The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Barton-Clinton-Gordy 02-26-2012 The Seduction Of Accumulation
26/02/2012 Duration: 47minLuke 12: 13-21
Sunday Sermon 02-19-2012 Luke Knew We Gentiles Wouldn't Get it!
19/02/2012 Duration: 23minLuke 6: 27-38
Sunday Sermon 02-12-2012 Sermon on The Mount - Sermon On The Plain!
12/02/2012 Duration: 21minLuke 6: 17-26
Sunday Sermon 02-05-2012 He Knew He Bought Nothing To The Party!
05/02/2012 Duration: 19minLuke 5: 1-11
Sunday Sermon 01-29-2012 How About A Kind Word for the Homefolk?
29/01/2012 Duration: 19minLuke 4:21-30
Sunday Sermon 01-22-2012 Blood Is Thicker Than Water - And More Dangerous!
22/01/2012 Duration: 23minLuke 4: 14-21
Sunday Sermon 01-15-2012 Just The First Sign - But An Important One!
15/01/2012 Duration: 20minJohn 2: 1-11
Sunday Sermon 01-08-2012 National Interfaith Engaged Congregation Award
08/01/2012 Duration: 05minInterfaith Relations Commission National Council of Churches
Sunday Sermon 01-08-2012 Don't Ask The King, 'Where's the New King?'
08/01/2012 Duration: 19minMatthew 2: 1-12
Sunday Sermon 01-01-2012 Your Father and I Have Been Searching For You!
01/01/2012 Duration: 25minLuke 2: 41-52
Sunday Sermon 12-25-2011 Logotherapy - Our Search For Meaning!
25/12/2011 Duration: 26minJohn 1: 14-18
Christmas Eve Sermon 12-24-2011 Open the Doors To Hear The Angels!
24/12/2011 Duration: 14minLuke 2: 1-20
Sunday Sermon 12-11-2011 And The People Were Filled With Expectation!
11/12/2011 Duration: 19minLuke 3: 7-18
Sunday Sermon 12-04-2011 The Worst Of Times - Compared To What?
04/12/2011 Duration: 22minLuke 3: 1-6