Fountain of Love and Life Cantonese audio programs
二零二五年二月八日廣播節目全集 Radio broadcast – Full episode (February 8, 2025)
07/02/2025【神修話語】二零二五年二月八日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年二月八日
【醫生手記】Ep115 – 我哋點樣從個人行為上判斷真理? | 聖母獻耶穌於主堂 “Doctor’s Diary” Ep115
01/02/2025用一顆坦誠的心來承認自己的軟弱;以真誠的心來對待他人,使鄰人更願意寬恕與包容我這個會犯錯的人。 .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}
【問問程神父】- Ep 90 “Ask Fr Francis” – Ep 90
31/01/2025a. 請問如果孕婦懷孕時驗出有病, 例如心臟病 畫糖尿病而造成懷孕風險, 醫生不建議懷孕,她能墮胎嗎? b. My husband and I have not have sex for over a year because I was pregnant for 9 months and had health issues so we could not have sex during pregnancy. I am now 3 months postpartum and not sure when my fertility will return. I gave birth by cesarean so it's not safe to have another baby until 18 months. My question is, can Catholic married couples use contraception in a situation like this? I don't want my husband to masturbate if I keep him waiting
二零二五年二月一日廣播節目全集 Radio broadcast – Full episode (February 1, 2025)
31/01/2025【神修話語】二零二五年二月一日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年二月一日 【問問程神父】- Ep 90
【醫生手記】Ep114 – 俗世太多真真假假,我哋點樣應對好? | 聖保祿宗徒歸化 “Doctor’s Diary” Ep114
25/01/2025我們在看待外界事物的時候,除了要小心內心如何去回應外,更要懂得分辨哪些是真理。 .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}
【醫生手記】Ep113 – 舊嘢就係唔好?就一定要淘汰? | 向一位剛身故的主教學習 “Doctor’s Diary” Ep113
18/01/2025Bishop Henry 亨利主教於卡加利服務多年,為普世教會付出了什麼?又有什麼值得我們借鑑? .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}
二零二五年一月十八日廣播節目全集 Radio broadcast – Full episode (January 18, 2025)
17/01/2025【神修話語】二零二五年一月十八日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年一月十八日
【醫生手記】Ep112 – 狀態唔好,祈唔到禱點算好?| 中庸之道 醫生手記_web_ep112
11/01/2025遇到困難時祈禱更要懇切,更要依靠天主,容讓天主陪伴你、幫助你。 .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}
二零二五年一月十一日廣播節目全集 Radio broadcast – Full episode (January 11, 2025)
10/01/2025【神修話語】二零二五年一月十一日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年一月十一日
【醫生手記】Ep111 – 點解賢士們一見到粒星,就願意放低一切去搵嬰孩耶穌? | 主顯節 “Doctor’s Diary” Ep111
04/01/2025什麼於你是最重要?你的人生目標是什麼?你若以找尋天國為你首要目標,天主自會給予你一切所需。 .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}
【問問程神父】- Ep 89 “Ask Fr Francis” – Ep 89
二零二五年一月四日廣播節目全集 Radio broadcast – Full episode (January 4, 2025)
03/01/2025【神修話語】二零二五年一月四日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年一月四日