Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 146:03:13
  • More information



Join us as we discuss the visions, inspirations and experiences from top educational leaders to enhance our knowledge on leadership development.


  • Changing the Trajectory of Each Lesson: Featuring Ken Ehrmann

    22/01/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this week’s episode, Ken Ehrmann shares how he rebuilt his classroom to empower every student with a student-centered learning experience, which changed the trajectory of each lesson. In this episode, we discuss: Changing the typical trajectory of a lesson where students experience phenomena first and learn concepts second Incorporating STEM concepts into the curriculum And his podcast PowerED UP Podcast About Ken Ehrmann: Ken Ehrmann is a Pennsylvania Department of Education 2019 Teacher of the year Finalist. He is an instructional coach for the Pennridge School District, formerly an elementary STEM and 5th grade teacher.  Ken's is passionate about empowering children with student-centered learning experiences.  Ken is the host of the powerED Up Podcast, a member of the Teach Better Network. Ken is now traveling nationally to work with all educators as a Keynote Speaker and custom PD provider. Follow Ken Ehmann: Website:  Twitter: @KenEhrmann Linkedin: https://www.linke

  • Empowerment Through Mentorship: Featuring Lauren Kaufman

    15/01/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this week’s episode, Lauren Kaufman shares how she created a mentorship program for her district and the immediate impact it made on the lives of the mentees and the mentors.  In this episode, we discuss: Approaching Leadership Through a Coaching Lens The Power of Connecting with other Leaders And her book contributions! About Lauren Kaufman: Lauren Kaufman is the Director of Literacy K-12 for a school district in Long Island, New York.  With over 17 years in education, she has served as an assistant principal, elementary instructional coach, an elementary and middle school reading specialist, new teacher mentor coordinator K-12, creativity camp enrichment program supervisor, and a 2nd and 5th-grade classroom teacher. Lauren is a lifelong learner whose professional passion is to empower teachers to lead so they can share their gifts with others and develop lifelong literacy practices in all learners. She has led teams developing 73 Units of Study in reading and writing K-5, has provided educators

  • Bonus Episode: The Failure Files with Frederick Buskey

    12/01/2023 Duration: 10min

    In this new BONUS episode, we learn from Frederick’s story of failure as he missed opportunities to have a crucial conversation with a special education teacher. Join us as we work through the resolution and the lesson learned through this misstep.   About Frederick Buskey: Frederick is the founder of Strategic Leadership Consulting, and the host of The Assistant Principal Podcast. He is passionate about improving life and leadership for school leaders by making complex ideas simple and building the mindset, structures, and skills to help school leaders focus on supporting and growing teachers. Frederick uses his experiences and understanding of research to inform practical ideas and strategies for busy leaders. His 30+ years of educational experience include being a National Board Certified Teacher, entry-year teacher program coordinator, and 13 years as a researcher and principal licensure program coordinator at Western Carolina University and Clemson University. He lives and plays in the mountains of Weste

  • Out of the Trenches: Featuring Dana Goodier

    08/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    In this week’s episode, Dana Goodier shares her story of being an elective teacher, identifying several areas of the school system that she wanted to improve, and becoming a building leader to develop solutions.   In this episode, we discuss: Supporting new teachers in your building Being the Administrator that is there to support teachers throughout the year, not just on scheduled observations Her podcast and book Out of the Trenches About Dana Goodier: Dana Goodier has served as a World Languages and English teacher and middle school administrator for over 22 years . She completed her EdD in Educational Leadership in early 2020. Building off of her own growth as a teacher, she is dedicated to providing schools with techniques to minimize off-task behavior and to increase time on task.⁠She is the author of “Out of the Trenches: Stories of Resilient Educators” and the host of the podcast Out of the Trenches. Follow Dana Goodier: Website:  Twitter: @danagoodier @outoftrenches

  • Unlocking Unlimited Potential: Featuring Dr. Brandon Beck

    29/12/2022 Duration: 38min

    In this week’s episode, Brandon Beck shares how he is unlocking his student’s potential by seeking new practices for his classroom, such as bringing in a service dog and mentorship program to his school.  In this episode, we discuss: Finding joy in the journey Leaning into areas that we are passionate about to be the best leader possible His podcast and book Unlocking Unlimited Potential  About Brandon Beck: Dr. Brandon Beck is an educator, speaker, coach, and author of "Unlocking Unlimited Potential: Understanding the Infinite Power Within to Guide Any Student Toward Success." As a keynote speaker, Brandon is best known for his inspirational storytelling. His events directly connect authentic activities which build upon the ultimate goal for all... Unlocking Unlimited Potential.  He is also the host of the "Unlocking Unlimited Potential Stories Show," a live show and podcast where he interviews inspiring people sharing their inspiring stories. Brandon is a National Board Certified teacher and also

  • Bonus Episode: The Failure Files with Danny Bauer

    22/12/2022 Duration: 22min

    In this new BONUS episode, we learn from Danny Bauer’s story of failure as he had a crucial conversation with a teacher but used several ineffective communication strategies in the meeting. Join us as we work through the resolution and the lesson learned through this misstep.   About Danny Bauer: Daniel Bauer is an unorthodox Ruckus Maker who has mentored thousands of school leaders through his Better Leaders Better Schools blog, books, podcasts, and powerful coaching experiences.  Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader is a book that reimagines what professional development for school administrators looks like in order to meet the needs of all school leaders who currently feel isolated and overwhelmed.  Follow Danny Bauer: Website:  Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin: Yo

  • Changing the Trajectory of Those We Serve: Featuring George Couros

    17/12/2022 Duration: 48min

    In this week’s episode, George Couros shares stories of his leadership journey, advises on how to serve as a young leader, and explains how creating content enhances the trajectory of those we serve.  In this episode, we discuss: How change is an opportunity to do something amazing Anxiety as a strength not a weakness “Not paying for a course twice” as a leader About George Couros: My name is George Couros, and I am currently an Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Consultant and speaker and the author of “The Innovator’s Mindset” and “Innovate Inside the Box”  and co-owner of IMPress Books.  I have worked at all school levels, from K-12 as a teacher, technology facilitator, and school and district administrator, and I am currently an Adjunct Instructor with the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. I believe that creating a collaborative environment with all stakeholders will help to ensure that we meet the best needs of all children. I am lucky to be the father o

  • Bonus Episode: The Failure Files with Michael Earnshaw

    13/12/2022 Duration: 13min

    In this new BONUS episode, we learn from Michael Earnshaw’s story of failure as he assumed a teacher took care of an important Special Education task and realized the miscommunication. Join us as we work through the resolution and the lesson learned through this misstep.  About Michael Earnshaw: Michael Earnshaw, The Punk Rock Principal, is helping to change the game of education. By implementing a mobile office, Mr. Earnshaw has been able to be “all in” working with students and staff. Mike builds relationships with all and pushes staff to get out of their comfort zones and bring meaningful learning experiences to their students. This has helped to keep staff retention at a high, a collaborative productive culture, and student success climbing. Follow Michael Earnshaw: Twitter: Instagram:   [caption id="attachment_4087" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Aspire to Lead, The Educulture Cookbook, Michael Earnshaw, Jos

  • Make Learning Magical: Featuring Tisha Richmond

    10/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    In this week’s episode, Tisha Richmond shares her experience of losing joy as a teacher and how using gamification in her classroom increased her happiness, student motivation, and overall engagement.  In this episode, we discuss: How to create the “Extreme Lesson Makeover” The origin story of Tisha’s podcast  And her book, Making Learning Magical!  About Tisha Richmond: Tisha is a district Student Engagement and Professional Development Specialist,  international speaker, and author from Southern Oregon. She taught Family and Consumer Science for 25 years and has served in various leadership roles at the regional and national level. She recently co-founded Southern Oregon CUE, the first CUE affiliate in Oregon. Tisha is the author of the book Make Learning MAGICAL, which unlocks seven keys to transform teaching and create unforgettable experiences in the classroom. She speaks nationally on a variety of topics related to teaching and learning in all content and grade levels. ​In 2018, she was a reci

  • The Strategic Leadership Timeline: Featuring Frederick Buskey

    03/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this week’s episode, Frederick Buskey shares the trap that all new leaders get caught in and how to shift into an effective and strategic leader.  In this episode, we discuss: The black hole that new leaders fall into A timeline of action steps for new leaders to improve their practices And The Assistant Principal Podcast!  About Frederick Buskey: Frederick is the founder of Strategic Leadership Consulting, and the host of The Assistant Principal Podcast. He is passionate about improving life and leadership for school leaders by making complex ideas simple and building the mindset, structures, and skills to help school leaders focus on supporting and growing teachers. Frederick uses his experiences and understanding of research to inform practical ideas and strategies for busy leaders. His 30+ years of educational experience include being a National Board Certified Teacher, entry-year teacher program coordinator, and 13 years as a researcher and principal licensure program coordinator at Western C

  • Bonus Episode: The Failure Files with Bryan Zwemke

    30/11/2022 Duration: 09min

    In this new BONUS episode, we learn from Bryan Zwemke’s story of failure by not including his teachers in an important shift in procedure. Join me as I also share a similar mistake and how I worked through the misstep of not collaborating with my colleagues.  About Bryan Zwemke: Bryan Zwemke is an Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Innovation in Illinois with 22 years of experience teaching and leadership in rural, suburban, and urban settings focused on student achievement and student engagement. His priorities focus on the core strategies of a guaranteed and viable curriculum, mental health, equity and access for all students, supporting quality teams, and personalized learning for students. Bryan completed his doctoral program for Educational Leadership at Aurora University defending his dissertation Building Social Capital Through Social Media and is serving as an adjunct professor at Aurora University. As a veteran administrator, Bryan has developed a passion for the necessary change toward future

  • Essential Steps for Aspiring Leaders: Featuring Hunter Flesch

    26/11/2022 Duration: 28min

    In this week’s episode, Hunter Flesch shares his journey as a teacher, Masters student, and aspiring leader as he learns how to lead a building.  In this episode, we discuss: Asking the correct questions as a new leader Finding ways to bring joy to teachers And his wonderful podcast, The Ed Essentials Podcast!  About Hunter Flesch: Hunter Flesch is a current middle school teacher, mentor teacher, and host of “The Ed Essentials Podcast” where he gives teachers and leaders strategies that work! Hunter holds a degree in Elementary and Middle Level Education and is currently pursuing his Masters in Educational Leadership in hopes of becoming a school principal. Follow Hunter Flesch: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin: YouTube:

  • SELebrate Good Times: Featuring Kim Gameroz

    19/11/2022 Duration: 31min

    In this week’s episode, Kim Gameroz breaks down the misconceptions of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how to build a systematic approach to have the most impact with SEL. In this episode, we discuss: Creating a common language   Making Morning Meetings meaningful  And her upcoming book!  About Kim Gameroz: Kim Gameroz is a change agent for schools and districts who seek to revolutionize classrooms by taking on a systematic approach to teaching social and emotional skills. For over 15 years, Kim has coached, trained, and mentored teachers, students, and families around the globe. She was invited to speak at Social Thinking's Global Provider's Conference in San Francisco, as well as Get Your Teach On's Rock Your School and PBIScon22 for PBIS Rewards. She has also consulted for school districts and families in need of social and emotional support, served on SEL panels for the Cotsen Art of Teaching Foundation, and has appeared on various webinars and podcasts with leaders and companies near and far.

  • Strive for Happiness in Education: Featuring Robert Dunlop

    13/11/2022 Duration: 36min

    I met my amazing guest at Teach Better 22 and we had a wonderful conversation, which I wanted to continue on the Aspire to Lead Podcast. In this week’s episode, Robert Dunlop shares his experiences on the pursuit of happiness and how a dark time in his life changed his perspective completely.   In this episode, we discuss: Understanding and Learning from the Peaks and Valleys of our Professional Journey The Research on Happiness And his new book, STRIVE for Happiness in Education!  About Robert Dunlop: Robert Dunlop is a teacher, speaker and author who has a passion for helping other educators love their careers. His work with thousands of teachers, principals and support staff has given him insight into the importance of happiness in education. He believes that all students deserve to be surrounded by educators who are passionate and love coming to school each day. To help make this a reality, he has made it his mission to help educators make happiness and well-being a priority. Recently, he publish

  • Seeking Guidance in a New Position: Featuring Bryan Zwemke

    05/11/2022 Duration: 29min

    In this week’s episode, Bryan Zwemke shares how he started a new position this summer to serve his district in a new role. Regardless of your position, we all need support in our leadership journey and Bryan shares some wonderful strategies to connect and grow to gain leadership knowledge.  In this episode, we discuss: The support and guidance needed to survive a new leadership position Personalized learning and the changes needed to enhance student soft skills And the Teach Better Administrator Mastermind!  About Bryan Zwemke: Bryan Zwemke is an Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Innovation in Illinois with 22 years of experience teaching and leadership in rural, suburban, and urban settings focused on student achievement and student engagement. His priorities focus on the core strategies of a guaranteed and viable curriculum, mental health, equity and access for all students, supporting quality teams, and personalized learning for students. Bryan completed his doctoral program for Educat

  • Leading 5 Generations in Schools: Featuring Mark White

    29/10/2022 Duration: 26min

    Today’s leaders face the challenge of leading five generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and brand-new Generation Z teachers, along with Gen Alpha, today’s youngest students. In this week’s episode, Mark White, shares his research and experiences to address expectations implicit with leading each generation.  In this episode, we discuss: Tactics for transitioning to 5-Gen Leadership and understanding distinct generations in teaching staff Advice for creating a welcoming environment for Gen Z and Gen Alpha And his book, Leading 5 Generations in Schools!  About Mark White: Mark White is an award-winning teacher, school leader, and author. He was previously the superintendent of the Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools in Gahanna, Ohio, and the academic principal at the Beijing National Day School in Beijing, China. He has frequently been a guest speaker in universities and at local, state, and national conferences. As a consultant, he has coached thousands of educators in schools across

  • The Autism Outreach: Featuring Rose Griffin

    22/10/2022 Duration: 21min

    In this week’s episode, Rose Griffen, shares her story of discovering a need with non- verbal autistic children and how she stepped up to create her own product to help support her students. In addition to the products she creates, Rose has become a huge resource in the special education space as she helps consult, speak, and teach about autism and communication skills.  In this episode, we discuss: Strategies to enhance our communication  Breaking down the misconceptions of Autism And her podcast, Autism Outreach!  About Rose Griffin: Rosemarie Griffin, MA, CCC/SLP BCBA, is an ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She divides her time between a public school and her own private practice, ABA SPEECH.  She is the founder of ABA SPEECH. ABA SPEECH offers therapy services, courses, consultations and products geared towards helping autistic students find their voice. Rose is also the host of the Autism Outreach Podcast, a weekly show all about autism and com

  • Teach Better 22 Recap: Featuring Katie Miglin

    19/10/2022 Duration: 21min

    After a fantastic weekend of learning and fun, I had to get one of my Teach Better Teammates on with me to recap this epic event.  In this week’s bonus episode, Katie Miglin, provides some insight, behind the scenes stories, and additional information from the Teach Better 22 Conference!  In this episode, we discuss: Key takeaways from Teach Better 22 Networking events and how to get connected And the 12 hour live show!  About Katie Miglin: Katie Miglin was a former classroom teacher of 13 years in the middle school setting. She taught 7th grade for all thirteen years with a few sections of 6th and 8th grade sprinkled throughout. Her experience includes teaching Writing and Math. During her time in the schools, Katie has held a variety of roles including Fellowship of Christian Athletes Huddle Leader, Curriculum Chair, Drama Club Director, and PBIS Tier 1 Coach. She has also been a part of the building leadership team, community outreach team, and before school program. Katie is now working for

  • The Mental Health Crisis in Education: Featuring Jeff Kubiak

    08/10/2022 Duration: 24min

    What do we do when we are at our breaking point and feel completely overwhelmed? For many, unfortunately, masking and ignoring the problems become the unhealthy solution. This week’s guest, Jeff Kubiak, is incredibly transparent and brave as he shares his battle with alcoholism, his focus on mental health, and how he is transforming his campus to focus on the social and emotional needs of his students and staff.  In this episode, we discuss: Focusing on the Trauma of Staff and Students Equity Walks on Campus And his upcoming book, Monsters Do Have Manners! About Jeff Kubiak: I, Jeff Kubiak,  grew up in Davis, CA with one sister, and an amazing mother and father. My mom was a public school teacher for 33 years, and my dad worked for UC Davis for 35 years. I have a phenomenal wife, Piper and two kids, Keeley, and Braden. My pops passed away in 2019 from Alzheimers. I am currently an educator, author and speaker in Northern California. Having taught for ten years as an elementary school teacher in

  • Student Inclusion and Partnership: Featuring Lindsay Lyons

    01/10/2022 Duration: 24min

    This week’s guest, Lindsay Lyons, shares how by including student voice and enhancing the curriculum to include opportunities to discuss important topics, the culture of the classroom increases equity and inclusiveness.  In this episode, we discuss: Curriculum Design for Difficult Topics  Student Partnership Opportunities And her podcast, Time for Teachership! About Lindsay Lyons: Lindsay Lyons (she/her) is an educational justice coach who works with teachers and school leaders to inspire educational innovation for racial and gender justice, design curricula grounded in student voice, and build capacity for shared leadership. Lindsay taught in NYC public schools, holds a PhD in Leadership and Change, and is the founder of the educational blog and podcast, (Time for Teachership).  Follow Lindsay Lyons: Website: (  Twitter: (  L

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