Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:01:20
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Welcome to Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast!Are you tired of dealing with stress every day of your life? Wouldn't you wish to have an abundant and happy life without killing yourself for every extra incentive or promotion? Wouldn't you like to be your own boss? Have you sworn never to fall in love again as you do not want to deal with any more heart breaks? Do you feel uncomfortable or lost in a relationship? Would you like to attract your dream job or set-up your dream project and receive great success for it?If you have answered to even one of these questions with an affirmative response, THIS is the place for you! All you need to do is plug-in your earphones/headphones and listen to these podcasts where I walk you through these topics and many more!Learn how easy it is to USE YOUR BRAIN AND HEART to make vital decisions in your life and remain in a blissful state of mind surrounded by people who love you!


  • Episode 7: What Is The Unconscious Mind?

    05/04/2019 Duration: 05min

    I, Natasha Lalwani, welcome you back to another episode of my podcast, Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged.Now I know that many of you must be wondering how the unconscious mind differs to the subconscious mind so let’s just start be defining the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is the storehouse of all memories and past experiences, both those that have been repressed through trauma and those that have simply been consciously forgotten and no longer important to us. It’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed.By now you’ll are well versed with my previous episode on how powerful the subconscious mind is, however there is another realm of the subconscious which is unconscious awareness that communicates with the conscious mind via our subconscious.Psychologists and Psychiatrists prefer using the term unconscious while relating to thoughts that are not part of our conscious mind. Please do NOT confuse the unconscious mind with the medical term of unconsciousness

  • Episodio 6: Las Diferencias Fundamentales Entre La Mente Consciente Y La Mente Subconsciente

    30/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    Bienvenidos a otro episodio de Emociones Sin Filtros. Como que ya sabeis soy Natasha LalwaniDurante el último episodio, hable sobre qué es exactamente la mente subconsciente y cómo desempeña un papel vital en nuestras vidas. Hoy charlare sobre las diferencias fundamentales entre la mente consciente y la mente subconsciente. Todos podemos recordar los controvertidos ideales de Sigmund Freud, pero fue uno de los primeros en categorizar la mente en 3 partes diferentes: la mente consciente o el ego, el preconsciente que llamamos subconsciente y la mente inconsciente.Ahora, antes de que te preguntes qué es la mente inconsciente, permíteme informarte que hablaré al respecto en el episodio de la próxima semana y espero muchos comentarios, ya que no todos han aprovechado la mente inconsciente o incluso saben de ello.Se dice con razón que somos conscientes de nuestras acciones, como cuando eres consciente de algo que eres consciente de ese acto o creencia. Por lo tanto, la mente consciente es la mente de los pensamien

  • Episode 6: The Fundamental Differences Between The Conscious & Subconscious Mind

    30/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to another episode of Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged.During the last episode, I discussed what exactly the subconscious mind is and how it plays a vital role in our lives. Today I will be throwing light on the fundamental differences between the conscious and the subconscious mind.We all can recall Sigmund Freud’s controversial ideals, but he was one of the first to categorize the mind into 3 different parts: the conscious mind or ego, the preconscious which we call subconscious and the unconscious mind.Now before you’ll wonder what exactly is the unconscious mind, let me inform you’ll that I will be talking about it in next week’s episode and look forward to many comments as not everybody has tapped the unconscious mind or even knows about it.It is rightly said that we are conscious of our actions as when you are conscious of something you are aware of that act or belief. Therefore, the conscious mind is the mind of stored thoughts and awareness, hence raising its awareness leads one to go within and

  • Episodio 5: El Poder De La Mente Subconsciente

    23/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    Bienvenidos de nuevo a otro episodio de Emociones Sin Filtros. Como que ya sabeis, soy Natasha Lalwani.Como mencioné en uno de mis episodios anteriores, el poder de la mente subconsciente es más vasto que lo que podamos imaginar. Así que dediquemos el episodio de hoy a lo que nos hace pensar desde nuestro corazón, que es la mente subconsciente. La mente subconsciente es tan poderosa que puede hacer un billón de cosas a la vez; lo registra todo y está siempre alerta; de hecho, controla el 95% de nuestras vidas ya que es 30,000 veces más potente que la mente consciente.La subconsciencia es la mente emocional, ya que no tiene lenguaje y solo opera con sonidos y emociones; Las afirmaciones nos hacen sentir bien, lo que eleva nuestras energías y se conecta con la mente subconsciente. Como que no tiene lenguaje y solo funciona a través de las emociones, nos dirige en nuestros sueños y nos envía mensajes divinos (advertencias, ideas brillantes ...)Pero sabeis que es muy fácil engañar a la mente subconsciente, ya que


    23/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    Welcome back to a brand new episode of Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged. This is your host Natasha Lalwani.As mentioned in one of my previous episodes, the power of the subconscious mind is more vast than what any of us can imagine. So let’s dedicate today’s episode to what makes us think from our heart which is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is so powerful that it can do a trillion things at one time; it registers everything and is always alert; in fact, it controls 95% of our lives as it is 30,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. It is the emotional mind as it has no language and only operates on sounds and emotions; affirmations make us feel good, which lifts our energies and taps into the subconscious mind. As it has no language and only functions through emotions, it speaks to you in your dreams and sends you divine messages (warnings, bright ideas…)But guess what? It is very easy to fool the subconscious mind as it obeys you and takes everything literally. Just think about this fo

  • Episodio 4: Entrevista Con Ailsa Speak Sobre Discapacidades

    16/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    Bienvenidos al cuarto episodio de Emociones Sin Filtros. Como que ya sabeis, soy Natasha Lalwani. Hoy tocaremos un tema muy delicado muchas veces rechazado por la sociedad con la fundadora de Brains On Wheels, Ailsa Speak. El espíritu humano es uno de habilidad, perseverancia y valor que ninguna discapacidad puede robar; Por lo tanto, el tema de hoy será sobre la capacidad de la discapacidad.Natasha: Ailsa Speak, que es esta joven inspiradora y talentosa mujer con parálisis cerebral, es la dueña de Brains on Wheels. Ailsa, por favor cuéntanos sobre este concepto.Ailsa: Siento que muchas personas tienen miedo de hablar sobre discapacidades porque piensan que pueden ofender a otra persona, o pueden sentirse incómodas al hablar de ello. En mi opinión, no tienes nada que te detenga a hablar de las cosas y si a otras personas no les gusta, entonces es su problema, no el tuyo. Nunca tengas miedo de hablar sobre discapacidades o enfermedades.Natasha: Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo Ailsa; uno nunca debe tener mi

  • Episode 4: An Interview With Ailsa Speak On Disability

    16/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Welcome to another episode of Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged. This is your host Natasha Lalwani. Today we will discuss a very sensitive topic many times shunned by the society with the owner of Brains On Wheels, Ailsa Speak. The human spirit is one of ability, perseverance and courage that no disability can steal away; hence today’s topic will be on the ability of disability.Ailsa Speak, who is this inspiring and talented young woman with Cerebral Palsy, is the owner of Brains on Wheels. Ailsa, please tell us about this concept?Ailsa: Brains on Wheels is my personal blog. If you have read my blog, I am sure that you will be aware that it’s all about raising awareness of disabilities. I focus on Cerebral Palsy because that’s the easiest as I have CP myself. I talk about various subjects surrounding disabilities. I think so many people just dismiss me because they think they won't be able to understand me or the other way around. There is no doubt that other people feel the same way about this, so I want to hel

  • Episodio 3: Entrevista Con Danielle Martins Sobre Esclavitud Mental

    08/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    Bienvenidos a Emociones Sin Filtros. Hoy, yo, Natasha Lalwani voy a hablar sobre come Elevarse de la esclavitud mental con Danielle Martins.Natasha: Tú, Danielle, creciste en la pobreza y sufriste muchos asesinatos mentales que continuaron y formaron tus creencias. Si miras hacia atrás, ¿qué cambiarías y cómo lo cambiarías para que otras personas sepan cómo manejar esa situación?Danielle: Bueno, esta es una pregunta interesante porque trae a la mesa algo que mucha gente falta hoy: la importancia de estar agradecido por quién eres.Realmente no cambiaría nada. Sí… hubo un momento en mi vida en el que hubiera deseado que las cosas fueran diferentes pero, de hecho, no sería la persona que soy hoy si no hubiera soportado tantas dificultades en mi pasado. No estoy diciendo que estoy feliz de haber tenido que pasar por todas aquellas cosas, pero todos tenemos algunas experiencias pasadas negativas, algunas más oscuras y profundas que otras, pero la verdad es que todos debemos aprender cómo hacer las paces con esas

  • Episode 3: An Interview With Danielle Martins on Mental Slavery

    08/03/2019 Duration: 17min

    Welcome back to Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged. This is your host Natasha Lalwani. As promised to you, in today’s episode, we will discuss various mind-blowing insights with reputed co-author and transformational coach, Danielle Martins.Natasha: You, Danielle were raised in poverty and underwent a lot of mental assassination which continued and formed your beliefs. If you look back, what would you change and how would you change it so that other people know how to handle such a situation?Danielle: Well, this is an interesting question for it brings to the table something that a lot of people are missing today: The importance of being grateful for who you are.I wouldn't really change anything. Yes, there was a time in my life that I would have wished things were different but in fact, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't endured so many difficulties in my past. I am not saying that I am happy that I had to go through all the things I had to in my youth, but we all have some negative past experiences,

  • Episodio 2: Jamas Te Rindas

    06/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Bienvenidos otra vez a Emociones Sin FiltrosComo habíamos mencionado en nuestro episodio anterior, los ganadores no son aquellas personas que nunca fallan, sino aquellas personas que nunca se rinden.¡El tema de hoy consiste en nunca rendirse! Al conocer personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida con todo tipo de perspectivas y experiencias, he notado que el único factor similar entre todos ellos son sus actitudes intransigentes para nunca rendirse. Comencemos expresando algunas realidades amargas pero verdaderas acerca de la vida: nadie ha dicho jamás que la vida es una caminata y solo disfrutaremos la felicidad eterna.De hecho, incluso hay personas excelentes que lo tienen todo hoy, pero en la mayoría de los casos, se han levantado de pasados ​​dolorosos y miserables. Así que la experiencia de uno le enseña qué desear y qué no desear de la vida.También, debemos comprender que cada uno de nosotros tiene algún problema o el otro y depende totalmente de cómo lo veamos. Si reflexionamos sobre un problema en lugar

  • Episode 2: The Art Of Never Giving Up

    06/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    Welcome back to Unfiltered Emotions UnpluggedAs mentioned in our previous episode, winners are not those people who never fail but those people who never give up.Today’s topic will be on never giving up! I have met people from all walks of life with all sorts of perspectives and experiences. The one similar factor between all of them is their die-hard attitude to never give up.Let’s begin by discussing a few bitter but true realities about life: nobody ever said that life is supposed to be a cake walk and we shall only enjoy everlasting happiness.In fact even if there are great people out there who have it all today, have mostly risen from painful and miserable pasts. So one’s experience teaches him/her what to want and what not to want from life.Also, we need to understand that each one of us has some problem or the other and it entirely depends on how we see it. If we ponder over a problem rather than working on the solution and already manifesting it as a reality, life indeed does become easier!Moreover, f

  • Episodio 1: Gratitud

    06/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Bienvenidos a Emociones Sin Filtros podcast!Estas harto/harta de vivir una vida monotona y sin sentido? No te gustaria estar feliz y prospero/a?No quisieras enfrentar todos tus miedos, inseguridades, y duda­s sin apuntarte a seminarios caros o consultas rigurosas? En cambio puedes sintonizarte a episodios de este podcast con consejos inspiradores semanales y charlas sobre salud mental y emocional.Aqui en Emociones Sin Filtros, te dare información valiosa para deshacerte de todo lo innecesario que está impidiéndote de vivir la vida de tus sueños.Pero antes de que empieze este episodio, me voy a introducir: Soy Natasha Lalwani, una podcaster, oradora motivacional, escritora, bloguera, disenyadora de moda y estilista. Tengo la suerte de compartir varias culturas, ya que nací y crecí en España por padres hindúes.Lo que antes era una vida sin sentido, es hoy un gran viaje. Hoy soy una exitosa empresaria pero no fue así como empezó. Era una ninya disléxica que solía sentarme en la última fila de cada clase para qu

  • Episode 1 in English: Gratitude

    06/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    Welcome to Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast!This is your host Natasha LalwaniAre you sick and tired of living a monotonous and meaningless life? Wouldn’t you wish to live a happy and prosperous life? How about facing all your fears, insecurities and doubts without having to join any rigorous or expensive seminars and instead by tuning into weekly inspirational tips and talks discussing mental and emotional health? Here at Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged, I will walk you through valuable insights to get rid of all the unnecessary baggage you are holding onto which is preventing you from living the life of your dreams.But before I begin, let me introduce myself; I am Natasha Lalwani, a podcaster, motivational speaker, writer, blogger, fashion designer and stylist. I am blessed to share various cultures as I was born and brought up in Spain by Indian parents. What was at one time a meaningless life is today a great journey. Today I am a successful entrepreneur owning two companies but that wasn’t how it start

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