The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Sunday Sermon 04-07-2013 Your Inheritence Is Imperishable, Undefiled, Unfading!
07/04/2013 Duration: 24min1 Peter 1: 3-9
Sunday Sermon 03-31-2013 He Reached The Tomb First, Went In, Saw, and Believed!
31/03/2013 Duration: 22minJohn 20:1-18
Sunday Sermon 03-24-2013 You Will Find A Donkey and a Colt - Bring Them!
24/03/2013 Duration: 15minMatthew 21: 1-11
Sunday Sermon 03-17-2013 In The Middle Of aValley Full Of Bones!
17/03/2013 Duration: 17minEzekial 37: 1-14
Sunday Sermon 03-10-2013 He Said, 'Go To Siloam And Wash!' I Went and Washed!
10/03/2013 Duration: 23minJohn 9: 1-41
Sunday Sermon 02-24-2013 If You Get Confused, Say 'Grace, Grace'!
24/02/2013 Duration: 25minRomans 4: 1-5, 13-17
Sunday Sermon 01-20-2013 Hurry Up and Wait, Hurry Up and Wait!
20/01/2013 Duration: 21minI Corinthians 1:1-9
Sunday Sermon 01-13-2013 Through Baptism We Are Initiated!
13/01/2013 Duration: 23minMatthew 3:13-17
Sunday Sermon 01-06-2013 May The Kings Bring Gifts...All Kings!
06/01/2013 Duration: 24minPsalm 72:1-7,10-14
Sunday Sermon 12-30-2012 A Son...The Exact Imprint Of God's Very Being!
30/12/2012 Duration: 23minHebrews 1: 1-4
Christmas Eve Sermon 12-24-2012 You Are To Name Hime Jesus...Name Him Emmanuel!
24/12/2012 Duration: 13minMatthew 1:18-23
Christmas Eve Sermon 12-24-2012 GOD, ONCE AGAIN, HAS FOUND US!
24/12/2012 Duration: 23minIsaiah 9:2-3, 6-7
Sunday Sermon 12-16-2012 Be Patient... Patient ... Be Patient...Patience, Beloved!
16/12/2012 Duration: 20minJames 5: 7-10
Sunday Sermon 12-09-2012 In Ten Verses He Says 'Hope' Four Times!
09/12/2012 Duration: 19minRomans 15: 4-23