The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Sunday Sermon 07-22-2012 Doing What's Good Or Doing What's Better!
22/07/2012 Duration: 16minLuke 10: 38-42
Sunday Sermon 07-15-2012 Define That Word - No, I'll Tell You a Story!
15/07/2012 Duration: 20minLuke 10:25 - 37
Sunday Sermon 07-08-2012 Disciples Finally Becoming Apostles!
08/07/2012 Duration: 17minLuke 10:1-11, 16-20
Sunday Sermon 07-01-2012 "No Excuses! Are You Coming or Not?"
01/07/2012 Duration: 20minLuke 9:51-62
Sunday Sermon 06-24-2012 Calming Storms - And Stormy Minds!
24/06/2012 Duration: 22minLuke 8: 26-39
Sunday Sermon 06-17-2012 Foreclosure Is Not a New Word - Or Problem!
17/06/2012 Duration: 26minLuke 7: 36-50
Sunday Sermon 06-03-2012 Wind, Breath, Spirit - No Wonder He Was Confused!
03/06/2012 Duration: 21minJohn 3:1-13
Sunday Sermon 05-20-2012 In My Father's House There Are Many Rooms!
20/05/2012 Duration: 23minJohn 14:1-14
Sunday Sermon 05-06-2012 Repent, Reboot, Reframe - You Can Turn Your Life Around!
06/05/2012 Duration: 24minMatthew 3: 1-3
Sunday Sermon 04-22-2012 The Third Time Was Seen As Conclusive!
22/04/2012 Duration: 24minJohn 21: 1-14
Sunday Sermon 04-08-2012 Moving Through The Stages of Grief!
08/04/2012 Duration: 23minLuke 24: 1-12
Sunday Sermon 04-01-2012 One on His Right, One on His Left - Not James or John!
01/04/2012 Duration: 20minLuke 23: 32-46
Sunday Sermon 03-25-2012 Perfume That Cost A Full Year's Wages?
25/03/2012 Duration: 25minJohn 12: 1-8
Sunday Sermon 03-18-2012 Which Character In this Story Are You?
18/03/2012 Duration: 18minLuke 15: 1-3, 11-32
Sunday Sermon 03-11-2012 Jesus Knew Bad Things Happen To Good People!
11/03/2012 Duration: 17minLuke 13: 1-9