Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:01:20
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Welcome to Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast!Are you tired of dealing with stress every day of your life? Wouldn't you wish to have an abundant and happy life without killing yourself for every extra incentive or promotion? Wouldn't you like to be your own boss? Have you sworn never to fall in love again as you do not want to deal with any more heart breaks? Do you feel uncomfortable or lost in a relationship? Would you like to attract your dream job or set-up your dream project and receive great success for it?If you have answered to even one of these questions with an affirmative response, THIS is the place for you! All you need to do is plug-in your earphones/headphones and listen to these podcasts where I walk you through these topics and many more!Learn how easy it is to USE YOUR BRAIN AND HEART to make vital decisions in your life and remain in a blissful state of mind surrounded by people who love you!


  • Episode 18: The Drama of Trauma

    05/08/2020 Duration: 07min

    As I, Natasha Vaswani, welcome you back to my podcast, Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged, I recommend you to listen to this episode just before you fall asleep so that your subconscious mind can connect with the missing dots of any trauma that you or your family/friends might have suffered from and guide you through itThere are various symptoms experienced by people who suffer from trauma such as a low confidence level, fear, recurring nightmares, and flashbacks of the traumatic event and memory lapses. Our emotional body reacts to trauma in a different way compared to our physical body. Mentally, we might suffer from brain fog and an imbalance in hormones due to all the fear and low-energy emotions, resulting in hot flashes, shortness of breath, and anxiety attacks in extreme casesAnd on an emotional level, we have that fear, stress or sadness eating into us and sacrificing a happy life for one full of limitations and insecurities. We tend to attract similar events and relationships without knowing whyYou will b

  • Episode 17: How Your Emotions Affect Your Body

    17/04/2020 Duration: 05min

    Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast is the place you can listen to and discuss emotional and mental health. I, Natasha Vaswani, coach/counselor and emotional and wellness therapist walk you through topics that add to our universal growth. As promised to you during my last episode, today I will discuss how exactly our emotions affect our bodiesYou might think that I am just uttering some nonsense, however I am here to guide you with valuable knowledge based on various medical and holistic therapies I must mention how much Dr Mona Lisa Schulz has taught me when it comes to the mind-body connection and the significance of our emotional wellbeing; hence if you wish to research more on this topic I highly recommend her book, Heal Your Mind, Your Prescription for Wholeness Through Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition, by Louise Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa SchulzSo I will explain it to you in simple terms so that it is easy to understand and retain. Let’s first divide the brain into two parts, the right-side of the br

  • Episode 16: Connecting With Your Emotions Through The Art Of Dance

    03/02/2020 Duration: 05min

    I, Natasha Lalwani, welcome you back to my podcast show, Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged where I discuss mental and emotional healthAs mentioned in the previous episode, I have created a dance therapy called E-Motion to validate and release all the emotions from within through holistic dance movementsYou might be wondering how exactly does dance affect our mental state and emotions as well as the body. So today I will explain how powerful dance is in bringing our emotions to the surface and accepting themAnd in the next episode I will cover up an in-depth analysis of how our bodies retain our energies/vibrations and which emotion affects which organ of our bodiesWe all know that there are unlimited forms of dance and the moment one begins to delve into any form, he/she automatically makes it a daily or weekly habit. The reason behind this is that dance makes us express ourselves without allowing anyone to judge us; hence it is literally letting yourself free from all your problems and responsibilitiesDance elev

  • Episode 15- E-Motion

    01/02/2020 Duration: 06min

    I, Natasha Lalwani welcome you back to one more episode of my podcast show, Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged. You must be wondering what took me so long to release this episode so let me first apologize myself for this leap and tell you the reason behind it. I was creating E-Motion dance therapy.E-Motion is exactly as it sounds, working around our emotions. I conceptualized this dance therapy after doing a lot of research and training in various dance forms. World-known performance coach, Tony Robbins always states that emotions are created by motion; hence E-Motion Dance Therapy creates emotional shifts and validates them through holistic yet fun body movements. Each body movement has been created keeping in mind mental, physical and emotional health. Firstly, mental health is a very important factor that many of us prefer ignoring nowadays which is why there are so many cases of depression, anxiety and even suicide. All of us continually think and cannot control our thought patterns but we can learn to deal w

  • Accept Your Emotions (my interview with Professional Trainer & Coach, Annakay Hutchison

    14/10/2019 Duration: 22min

    Annakay Hutchinson is the founder of For Change Be Bold and co-founder of Building Networking Mom and Dad (BNMD). Also, she is a certified Goal Success Coach, Mentor, Keynote Speaker, and Podcast Host known for bringing her charismatic and sweet personality to stir joy into the lives pf those she encounters. Annakay is driven by the motto, " I can, I will," and believes each individual has what it takes to be the best version of himself/herself.In this podcast episode, Annakay is taking my interview, throwing some light on how to remain happy even while encountering problems at work. What exactly is happiness and how we should defend our happiness when our family/friends struggle to realize it, are some of the highlights of this podcast episode.

  • Episodio 14: Prevenir El Estres Y Agotamiento

    25/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    Yo, Natasha Lalwani, os dos la bienvenida de nuevo a mi Podcast, Emociones Sin Filtros La semana pasada, hemos conversado qué es exactamente el estrés, los tipos de estrés y las formas de manejarlo antes de la etapa de agotamiento. Por lo tanto, estoy segura de que muchos de mis oyentes estarán preguntarse qué hacer una vez que alcanzan ese agotamiento y las formas de prevenir el estrés¿Cómo puedes estar seguro cuando hayas llegado al punto de agotamiento? Bueno, si experimentas alguno de los siguientes síntomas, has llegado a este punto. Estos síntomas son:-Dolores y molestias físicas que pueden provocar enfermedades y dolencias-Menos o ningún interés en las tareas laborales o de la vida que normalmente disfrutas-Sentirse desmotivado -Un alto nivel de dilación que reduce tu productividad-Te importa menos la calidad y el cumplimiento de las expectativas-Experimentas sentimientos abrumadores-Te sientes desconectado de tu familia, amigos o compañeros de trabajo-Y te pones ansioso o anticipas eventos o reaccione

  • Episode 14: Preventing Stress And Burnout

    25/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    I, Natasha Lalwani, welcome you back to another episode of my Podcast Show, Unfiltering Your EmotionsAs you might recall, last week, we discussed what exactly is stress, as well as types of stress and ways of managing it before the burnout stage. So, I am sure many of my listeners must be wondering what to do once you reach the burnout stage encountered by stress and ways to prevent stressHow can you be sure when you have reached the burnout point? Well if you experience any of the following symptoms, you have indeed reached the burnout point. These symptoms are:oPhysical aches and pains which might lead to illnesses and diseasesoLess or no interest in work or life tasks you would normally enjoy oFeeling unmotivated without the willingness to look forward to the day oA high level of procrastination which hinders your productivity oYou care less about quality and meeting expectations oYou experience feelings of overwhelm oYou feel disconnected from your family, friends or co-workers oAnd you get anxious or ant

  • Episodio 13: El Estres

    04/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    •Bienvenidos de nuevo a otro episodio de Emociones Sin Filtros Podcast. Como todos ya sabéis, soy Natasha Lalwani, y les presentaré otra emoción que tendemos a sentir muy a menudo, pero muchas veces no sabemos cómo tratarlo, y eso es estrés•El estrés forma un aspecto vital de nuestras vidas, ya que influye en nuestros patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento, a veces haciéndonos reaccionar de una manera no deseada• De hecho, el estrés es un tema bastante discutible, porque no solo es malo sino bueno, ya que te descarga adrenalina y te empuja a crear una determinada acción en lugar de postergarte. Sin embargo, uno debe usar el estrés solo para aumentar los resultados deseados en lugar de sufrir un agotamiento•Entonces, antes de llegar al punto de agotamiento, comienza a controlar tu estrés. ¡Sí, has oído bien! Todos podemos aprender a controlar nuestro estrés reconociendo, en primer lugar, nuestros síntomas del estrés. Puede parecer difícil a veces, ya que la mayoría de nosotros ni siquiera nos damos cuenta de

  • Episode 13: Stress

    04/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    •Welcome back to another episode of Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged Podcast. As you all know I am your host, Natasha Lalwani, and I will be presenting to you another emotion we tend to feel quite often but many times do not know how to deal with, and that is stress•Stress forms a vital aspect of our lives as it influences our thought patterns and behaviors, at times making us react in an unwanted manner•In fact, stress is quite a debatable topic as it is not only bad but even good because it gives an adrenaline rush and pushes a person to create a certain action instead of procrastinating over it. However, one should use stress only to boost the desired results rather than suffer from a burnout•So before you reach the burnout point, begin to control your stress. Yes, you heard me right! We all can learn how to control our stress by firstly recognizing our symptoms of stress. It might seem difficult at times as most of us don’t even realize that we are undergoing stress, until we fall sick and then ponder on wha

  • Episodio 12: El Enfado

    12/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    •Yo, Natasha Lalwani os doi la bienvenida al episodio 12 de mi podcast, Emociones Sin Filtros• Hoy hablare sobre un tema muy delicado pedido por mis oyentes y seguidores, que es el enfado• A diferencia de lo que la mayoría de la gente piensa, el enfado no es una emoción mala, y son solo las consecuencias del enfado las que crean pensamientos y acciones destructivas• Todos nosotros sentimos el enojo en algún momento de nuestras vidas, sin embargo, lo que importa es cómo lo afrontamos y expresamos este enfado• Durante mis consultas, algunos de mis clientes ni siquiera se dan cuenta de que han reprimido la ira y no saben cómo expresarla o superarla• Entonces, si quieres algunos consejos GRATIS sobre cómo lidiar con el enfado, escucha con mucha atención:•Enfoca tu energía en alguna actividad física como hacer ejercicio o incluso una caminata enérgica para desahogarte.• Observa cuáles son tus puntos de activación que te hacen salir de quicio o cambiar tu estado de ánimo y luego toma nota de ellos. Cuando los escri

  • Episode 12: Dealing With Anger

    12/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    •I, Natasha Lalwani welcome you back to episode 12 of my podcast show, Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged •Today I will be discussing a very sensitive topic requested by my listeners and followers, which is anger•Unlike what most of the people think, anger is not a bad emotion, and it is only the consequences of anger which create destructive thoughts and actions•All of us experience anger at some point in our lives, however what matters is how we cope with it and express our anger•During my consultations, some of my clients do not even realize that they have pent up anger and do not know how to express it or overcome it•So if you want some FREE tips on how to deal with anger, listen very carefully:•Focus your energy on some physical activity such as workout or even a brisk walk to blow-off some steam•Observe what are your trigger points that make you snap or change your mood and then take note of them. When you write them down you are consciously aware of what agitates you so the next time you face such triggers

  • Episodio 11: El Arte de Kaizen

    01/06/2019 Duration: 07min

    El episodio 11 habla sobre Kaizen, que mencione la semana pasada como un método poderoso para tratar la ansiedadKaizen originó en Japón, y el término consta de dos conceptos: “kai” (cambio) y “zen” (sabiduría). Esta teoría fue inventada por Masaaki Imai, quien confirma que esta filosofía se puede aplicar con éxito en los negocios y en la vida personalDebido a su naturaleza, a veces hay incredulidad en el logro de los resultados deseados en la cultura occidental, ya que las personas están capacitadas para concentrarse en la línea de meta. Sin embargo, como explica Kaizen, si dividimos nuestras metas en pequeños pasos y trabajamos en ellas, alcanzaremos estas metas con éxitoKaizen también afirma que los programas altamente estructurados y desafiantes de superación personal pueden privar a una persona de una gran cantidad de energía que resulta en el agotamiento y en resultados incompletos. Contrariamente, Kaizen dirige hacia la mejora continua como una rutina diariaEn otras palabras, la mejora continua no es la

  • Episode 11: The Art Of Kaizen

    31/05/2019 Duration: 06min

    Episode 11 talks about Kaizen which was mentioned last week as a powerful method to treat anxietyKaizen originated in Japan, and the term consists of two concepts — “kai” (change) and “zen” (wisdom). This theory was invented by Masaaki Imai, who confirms that this philosophy can be applied successfully in business as well as to one’s personal lifeDue to its nature, at times there is disbelief on achieving the desired results in the Western culture as people are trained to focus on the finish line. However, as Kaizen explains, if we break down our goals into small steps and work on them, we will successfully attain these goalsKaizen also states that highly structured challenging programs of self-improvement can deprive a person of a lot of energy resulting in exhaustion, and incomplete results. Whereas, Kaizen focuses on continuous improvement as a daily routineIn other words, continuous improvement is not the definition of kaizen but the result of it if executed wellThe best thing about Kaizen is that anybod

  • Episodio 10: Ansiedad

    23/05/2019 Duration: 04min

    La ansiedad consiste en sentimientos desagradables de angustia, inquietud, estrés, temor y nerviosismo. Los pensamientos de incertidumbre y preocupación se apoderan de ti, resultando en una dificultad para concentrarte y recordarSegún las estadísticas, 40 millones de personas sufren trastornos de ansiedad cada año solo en los Estados UnidosPodrías preguntarte qué causa la ansiedad y por qué es predominante en tantas personas hoy en díaSi nos referimos al autor y entrenador de confianza, Jeff Spires, que ha escrito un blog muy informativo en mi pagina web, se refiere a nuestro cerebro como el cerebro reptiliano que tiene el sistema de respuesta al miedo que es responsable de nuestros instintos básicos. Su trabajo es ayudarnos a sobrevivir activando la estrategia de lucha, huida o congelación. Qué estrategia se aplica según qué persona depende de varios factores que cubriremos en otro episodioCuando estamos en el modo de vuelo o congelación, un cierto miedo hace que nos alejemos de ese desafío. Mientras que cua

  • Episode 10: Anxiety

    23/05/2019 Duration: 04min

    Anxiety consists of unpleasant feelings of distress, uneasiness, stress, apprehension, and nervousness. Thoughts of uncertainty and worry take over you, resulting in difficulty to concentrate and rememberAccording to the statistics, 40 million people suffer from anxiety disorders every year just in the United StatesYou might ask yourself, what causes anxiety and why is it predominant among so many people todayIf we refer to author and confidence coach, Jeff Spires, who has written a very informative blog on my website, he refers to our brain as the reptilian brain having the fear response system which is responsible for our base instincts. Its job is to help us survive by activating the fight, flight or freeze strategy. Which strategy is applied by which person is dependent on various factors that will be discussed in another episodeWhen we are in the flight or freeze mode, a certain fear causes us to move away from that challenge. Whereas when we use the fight strategy, we are hyper-focuses and want to figh

  • Episodio 9: Lidiar Con La Depresion

    19/04/2019 Duration: 04min

    Dándoles la bienvenida de nuevo a un episodio motivador más de Emociones Sin Filtros, yo, Natasha Lalwani hoy hablará sobre la depresión No os preocupéis, ya que no desmotivaré a mis oyentes mencionando los inconvenientes de sufrir depresión, sino cómo lidiar con eso.Todos sabemos que la depresión puede ser causada por varios factores como: eventos de la vida, rasgos de personalidad, problemas genéticos, traumas infantiles, problemas de salud, ciertas drogas prescritas, abuso de drogas o alcohol y presiones sociales.Como entrenadora de vida y felicidad, siempre recomiendo a mis clientes que acudan a psicólogos cuando están tratando con un pasado traumático y que eviten los antidepresivosSin embargo, existen métodos naturales que puedes aplicar durante una depresión leve, y si quieres saber cuales son, eschucha a este episodio

  • Episode 9: Dealing With Depression

    19/04/2019 Duration: 03min

    Welcoming you back to one more motivating episode of Unfiltered Emotions Unplugged, I, Natasha Lalwani will talk about depression todayDon’t worry I will not demotivate my listeners by mentioning the drawbacks of suffering from depression but rather how to deal with itAs we all know depression can be caused by various factors such as: life events, personality traits, genetic issues, childhood traumas, health issues, certain prescribed drugs, abuse of those drugs or alcohol, and social pressures. As a life and happiness coach I always recommend my clients to go to psychologists when dealing with a traumatic past and to keep away from antidepressantsHowever there are natural methods you can apply while experiencing mild depression and to know which ones they are, listen to this episode

  • EPISODIO 8: Todo Lo Que Debes Saber Sobre El Miedo

    14/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    Bienvenidos de nuevo a otro episodio de Emociones Sin FiltrosEpisodio 8 enfoca en el miedo!El miedo no es más que falsas pruebas que parecen reales y son creadas por creencias profundamente arraigadas en nuestra mente inconsciente y subconscienteQuizás te preguntes por qué reaccionas a este sentimiento de temor escondiéndote o huyendo de la situación o persona pero, esa es una reacción natural creada por nuestro cerebro y hay varias formas de superarloLa primera forma es resolver la raíz del problema que es la creencia detrás de ese miedo. Una creencia es simplemente un pensamiento intensificado con cierta emoción que crea un deseo y se materializa en él.Por ejemplo, si crees que eres gorda, mantendrás esa creencia y la falta de autoestima te alentará a hacer el estilo de vida incorrecto y poco saludable. Mientras que, si crees que eres delgada, invertirás en tu cuerpo con ejercicio regular y alimentos saludables.Personas exitosas como Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Jim Kwik, Vishen Lakhiani, e

  • EPISODE 8: Let's talk about the F word...FEAR!

    14/04/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 8 discusses the F word… which is FEAR!Fear is nothing but False evidence appearing real and it is created by deep-rooted beliefs in our unconscious and subconscious mindsYou might wonder why you react to this feeling of fear by hiding or freezing when faced by it; however that is a natural reaction created by our brain and there are various ways of overcoming fearThe first way is to solve the root of the problem which is the belief behind that fear. A belief is simply a thought intensified with a certain emotion that creates a desire and materializes into itFor instance, if you think that you are fat, you will hold that belief and that lack of self-worth will encourage you to make the wrong/unhealthy lifestyle and nutritional choices. Whereas, if you believe that you are slim you will invest in your body with regular exercise and healthy foodSuccessful people such as Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Jim Kwik, Vishen Lakhiani, are where they are today because they faced their fears and over

  • Episodio 7: Que Es La Mente Inconsciente?

    05/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    Yo, Natasha Lalwani, os doy la bienvenida de nuevo a otro episodio de mi podcast, Emociones Sin FiltrosAhora sé que muchos de vosotros deben preguntarse en qué se diferencia la mente inconsciente de la mente subconsciente, así que empecemos con la definición de la mente inconsciente.La mente inconsciente es el almacén de todos los recuerdos y experiencias pasadas, tanto las que han sido reprimidas por el trauma como las que simplemente se han olvidado conscientemente y ya no son importantes para nosotros. Es a partir de estos recuerdos y experiencias que se forman nuestras creencias, hábitos y comportamientos.Si escuchais a mi episodio anterior que explica el poder de la mente subconsciente, podréis entender todo lo que puede hacer. Sin embargo, existe otro ámbito del subconsciente que es la inconsciencia que se comunica con la mente consciente a través de nuestro subconsciente.Los psicólogos y los psiquiatras prefieren usar el término inconsciente cuando se relacionan con pensamientos que no forman parte de

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