Message form the Harvest Evangelical Free Church in Goodland Ks. You can visit us at and follow us in Instagram @HarvestEFree and Facebook @harvestefreechurch to stay up to date on everything happening at Harvest e free.
The Gift of Adoption
24/12/2017 Duration: 20minGalatians 4:4-7 1. Adoption creates a new ______ with God. 2. Adoption makes God your ________. 3. Adoption creates a new __________. 4. Adoption creates a new __________. 5. Adoption creates a new _________.
Being a Doer of the Word
19/11/2017 Duration: 23minI. Why is obedience so important for you? a. Obedience will __________ you (Proverbs 19:16) b. Obedience will ___________ a solid foundation against the difficulties of life. (Luke 6:46-48) c. Obedience is essential for ____ for (Genesis 18:22, Hebrews 5:1-14) II. How to develop the character trait of obedience. a. By developing a ________ for the one we obey (John 14:15, 21, 23, 24) b. By developing a salvation work ethic (Phil 2:12) c. By ____ God's will (I John 2:6) III. What are the results of obedience? a, Obedience will make one ____ (Proverbs 28:7) b. Obedience will ____ a close relationship to God (John 14:23). c. Obedience will bring answers to __________ (I John 3:22) c. Obedience will bring ______ (Proverbs 29:18, John 13:17).
Looking Inside
12/11/2017 Duration: 22min1. What is integrity? II. How is integrity developed? a) By walking in God's ___________Psalm 229 b) By renewing your ____ (Eph 4:22-23, Phil 4:8) c) By responding the way Christ would respond and not making any provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust. (Romans 13:13-14. III What are the results/rewards of developing integrity? a) We will experience God's ______ and ______ (Proverbs 3:3-4, 12:22) b) We will gain ______ and ________ (Proverbs 3:3-4) c) Others will not find any reason to ______ you (Daniel 6:1-4; Titus 2:7-8)
Building Contentment
05/11/2017 Duration: 22min1. Causes of discontent. A. A focus on self (James 4:1-3). B. A focus on material things (Ecc. 5:10) C. A focus on entitlements (Proverbs 13:4) 2. Counter measures for discontentment. Temporal - Proverbs 23:4-5 Ownership - 1 Timothy 6:7 Perspective - Proverbs 16:8 3. Compensation for contentment. A. God's Presence (Hebrews 13:5) B. God's Provision (Phil. 4:13,19) C. God's Character (! Timothy 6:6)
Stand Firm
22/10/2017 Duration: 23minAs we come to the end of 1 Peter, Peter departs with this admonition - "Stand fast in it." We ask, What is the, it?: The answer is fourfold: 1. Stand firm in your security. (ch 1) 2. Stand firm in your identity. (ch 2) 3. Stand firm in your responsibility. (ch 3) 4. Stand firm in your reality. (chs 3-5)
My Ragged Chair
08/10/2017 Duration: 22minI Peter 5:7 Observations on dealing with anxiety and worry. Observation 1: The Bible says cast "all" your anxiety on Him. Observation 2: God never instructs us to ____________ anxiety or worry. Observation 3: ____________ your anxiety on Jesus. Observation 4: God cares for you.
Putting on the Apron of Humility
01/10/2017 Duration: 18min1. Humility will be revealed in your _____________ (5a) 2. Humility is primarily an _______________ of your mind (5b). 3. Humility and discovery of God's _________ go hand in hand (5c). 4. Humility exists under God's mighty hand. (6a). 5. Humility can anticipate __________ (6b).
Serving as an Elder
24/09/2017 Duration: 27minAs we come to the end of I Peter, Peter gets more specific and addresses certain people groups within the church. This morning he speaks to the church Elders. Peter talks about the Elder's responsibilities, the requirements for Eldership and the rewards the Elders will receive. 1. The Elders' _____________ (1-2a). A. The Elder is to be a _____________. B. The Elder is to be an ____________. II. The Elders' _______________ (2b-3). A. The Elder is to have a __________ spirit. B. The Elder is not to pursue _______. C. The Elder is to be an ____________. III. The Elders' _________________ (4).
Painful Resources
17/09/2017 Duration: 23minSuffering and difficulty is one of those tools that God uses in your life. God uses pain and suffering to: 1. Develop _____________ (James 1:3). 2. Bring ________________ (James 1:4). 3, Assure us of our _________________(I Peter 1:7). 4. Prove the genuine nature of our ____________________ (I Peter 1:7). 5. Develop in us _____________ (2 Corinthians 12:7). 6. Keep us on track (Psalm 119:67). 7. Deepen our _____ in the heart of God (Hosea). 8. Help others (2 Corinthians 1:4). 9. Reveal what we really __________ (Deuteronomy 13:3; John 12:25). 10. Display God's glory (Genesis 50:20).
Vital Signs of a Healthy Church
10/09/2017 Duration: 24minIn medical settings, vital signs give a picture of a person's health. Today we consider the vital signs of a healthy church. 1. ________________ (7). 2. ________________ (8). 3. _________________(9). 4. _________________ (10-11). 5. _________________ (11).
Change is Good
13/08/2017 Duration: 24minI Peter 4:1-6 A life devoted to Christ results in change. There should be a 1. Change in ____________ (v.1b). 2. Change in your ______________ (v.2). 3. Change in your ______________ (v.3). 4. Change in your _______, probably. (v4).
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison
06/08/2017 Duration: 25minI Peter 3:18-20 Explanation #1 The preexistent Christ proclaimed salvation through Noah to the people who lived before the flood. Explanation #2 Christ went to hell in his spirit to proclaim the message of salvation to the souls of sinners who had been imprisoned there since the time of the flood. Explanation #3 After His death and before His resurrection, Christ preached to fallen angels, also known as "sons of God," who during Noah's time had married "daughters of men" (Genesis 6:2, 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6)
Something is Missing
30/07/2017 Duration: 19minSomething is Missing I Peter 3:18-22 1. Baptism is a picture of someone significant. a. I am more than a ________________. b. I am a _____________ of Jesus Christ. c. This God is worthy of my ___________. 2. Baptism is a bold and daring statement about you. a. I believe the ______________ (v.18). b. I choose to make Jesus _____ (v.15). c. I have broken with the ______(v.20).