Welcome to a weekly podcast by Chapel Hill Bible Church - hosted by pastors Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week, in 10 minutes or less, we plan to cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ.
051: Stop & Listen (Part 5)
31/07/2020 Duration: 29minThe last several weeks of racial tension in our country have opened up new conversations and dialogue around racism in our society and the church. There's a wide array of opinions on the subject, so we will be taking the next several weeks to STOP AND LISTEN to others in our church family who have a story to tell. In this episode, Pastors Jay and Ryan interview Daniel Davis - a young and married CHBC member - as he opens up about his emotional and spiritual journey on racial inequality after the death of George Floyd. Dan's come alive in the last year to the racial tensions and disunity in our country, but also has found himself wrestling with being vulnerable as a white man as he enters into dialogue around this topic. No matter what side you find yourself on around this debate, we are inviting you to STOP & LISTEN. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spi
050: Stop & Listen (Part 4)
24/07/2020 Duration: 36minThe last several weeks of racial tension in our country have opened up new conversations and dialogue around racism in our society and the church. There's a wide array of opinions on the subject, so we will be taking the next several weeks to STOP AND LISTEN to others in our church family who have a story to tell. In this episode, Pastors Jay and Ryan interview Rick Hove - Executive Director of Faculty Commons at Cru and an elder at CHBC - as he opens up about his emotional and spiritual journey on racial inequality. Rick's position has evolved from someone who never gave racism a thought to a person who is now empathetic to and passionately against racial inequality around him and his African American friends and colleagues. No matter what side you find yourself on around this debate, we are inviting you to STOP & LISTEN. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cov
049: Stop & Listen (Part 3)
17/07/2020 Duration: 25minThe last several weeks of racial tension in our country have opened up new conversations and dialogue around racism in our society and the church. There's a wide array of opinions on the subject, so we will be taking the next several weeks to STOP AND LISTEN to others in our church family who have a story to tell. In this episode, Pastors Jay and Ryan continue a dialogue (over Zoom) with four graduate students to listen to their perspective on Black Lives Matter and racial inequality. No matter what side you find yourself on around this debate, we are inviting you to STOP & LISTEN. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
048: Stop & Listen (Part 2)
10/07/2020 Duration: 16minThe last several weeks of racial tension in our country have opened up new conversations and dialogue around racism in our society and the church. There's a wide array of opinions on the subject, so we will be taking the next several weeks to STOP AND LISTEN to others in our church family who have a story to tell. In this episode, Pastors Jay and Ryan sit down (over Zoom) with four graduate students to listen to their perspective on Black Lives Matter and racial inequality. No matter what side you find yourself on around this debate, we are inviting you to STOP & LISTEN. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
047: Stop & Listen (Part 1)
03/07/2020 Duration: 13minThe last several weeks of racial tension in our country have opened up new conversations and dialogue around racism in our society and the church. There's a wide array of opinions on the subject, so we will be taking the next several weeks to STOP AND LISTEN to others in our church family who have a story to tell. In this episode, Pastors Jay and Ryan kick off the series and lay the groundwork for the episodes ahead with a foundation laid in the gospel of Jesus. While the temptation is to quickly offer up solutions to the systemic problems of racism, we don't want the story and emotion of this moment in history to be dismissed. So, no matter what side you find yourself on around this debate, we are inviting you to STOP & LISTEN. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See a
046: Addressing Common Questions about Spiritual Warfare
27/04/2020 Duration: 20minSpiritual warfare is real. Scripture tells us that there are real, actual spiritual forces arrayed against the triune God and His every goal, among which are your continued faithfulness and allegiance to Jesus.In this episode, Pastors Jay and Ryan continue a Q&A discussion that began in a sermon on Sunday, April 26, 2020 (click here to watch/listen). Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
045: A Christian Response to COVID-19
18/03/2020 Duration: 31minWe're watching the Coronavirus wreak havoc on all of us - emotionally, financially, socially, and even our faith. And yet, as Christians, we're anchored in God's identity - particularly His sovereignty and providence. It's out of God's rest that we as followers of Jesus can be a life raft to those around us while we watch the ships of the world go down.Corrie ten Boom wrote, "If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God, you'll be at rest."In this episode, Pastors Jay, Ryan and Roddy Dinsmore discuss how we as the hands and feet of Jesus can minister to our neighbors and community during this epidemic and point them to the beacon of hope who is Jesus. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See fo
044: A Response to the Spiritual Deconstruction of Rhett and Link
12/03/2020 Duration: 01h03minIf you're at all in-tune with internet culture, you're probably familiar with Rhett and Link and their YouTube show, "Good Mythical Morning" - a comedy daily show with over 16 million subscribers and over 6 billion total video views. From food challenges to music antics, Rhett and Link have achieved tremendous YouTube success and a huge following. A little unknown fact about their rise to success is that it had its beginnings in North Carolina evangelical culture where they served as Cru missionaries on the UNC campus before launching their entertainment career writing skits and music for "What's In the Bible?" (The Fabulous Bentley Brothers). Rhett was even a part of the Bible Church family in the mid-2000s! This past February on their Ear Biscuits podcast, Rhett and Link decided to each tell their spiritual deconstruction stories from born again, faithful followers of Jesus to "hopeful agnostics." With their stories hitting close to home, Pastors Jay and Ryan - along with fellow colleague, Colin Rowley
043: Racial Unity & Equality (Part 5)
06/03/2020 Duration: 13minRacial unity and equality is a controversial and hot topic right now in the U.S. and, unfortunately, the historical Gospel-centered church has not led the way on this issue inside AND outside its walls. And yet, God has called the church to be the physical representation of heaven on earth. So, what's the way forward and what should it look like?In part 5 of this series, Pastors Jay and Ryan address misinterpretations of various biblical texts that seem to condone racism or slavery. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
042: Racial Unity & Equality (Part 4)
27/02/2020 Duration: 21minRacial unity and equality is a controversial and hot topic right now in the U.S. and, unfortunately, the historical Gospel-centered church has not led the way on this issue inside AND outside its walls. And yet, God has called the church to be the physical representation of heaven on earth. So, what's the way forward and what should it look like?In part 4 of this series, Pastors Jay and Ryan interview Dr. Robert Smith, an African-American member at CHBC, to prescribe some foundational principles for building a racially diverse and unified church. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
041: Racial Unity & Equality (Part 3)
20/02/2020 Duration: 22minRacial unity and equality is a controversial and hot topic right now in the U.S. and, unfortunately, the historical Gospel-centered church has not led the way on this issue inside AND outside its walls. And yet, God has called the church to be the physical representation of heaven on earth. So, what's the way forward and what should it look like?In part 3 of this series, Pastors Jay and Ryan interview Eddie Kim, a Korean-American member at CHBC, to borrow perception from someone with an Asian descent on the topic of racial unity and equality within the church context. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
040: Racial Unity & Equality (Part 2)
13/02/2020 Duration: 19minRacial unity and equality is a controversial and hot topic right now in the U.S. and, unfortunately, the historical Gospel-centered church has not led the way on this issue inside AND outside its walls. And yet, God has called the church to be the physical representation of heaven on earth. So, what's the way forward and what should it look like?In part 2 of this series, Pastors Jay and Ryan interview Gaby Correa, Latino Director at Chapel Hill Bible Church, to discuss the dangers of a religious-segregated Hispanic church and the steps to integration. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
039: Racial Unity & Equality (Part 1)
06/02/2020 Duration: 18minRacial unity and equality is a controversial and hot topic right now in the U.S. and, unfortunately, the historical Gospel-centered church has not led the way on this issue inside AND outside its walls. And yet, God has called the church to be the physical representation of heaven on earth. So, what's the way forward and what should it look like?In part 1 of this series, Pastors Jay and Ryan set the groundwork for this topic at CHBC and discuss what it means to be internally consistent with what the Bible teaches on racial unity and equality.Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
038: Why Church Membership? (Part 3)
30/01/2020 Duration: 14minIt's difficult to read Scripture and dismiss the motif of community. It's everywhere from the Godhead to the family unit. We're designed to be together. And yet, attempt to define "the church," and you have to make a clarification, are you referring to the Church universal, or are you referring to a local gathering of Christians in a specific location? Take it a step further and you'll soon enough get to the topic of "formal membership." What is church membership? Is it biblical? Is it important? In part 3 of this 3-part series, Pastors Jay and Ryan and our special guest, Matt Gilleskie, address some of the common questions and objections to church membership.Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
037: Why Church Membership? (Part 2)
24/01/2020 Duration: 15minIt's difficult to read Scripture and dismiss the motif of community. It's everywhere from the Godhead to the family unit. We're designed to be together. And yet, attempt to define "the church," and you have to make a clarification, are you referring to the Church universal, or are you referring to a local gathering of Christians in a specific location? Take it a step further and you'll soon enough get to the topic of "formal membership." What is church membership? Is it biblical? Is it important? In part 2 of this 3-part series, Pastors Jay and Ryan and our special guest, Matt Gilleskie, discuss the necessity of a formal commitment to church membership.Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
036: Why Church Membership? (Part 1)
17/01/2020 Duration: 14minIt's difficult to read Scripture and dismiss the motif of community. It's everywhere from the Godhead to the family unit. We're designed to be together. And yet, attempt to define "the church," and you have to make a clarification, are you referring to the Church universal, or are you referring to a local gathering of Christians in a specific location? Take it a step further and you'll soon enough get to the topic of "formal membership." What is church membership? Is it biblical? Is it important? In this 3-part series, Pastors Jay and Ryan host special guest, Matt Gilleskie, who holds to a strong conviction that the local church should be definable and contractual.BLOG POST: Three Perspectives on Church Membership (Part 1): An IntroductionHave questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. 
035: Dealing with Doubt (Part 4)
08/11/2019 Duration: 13minDoubt often has several layers; some that are very much on the surface - wrestling with Biblical promises, and some that go very deep to the core of God's existence. In this series, we explore the various layers of doubt and where it can and can't go in the Christian walk.In this episode, Jay and Ryan tackle the question, "Can you lose your salvation?" Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Lead Pastor, Jay Thomas, and Community & Care Minister, Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
034: Happy Reformation Day!
31/10/2019 Duration: 19minWhat is Reformation Day? It is the day the light of the gospel broke forth out of darkness. It was the day that began the Protestant Reformation. It was a day that led to Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and may other Reformers helping the church find its way back to God’s Word as the only authority for faith and life and leading the church back to the glorious doctrines of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. It kindled the fires of missionary endeavors, it led to hymn writing and congregational singing, and it led to the centrality of the sermon and preaching for the people of God. It is the celebration of a theological, ecclesiastical, and cultural transformation.In this episode, Pastor Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee discuss the birth of the Protestant Reformation on October 31st, and its implication to us today 502 years later. See for privacy and opt-out information.
033: Dealing with Doubt (Part 3)
24/10/2019 Duration: 16minDoubt often has several layers; some that are very much on the surface - wrestling with Biblical promises, and some that go very deep to the core of God's existence. In this series, we explore the various layers of doubt and where it can and can't go in the Christian walk.In this episode, Jay and Ryan discuss several different gateways that lead to doubt in the Christian. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Lead Pastor, Jay Thomas, and Community & Care Minister, Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.
032: Dealing with Doubt (Part 2)
17/10/2019 Duration: 13minDoubt often has several layers; some that are very much on the surface - wrestling with Biblical promises, and some that go very deep to the core of God's existence. In this series, we explore the various layers of doubt and where it can and can't go in the Christian walk.In this episode, Jay explains how emotional and intellectual doubt are VERY different from one another in relation to the head, heart and hands. Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Lead Pastor, Jay Thomas, and Community & Care Minister, Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ. See for privacy and opt-out information.