Lots of resources are available for sales people, and a lot more for technical people, but not enough for Sales Engineers. This resource is available for Sales Engineers who are interested in learning from other Sales Engineers as many will be interviewed on this platform.
#104 A New Challenge Everyday
13/04/2020 Duration: 46minFacing new challenges can be scary, but if you know you want to face it, then face it, and you’ll be better for it. Today’s show has a relatively new SE, Tobias Metz from Cisco Systems shares his views on what SEing was before he started vs. now and shares quite a bit about what he has learned coming from a more process-oriented side of the business to where he is now. show notes:
#103 It's All in the Pudding
06/04/2020 Duration: 51minLike a fine wine or an aged cheese, some things require time before they achieve greatness. Vik Arya, CEO and Co-Founder of, has had many years of experience honing his craft as an SE and SE Leader. Now, Vik has found a valuable niche as an enabler of SE Teams to be more effective in how they deliver proof of concepts (PoCs). This show gives us a CEO’s perspective on the importance of the discovery, understanding customers, your own value and overall the importance of a methodical approach to not only lead a company but to deliver great PoCs. Show Notes:
#102 Selling to a Very Technical Audience
30/03/2020 Duration: 57minTrevor Lancon joins this week’s show to share his insights on selling to an extremely technical audience - an audience that’s expected to be more technical than he is. Additionally, Trevor, while quite technical himself, has just transitioned into a hybrid Sales Engineering/Account Management role (similar to Ramzi) which presents its own fair share of challenges.
#101 Moving from the Dark Side
23/03/2020 Duration: 44minCareer paths for technical folks going into sales is Sales Engineering and then Sales. Matt took a different route where he started off as a Salesperson and then moved to Sales Engineering. Here's his story.
#100 Cast A Big Shadow!
16/03/2020 Duration: 01h03minThe Centennial Show. Show 100. This one is a special one, bringing together three behemoths in Sales Engineering leadership to speak about Sales Engineering as it is, where it came from, where it’s going, how it's valuable and how to be better at it. Chris White, Greg Holmes and John Care share their insights in this show you do not want to miss.
#99 The Importance of Discovery
09/03/2020 Duration: 01h03minIn order to deliver the best demo, the best presentation, the best value to any customer/prospect, you have to know what they want. The way to find out what they want is through a process called Discovery. Today’s show welcomes back Chris White, author, leader, consultant and coach, to explain his views on discovery: what it is, how to do it well, and why it’s important. There’s something for everyone in this show no matter your experience level. Enjoy!
#98 Enabling Sales Enablement
02/03/2020 Duration: 54minNathan Fierley is the Senior Director of Sales Engineering at Bigtincan, a company that empowers sales organizations through sales enablement to provide the resources necessary for sales teams to more effectively sell to their target audience. Today’s show covers a wide variety of topics, from learning what Sales Enablement is all about, learning what it means to be a player-coach, the lessons learned from working one job in how it can lead to the next, and so many other things - enjoy!
#97 Inspiring Fierce Loyalty
24/02/2020 Duration: 54minLiz Whitaker-Freitas is a Sales Engineering Manager at Splunk, one of the leaders in managing and interpreting big data for organizations in today’s data-driven economy. Today’s show covers Liz’s unique journey into sales engineering and SE Management
#96 Inch Deep, a Mile Wide: a Generalist's Story
17/02/2020 Duration: 57minBryan Young is an experienced SE who works for Cisco, one of the largest technology conglomerates in the world. Today we cover some of the unique perspectives of an SE who has to know so much about a constantly changing technology stack.
#95- The 6 Habits of Highly Effective Sales Engineers
10/02/2020 Duration: 01h13minChris White is an accomplished author, trainer, coach, teacher and Sales Engineering leader. He penned “The Six Habits of Highly Effective Sales Engineers”, an amalgamation of over a decade of experience in the field where Chris is able to articulate the importance of a number of key habits that will lead any SE to success. Today’s show covers the 6 main habits plus some bonus ones that you’ll only find here!
#94 Launching your Career as a Sales Engineer
03/02/2020 Duration: 38minDescription: Starting as a Sales Engineer is a daunting task. There is not a manual, and in many cases, there is no mentoring. You are supposed to figure out on your own. In Jacob’s case, he asked for a coaching call and agreed to get it recorded.
#93 What not to Say in a Demo
27/01/2020 Duration: 27minThere are a lot of things that are said during demos, some are canned, some are improvised, but all are always geared to get you and your audience in agreement and towards a sale. Not all words are equal however, and there are some words and phrases that can be detrimental to your success. Today we discuss some words and phrases to avoid when you’re demoing.
#92 Putting Yourself in Positions to Move Ahead.
20/01/2020 Duration: 43minMany Salespeople have their origins in being Sales Engineers first including our guest, Ricardo Guzman. Drawing on how he was treated as a Sales Engineer, he treats his SEs differently and also uses his technical knowledge to speed up the sales cycle.
The Diversity of Role of Sales Engineers
13/01/2020 Duration: 49minBini, my cohost, just started reading Mastering Technical Sales by John Care. We wanted to discuss a bit about it, and discuss the diversity in the role of Sales engineers.
#90 Why Do We Demo?
06/01/2020 Duration: 20minDemonstrations are the keystone foundation of a Sales Engineer’s Career. Some SEs demo on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Some companies actually hire demo engineers separate from Sales Engineers. But why do we demo?
#89 Working on a Lean Sales Engineering Team
30/12/2019 Duration: 55minWorking for a company that provides fremium products to consumers as well as a paid product to business can be tricky. We discuss how do SEs use it to their advantage.
#88 Conversations on the Forums
23/12/2019 Duration: 25minFolks are having great conversations on We The Sales Engineers Forums. Join in!
#87 Sales Engineering and Leadership
16/12/2019 Duration: 01h11minSales Engineering is a weird role, you can get SE of the quarter today and be let go the next. But you can bounce back and become the Global Director of Sales Engineering at a direct competitor. So the conversation today covers a wide variety of topics
#86 Network Neighborhood: What is a Sales Engineer?
09/12/2019 Duration: 56minwhat it’s like to be a sales engineer. What’s the job description? How is a sales engineer compensated? What do IT engineers on the buying side of things get wrong about sales engineers? What makes a good sales engineer? How can a sales engineer gently explain to an account rep that there’s actually nothing to sell the customer?
#85 Top 10 Mistakes I see in Resumes
02/12/2019 Duration: 22minResumes are needed to grab attention, and it is our responsibility to make as easy as possible for the recruiter or hiring manager to understand what we have to offer with as little pain as possible