The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Sunday Sermon 06-16-2013 Is It A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity?
16/06/2013 Duration: 19minGalatians 6: 7-10
Sunday Sermon 06-02-2013 Let Me Try This One Last Time!
02/06/2013 Duration: 17minRomans 1: 16-17,3: 22b-26
Sunday Sermon 05-26-2013 What God Told Abraham, Jesus Told The Eleven!
26/05/2013 Duration: 22minMatthew 28:16-20
Sunday Sermon 05-19-2013 How Sad To Write, 'As Yet There Was No Spirit!'
19/05/2013 Duration: 27minJohn 7: 37-39
Sunday Sermon 05-12-2013 He Asked God To Protect Us And Make Us One!
12/05/2013 Duration: 22minJohn 17:1-11
Sunday Sermon 05-05-2013 No Rose-Colored Glasses, But Hope Anyway!
05/05/2013 Duration: 22minI Peter 3: 13-22
Sunday Sermon 04-28-2013 If You Forget Everything Else, Remember This!
28/04/2013 Duration: 25minJohn 13: 21-35
Sunday Sermon 04-14-2013 Pounding On the Door and Shouting, 'We Saw Him!'
14/04/2013 Duration: 27minLuke 24: 13-35