015 Duration: 55min

    1. Esben & The Witch (UK) - "Dig your fingers in" CD "A new nature" (Nostromo) 2. The Pokes (Germany) - "Yesterdayman" CD "Mayday" (Tollshock) 3. OY (Switzerland) - "No, I dont snore" CD "No Problem Saloon" (Crammed) 4. Dirtmusic (Australia/USA) - "Blind City" CD "Lion City" (Glitterhouse) 5. Flowers (UK) - "I love you" CD "Do what you want to, its what you should do" (Fortuna pop!) 6. Erotic Market (France) - "Its a breaking" CD "Blahblahrians" (Jarring Effects) 7. Hamilton Leithauser (USA) - "5 AM" CD "Black hours" (Ribbon Music) 8. Puhti (Finland) - "Jumala rankaisee" CD "Pahan laulu" (Kihtinjrvi) 9. Teho Teardo (Italy) - "Echos bale" CD "Music, film. Music" (Specula) 10. Zammuto (USA) - "Henry Lee" CD "Anchor" (Temporary residence) 11. Zammuto (USA) - "Dont be a tool" CD "Anchor" (Temporary residence) 12. Laura Vane & The Viper Tones (UK/Holland) - "Pictures" CD "Bodyquake" (Unique) 13. Owen Pallett (Canada) - "The Riverbed" CD "In conflict" (Domino) 14. Alcalica (Greece/Germany) - "Crumbling" CD "YDOP" (

  • Stereo Voodoo #95 (95)

    19/01/2015 Duration: 55min

    1. Bonnie Prince Billy (USA) - "So far and here we are" CD "Singers grave - a sea of tongues" (Domino) 2. Honeyblood (UK) - "(Id rather be) Anywhere but here" CD "Honeyblood" (Fat Cat) 3. Oumar Konate (Mali) - "Bisimillah" CD "Addoh" (Clermont) 4. Circle (Finland) - "Mustaa kulta" CD "Manner" (Ektro) 5. Circle (Finland) - "Lintu Joe" CD "Manner" (Ektro) 6. Rodrigo Leao feat. Beth Gibbons (Portugal/UK) - "Lonely carousel" CD "Songs (2004-2012)" (Glitterhouse) 7. Rodrigo Leao feat. Scott Matthew (Portugal/Australia) - "Terrible dawn" CD "Songs (2004-2012)" (Glitterhouse) 8. Muck & The Mires (USA) - "Whenever shes around" CD "Dial M for Muck" (Dirty Water) 9. Sibil (Turkey/Armenia) - "Siro garod" CD "Ser" (Ossi) 10. Pink Mountaintops (Canada) - "The second Summer of love" CD "Get back" (Jagjaguwar) 11. The Limianas (France) - "My Black Sabbath" CD "Costa Blanca" (Trouble in Mind) 12. The Limianas (France) - "La Mercedes Benz de couleur gris metallisee" CD "Costa Blanca" (Trouble in Mind) 13. The Blue Angel loung

  • Stereo Voodoo #94 (94)

    12/01/2015 Duration: 54min

    1. Arthur H & Nicolas Repac (France) - "LAmour" CD "LOr dEros" (Mystic rumba/Naive) 2. Bituin (Colombia) - "El pastor" CD "Entre tu pueblo y mi pueblo" (Matik-matik) 3. The Growlers (USA) - "Purgatory drive" CD "Chinese fountain" (Booming boom/Fat cat) 4. Camera (Germany) - "Synchron" CD "Remember i was carbon dioxide" (Bureau B) 5. Roy & The Devils Motorcycle (Switzerland) - "Leo Elodie Leoie & Louie" CD "Tino - Frozen angel" (Voodoo Rhythm) 6. Sally Seltmann (Australia) - "I will not wear your wedding ring" CD "Hey Daydreamer" (Lojinx) 7. Mission for Christ (USA) - "Pennies from hell" CD "The complete sessions" (Ektro) 8. Bixiga 70 (Brazil) - "A morte do vaqueiro" CD "Ocupai" (Mais um discos) 9. Stiv Cantarelli & The Silent Strangers (Italy/UK) - "Jason hit the city" CD "Banks of the Lea" (Stovepony) 10. Karavan Familia (Hungary) - "Asvin" CD "Asvin" (Fono) 11. The Wytches (UK) - "Fragile male" CD "Annabel Dream Reader" (Heavenly) 12. Lia Ices (USA) - "Sweet as ice" CD "Ices" (Jagjaguwar) 13. Alexis Taylor

  • Stereo Voodoo #93 (93)

    05/01/2015 Duration: 55min

    1. King Creosote (UK) - "Something to believe in" CD "From Scotland with love" (Domino) 2. Lisa & The Lips (USA) - "Mary Xmas" CD "Lisa & The Lips" (Vicious circle) 3. Federsel & Mkel (Czech Rep/Finland) - "Last mile" CD "An evening with..." (Rekommando) 4. King Ayisoba (Ghana) - "Bayeti boi" CD "Wicked leaders" (Makkum) 5. Moulettes feat. Arthur Brown (UK) - "Lady Vengeance" CD "Constellations" (Navigator) 6. Moulettes (UK) - "Glorious year" CD "Constellations" (Navigator) 7. Umbra Sum (Spain) - "Aos como flores" CD "An no has demonstrado nada" (Acuarela) 8. Eccodek (Canada) - "The end begins" CD "Singing in tongues" (Big mind) 9. Pascal Comelade (France) - "Hydropathes marchant sur les os" CD "El pianista del antifaz" (Because) 10. Famara (Switzerland) - "Vanille et chocolat" CD "Karibu" (N-gage) 11. Greys (Canada) - "Cold soak" CD "If anything" (Carpark) 12. Gardens & Villa (USA) - "Bullet train" CD "Dunes" (Secretly Canadian) 13. The Night Terrors (Australia) - "Blood and bone" CD "Back to Zero" (Homeless

  • Stereo Voodoo #92 (92)

    29/12/2014 Duration: 55min

    1. Carla Bozulich (USA) - "Drowned to the light" CD "Boy" (Constellation) 2. Apanhador So (Brazil) - "Mordido" CD "Antes que ti conte outra" (Artist release) 3. Irmin Schmidt (Germany) - "Flavia theme" CD "Villa Wunderbar" (Spoon/Mute) 4. Irmin Schmidt feat. Isis Zertlett (Germany) - "Dangerous" CD "Villa Wunderbar" (Spoon/Mute) 5. Malachai (UK) - "Sweet flower" CD "Beyond ugly" (Double six/Domino) 6. The Pussywarmers & Reka (Switzerland/Hungary) - "Young men living" CD "I saw them leaving" (Wild honey) 7. Jaakko Laitinen & Vk Raka (Finland) - "Pettymys" CD "Lapland-Balkan" (Playground) 8. Bear in Heaven (USA) - "Autumn" CD "Time is over one day old" (Dead oceans) 9. Shonen knife (Japan) - "Green tea" CD "Overdrive" (Damnably) 10. Black flower (Belgium) - "Jungle desert" CD "Abyssinia afterlife" (WERF/Zephyrus) 11. Jonny Halifax & The Howling Truth (UK) - "Brand new skin" CD "The bestial floor" (Greasy noise) 12. Juliana Barwick (USA) - "Pyrrhic" CD "Nepenthe" (Dead oceans) 13. Teitur (Faroe Islands) - "If yo

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