Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 309:36:03
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We are a podcast About Board games, Card games, & any other form of tabletop gaming!Join Roy, Matt, And Robert On our amazing podcasting adventure with tons of table top gaming!each week will will tackle another gaming topic and talk about game we are currently streaming and playing! we stream the podcast live on Tuesdays at 9pm ESTand we play live board games on fridays 6-10pm ESTwww.twitch.tv/epicgamingnightcheck us out on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight


  • Ep 113 The First Half of the Year!

    04/07/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    We Take a Look at the first half of 2017 and talk about what we have been playing! News: Dice Tower Con!! Game of Thrones Catan! Monopoly Gamer… What we have been playing? (Roy) Century: Spice Road (Rob) Champions of Midgard, Cash and Guns (Matt) Star Trek Ascendancy Topic: The First half of 2017! Do you think there's any particular trends currently? Escape Room games App Integration What would you say is your favorite game from 2017 so far? (Roy) Gloomhaven (Rob) The Godfather, Modern Art (Matt) Century: Spice Road Is there one game you really want to get back to the table during the second half of the year? TI3 Game of Thrones Dead of Winter: The Long Night Make a guess what your game of the year will be even if you haven't played it yet! (Roy) TBD (Rob) Gloomhaven (Matt) Charterstone, First Martians Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Gordon Snyder Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicG

  • Ep 112 Games on the Go

    29/06/2017 Duration: 01h19min

        News: Streets of Arkham! Expansion for Mansions of Madness! The Legend of Korra from IDW New Unlock scenarios! Asmodee changing to map policy... What we have been playing? (Roy) Arkham Horror LCG, Exit (Rob) Seafall (Matt) Century: Spice Road Topic: Games on the go! What are some good games you can take with out when our out and about? Love Letter Werewolf Cash and Guns Hanabi What is your all-time favorite game that you can take with you anywhere? Rhino Hero One Night Ultimate Werewolf Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Annette Villa Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Follow, like ,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook

  • Ep. 111 Chaos and Creativity

    22/06/2017 Duration: 01h44min

    Ep. 111: Chaos and Creativity News: A teaser for Pandemic Legacy Season 2 released on Z-Man’s website https://zmangames.com/en/products/pandemic/pandemic-legacy-season-2-transmission/ Origins Awards 2017:   Traditional Card Game: Mystic Vale Family Game: Happy Salmon Board Game of the Year: Scythe What we have been playing! (Rob) Mexican Train Dominos (Matt) Near and Far, Exit Topic: Creativity and Inspiration What gets your creative juices flowing? Are there ways you get yourself into a creative mood? How do you keep yourself on task while creating? When it comes to board games in what order do you design the parts? What are some games you enjoy that have very creative mechanics or ways of playing? Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed. Inis Cry Havoc Tales of the Arabian Nights Talk about our games maybe? Talk about some other ideas for games you’d like to see maybe? Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight Thank you so m

  • Ep 110 Dinosaur Wasteland with Jonathan Gilmour

    15/06/2017 Duration: 01h42min

    We talk with Jon about all his up coming games! Wasteland Express & Dinosaur Island!  We Also talk about what we have been playing! Near And Far!   What we have been playing? (Jon) Prototypes, Prototypes, Prototypes (Roy) Near and Far (Rob) Telestrations (Matt) Near and Far Topic: Jon Gilmour Tell us about a few of the games you have designed? Wasteland express Dinosaur Island Atari arcade board games Centipede Asteroids Missile Command Dead of Winter Outpost: Siberia Vault Wars Heroes and Tricks Path of Light and Shadow Do you have a dream designer you would love to work with? Eric Lang Vlaada Chvatil What board game conventions will you be attending this year? Origins GenCon WashingCon GrandCon Metatopia UCon What is your personal favorite tabletop game? Cosmic Encounter Nations Hanabi Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed Do you have anything else you want to talk about or promote? Path of Light and Shadow Wasteland Express Dinosaur Island Outpost: Siberia Follow Jon Gilmour https://t

  • Ep 109 Kickstarters

    08/06/2017 Duration: 01h58min

    Roy, Matt, & Rob talk about Kickstarter Games! and what we like and dislike about Kickstarter! We also rant about the Asmodee Alliance Exclusivity.   News: D&D remake of Betrayal at House on the Hill Lords of Hellas Deception Murder in Hong Kong Asmodee Alliance exclusivity What we have been playing? (Roy) Guns and Steel, Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black (Rob) Guns and Steel (Matt) Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black Topic: Kickstarters How many kickstarters have you backed? (Roy) 3 (Rob) 9 (Matt) 16ish What is your favorite game that has come from kickstarter? (Roy) Xia (Rob) Blood Rage/Rising Sun (Matt) Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Kent Parker Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 108 Tense Games

    01/06/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    This week we talk about games that make us Tense! and the tons of new games we have been playing! News: Metal Dawn! Green horde! Cmon minimum advertised price policy..... What we have been playing? (Roy) Epic Battlelore (Rob) Battlelore, Secret Hitler (Matt) Terraforming Mars, Ethnos, Honshu, Sagrada, Xenoshyft: Dreadmire Topic: Tense Games! What are a few games that are intense and exciting? Battlestar Galactica Game of Thrones Dead of Winter Spector Ops The Grizzled Xenoshyft Mansions of Madness XCOM Junk Art Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Mark Kale Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 107 Creating Games With Daryl Andrews

    25/05/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    This week we talk wit Daryl Andrews about Creating Board games and go in depth with Game IP Licenses!   What we have been playing? (Roy) Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed (Rob) Potion Explosion (Matt) Masmorra, Rob’s Prototype (Daryl) Goonies, Dinosaur Island, Wasteland Express Topic: Daryl Andrews What are a few of the games you have created or are working on? Fantasy Fantasy Football Fantasy Fantasy Baseball Tower of London Showdown (TMNT) Clone Club (Orphan Black) Outta Time (Back to the Future) Shop in Time Sagrada Tons of others... If you could design a Game with any theme or IP what would it be? Transformers What is your favorite tabletop game of all time? Stop Thief, San Marco Is there anything else you would like to talk about or promote? Meeple Syrup Show http://meeplesyrupshow.com/ Other games mentioned during the show Jungle Joust Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Jason Rolf Follow Daryl Andrews https://twitter.com/darylmandrews Follow Epic

  • Ep 106 CMON Expo

    18/05/2017 Duration: 01h47min

    We talk about all the New games and stories from the Cmon Expo! News: Rise of the Empire Expansion for Star Wars: Rebellion Patron Hangout on Thursday 5/18/17 What we have been playing? (Roy) Ethnos, Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game (Rob) Massive Darkness, Modern Art (Matt) Gekido Topic: Our Cmon Expo Trip! *Disclaimer* This is a simple scribble of games mentioned during the show for a full transcription listen to the podcast! What was your favorite game of the expo? (Roy) A Song of Ice and Fire (Rob) The Godfather (Matt) Blood Rage Other games mentioned during the show: Blood Rage Potion Explosion Ta-Da! Xenoshyft: Onslaught Thanks to our awesome Patrons! Patron of the week! Chris Atwood Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 105 Crossfire Road with Emerson

    11/05/2017 Duration: 01h55min

    We talk to Emerson all about his upcoming games Crossfire & Spice Road!   What we have been playing? (Emerson) Orléans, Tobago (Roy) Assault of the Giants (Rob) Strike, 5 Minute Dungeon, Blood Rage, Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (Matt) Roll Player Topic: Emerson!!   *Disclaimer* This is a simple scribble of games mentioned during the show for a full transcription listen to the podcast!   What does your upcoming convention season look like? Origins Dice Tower Con (maybe) BGG Con or Pax Unplugged GenCon Is there anything you want to talk about or promote before we let you go? Check out Crossfire and Century: Spice Road https://www.plaidhatgames.com/games/crossfire https://www.planbgames.com/en/home/8-century-spice-road.html Other games mentioned during the show: Secret Hitler Splendor Spector Ops Thanks to our awesome Patrons! Patron of the week! Andrew Skinner Follow Emerson Matsuuchi and Nazca Games @Nazcagames on Twitter https://www.facebook.com/NazcaGames/ Or email him at na

  • Ep 104 Giant Epic with Scott Almes and Michael Coe

    04/05/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    We talk with Scott Almes & Michael Coe about Game design and Heroes of  Land, Air & Sea!   What are some of the games you have designed? Tiny Epic Western Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Heroes' Call Tiny Epic Kingdoms Tiny Epic Defenders Tiny Epic Galaxies Harbor Great Dinosaur Race Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea Is there a newer board game that you've really been enjoying recently? (Scott) Number 9 (Michael) Overworld What is your personal favorite tabletop game? (Scott) Robo Rally/ Powergrid (Michael) Carcassonne Everyone make sure to check out the Heroes of Land, Air, and Sea kickstarter this Thursday (5/4/17) at 8am EST! Follow Scott Almes and Michael Coe https://twitter.com/Scott_Almes http://www.gamelyngames.com/ https://twitter.com/Gamelyn_Games https://www.facebook.com/GamelynGames/ They are very active on BBG so drop by and hit em up Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Glow in the dark t

  • Ep 103 The stories board games create!

    27/04/2017 Duration: 01h19min

    This week Roy, Matt and Rob talk all about the stories board games create! we also talk about the Runewars miniatures game and rob playing Deathbot Megafun!   News International tabletop day! (April 29th) Fallout wasteland miniatures game? What we have been playing? (Roy)  DEATH BOT MEGA FUN, RuneWars Miniatures (Rob)  DEATH BOT MEGA FUN, RuneWars Miniatures (Matt) Music! Let's discuss some memorable moments we've had playing board games! (Games mentioned) Sheriff of Nottingham Blood Rage Battlestar Galactica War of the Ring Secret Hitler Go Cuckoo Betrayal at House on the Hill Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Mansions of Madness 1st edition Cards against Humanity Happy Salmon Thanks to our awesome Patrons! Patron of the week! Sean Koehn Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Glow in the dark tshirts!!! Analoggamer.com/Epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 102 Planning & Strategy

    19/04/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    This week Roy, Matt, & Rob take a look at Planning & Strategy in board games!   News International Tabletop Day! (April 29th) Crystal clans from plaid hat games Brass Kickstarter Path to Carcosa for Arkham Horror LCG We will be at Cmon Expo!! Play games with us! What we have been playing? (Roy) Heroclix Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, (Rob) Heroclix Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, (Matt) Nothing board game related Topic: Planning & Strategy What game do you love that lets you plan and be strategic? (Roy) Twilight Imperium 3 (Rob) Game of Thrones (Matt) Spector Ops, T.I.M.E Stories Other games mentioned during the show: Blood Rage Rising Sun Secret Hitler Twilight Imperium 3 Game of Thrones Dominion Marvel Legendary Race for the Galaxy Lords of Waterdeep Dead of Winter One Night Ultimate Werewolf Evolution: The Card Game Spector Ops Thanks to our awesome Patrons! Patron of the week! Chris Sasaki Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.

  • Ep 101 Listener Q&A

    13/04/2017 Duration: 01h56min

    This week Roy, Matt, & Rob Answer Questions from our listeners! We also talk about what we have been playing!   News: Hot Sauce video for our patrons has been shot it's in the process of being edited What we have been playing? (Roy) Evolution: The Card Game, (Rob) Scoville (Matt) Scoville Topic: Questions   Kyle_the_white: What is a theme in boardgaming that you think is under utilized?   Hard Science Anime Cyberpunk with less emphasis on corporations Frankenstein’s monster   three_geek_moon: If you guys could feature on some promo cards, which games would you like to be featured in? What would you like to he doing in those promo cards?   Dead of Winter Cosmic Encounter Blood Rage Champions of Midgard Lost in Space Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn   Theonesyoulove: What was the game that drew you into the hobby?   (Rob) Game of Thrones, Risk Legacy, Battlestar Galactica (Roy) Redemption, Battlestar Galactica, Shadows over Camelot, Arkham Horror (Matt) Betrayal at House on the Hill   S

  • Ep 100 - 100!!!!

    06/04/2017 Duration: 01h43min

      Epic Gaming Night Ep 100! We have a bunch of Friends and Fans on the podcast to talk about games! games mentioned: Gloomhaven Mansions of Madness Unlock Clank! Sunken Treasure Champions of Midgard Anachrony Claustrophobia 18cz The Resistance Secret Hitler Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Insider Spyfall Thanks to our awesome Patrons! Patrons of the week! Rob: Adam Sparkes (sparkles) Matt: Sean Roy: Steven Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Glow in the dark tshirts!!! Analoggamer.com/Epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 99 What are you Buying? What are you Selling?

    30/03/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    This week Roy Rob, & Matt talk about buying, selling, & Trading games! also Unlock and Jump drive!   News Stop Thief by restoration games Player color hair! What we have been playing? (Roy) Unlock & Legendary & Jump Drive (Rob) Mass Effect Andromeda (Matt) Unlock & Legendary Topic: Trading & selling games Games discussed during the show: Blood Rage Rhino Hero Dancing Eggs First Martians Terraforming Mars Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patrons of the Week Rob: Chris Sasaki Matt: Jake Bock Roy: Nate Shrimplin Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com Patreon.com/EpicGamingNight www.youtube.com/epicgamingnight Glow in the dark tshirts!!! Analoggamer.com/Epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 98 Replayabilty

    23/03/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Roy, Matt, & Rob talk about replayabilty in board games! they also take a look at Cthulhu Wars, Time stories Expedition Endurance, & Arkham horror LCG!   News Crossfire from Plaid Hat Games GKR: Heavy Hitters Bayou Bash from Wyrd games Patron Hang Out coming soon! Patron Hot Sauce Video coming soon! What we have been playing! (Roy) Cthulhu Wars (Rob) T.I.M.E Stories: Expedition Endurance (Matt) Arkham Horror LCG Topic: Replayability! What are a few games they have a ton of replayability? Mansions of Madness Risk Dead of Winter Ashes Spector Ops Betrayal at House on the Hill Is there a specific mechanic that makes a game replayable that you really enjoy? Randomness Modular Board Variable Player Powers And others What is your favorite game with a ton of replayability? (Rob) Mansions of Madness (Roy) Marvel Legendary (Matt) Junk Art & Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Other games mentioned during the show: Unlock Spice Road Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patrons of the

  • Ep 97 Under the Radar

    16/03/2017 Duration: 01h29min

    We talk about GAMA announcements what we have been playing Gloomhaven & Heroclix! and talk about games flying under the radar!   News Gama Trade Show! Eric Lang joins Cmon exclusively and they are working on a Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game. Portal games: Detective Rising Sun Kickstarter D&D Beyond Champions of Midgard Expansions Kickstarter ends What we have been playing! (Roy) Gloomhaven, HeroClix (Rob) Gloomhaven, HeroClix (Matt) I played nothing, good day sir (or madam)! Topic: Under the radar! Do you think there are older games that are worth going back and taking a look at? Shadows Over Camelot Spector Ops Betrayal at House on the Hill Takenoko Axis and Allies What is one lesser known game you think people should give a chance? Spector Ops Axis and Allies Drakon Wiz-War Rhino Hero Junk Art Tales of Arabian Nights Other games mentioned during the show Oh my god the start of every show mentions like 30ish games I always forget to jot down sorry… Blood Rage Dead of Winter: The

  • Ep 96 The Game Room

    09/03/2017 Duration: 01h27min

    Roy, Matt, & Rob take a look at what makes a good game room! look at the Rising Sun kickstarter!   News Rising Sun kickstarter launch! Golden Geek Awards What we have been playing! (Roy) Above and Below, HeroClix (Rob) Zombiecide: Black Plague (Matt) Above and Below Topic: Game room! Games discussed during the show: Scythe Arkham Horror: The Card Game So many others I forgot to type them...sorry Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram EpicGamingNight.com www.youtube.com/c/epicgamingnight Glow in the dark tshirts!!! Analoggamer.com/Epicgamingnight Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!

  • Ep 95 Out of the Hobby

    02/03/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    Roy & Rob take a look at the news Ashes deluxe boxes, Empires of the Void, and our Patreon launch! Also what we have been playing Sigil and summoner wars! we also look at what people outside of the hobby think of board games. Check out our Patreon www.patren.com/epicgamingnight Hit us up on twitter and Instagram @ EpicGamingNight

  • Ep 94 Top 10 Fantasy Games

    23/02/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    this week Roy & Rob look at there top 10 Fantasy games! check us out on twitter & instagram @Epicgamingnight www.epicgamingnight.com

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