Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa Fallon Mindel CHHP, AADP
RFB Show 18, Roundtable Interview from Healthfest
07/04/2016 Duration: 53minLast weekend (4/2) we sat down and had a round table discussion with some very talented plant based ultra athletes that I met last year. We also include our newest team member from Canada! We talked about how Healthfest has helped us reach our goals and we discussed some of the things we accomplished since we met last year. It was a lot of fun catching up with the guys real time and I hope you enjoy the show. Josh LaJaunie - Dave Wiskowski - Jonathan Lambert - Adam Chaim -
RFB Show 17, Interview with Ed & Amanda Smith from Healthfest
11/01/2016 Duration: 53minReal Food and Beyond podcast interview with Ed and Amanda Smith, creators of the Healthfest event hosted in Marshall, Texas On today’s show, B.J. talks with Ed & Amanda Smith, co-founders of Get Healthy Marshall ( Ed discusses his battle with cancer and overcoming it with a whole foods plant based diet. We also discuss how Healthfest came about and discuss some of the history and details about the annual event. References: To learn more about the Smith’s: How to find more about the show: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker
Real Food and Beyond Podcast, Show #16 with Chef AJ
25/09/2015 Duration: 55minWe discuss calorie density, real food, her weight loss journey and get in to many of the changes she made personally to go from being overweight, unhealthy and what she thought was a "plant-based" way of life (the fast food) to the real deal healthy vegan who’s passion and dedication to helping others is shown through her easy recipes, great attitude, sense of humor, podcasts, and her books. Join us in meeting Chef AJ, you’ll laugh, learn and eat a lot more greens! Chef AJ Bio: Chef AJ has been devoted to a plant-based diet for almost 40 years. She is the host of the television series Healthy Living with CHEF AJ which airs on Foody TV. With her comedy background, she has made appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Late Show with David Letterman and more. A chef, culinary instructor and professional speaker, she is author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, which chronicles her journey from a junk-food veg
Real Food and Beyond Podcast with Angie and Trevor Spencer from MTA, Marathon Training Academy.
11/09/2015 Duration: 46minOn the show we discuss how Angie and Trevor began their running journey, how they started their own podcast and how they turned their passion of running and coaching into a full time career for both of them. Along their journey, Angie and Trevor discover how some of their dietary changes have really improve their running and overall health. This is a great show and you will want to join us as we have fun speaking with them today! References: How to find MTA: UCAN Discount Code: mtadouble How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP, AADP
Real Food and Beyond Podcast, Show #14 with Tom Barbieri
10/07/2015 Duration: 48minB.J and Tom discuss many of the factors to consider when training: Metabolic Efficiency (Bob Seebohar) Fat Adapted Training Heart Rate Zones Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Nutrition & Fueling It is interesting to consider how many types of training programs and styles that exist today. While we are not able to cover them all in one show, we hope to give the listener a peek in to several ideas that should be considered when training, especially for an event. References: Bob Seebohar: Heart Rate Zone by Phil Maffetone: How to find Tom: Tom Barbieri, NASM-CPT Founder & Principal Consultant Tioga Wellness, LLC. 703.657.9329 How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP, AADP
Real Food and Beyond Podcast, Show #13
26/06/2015 Duration: 55minOn today's show, B.J. and Lisa talk to Adam and Shoshana Chaim about their journey to finding health, overcoming some health challenges, and also share their ideas to help keep our kids healthy, from setting a good example, getting them to be involved in preparing meals and teaching them ways to make more positive decisions on their own. Adam is an accomplished athlete of his own and has completed a full Ironman event and recently finished his first 50 mile run. They both provide coaching programs to help others with health and nutrition. This is an exciting show so you don't want to miss this one! How to find the Chaim’s: Twitter: @plantrainers Facebook: Instagram: Podcast: How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP
Real Food and Beyond Podcast, Show #12 with Dr. Robert Ostfeld
12/06/2015 Duration: 44minOn today’s show, B.J. and Lisa talk to Dr. Ostfeld about his wellness program and how he is changing traditional medicine and prescribing nutritional changes to help reduce or eliminate chronic illness, especially heart disease. Dr. Ostfeld started the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York. Biography: Robert Ostfeld, M.D., MSC., a cardiologist, is the founder and director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore, an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Associate Director of the Cardiology Fellowship at Montefiore-Einstein. Dr. Ostfeld earned his BA from the University of Pennsylvania, graduating Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa; his MD from Yale University School of Medicine; and his Masters of Science in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Ostfeld completed his medical internship and residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital and his cardiology fellowship and research fellowship i
Special guest interview with Nutrition Coach, Ironman athlete, and author Nell Stephenson!
29/05/2015 Duration: 42minOn today 'show, Lisa and B.J. talk to Nell about the basics of the Paleo lifestyle. Nell talks about her journey to finding Paleo, the difference between Paleo and trendy diets, the pretend “ Paleo” foods and how to live and eat the TRUE Paleo way (and the plant kingdom is a majority of it). Enjoy this informative show. How to find Nell: Twitter: @nellstephenson How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP, AADP
Finding Health, the Josh LaJaunie Story - How one man lost 200 lbs and became and Ultra Runner!
15/05/2015 Duration: 01h08minReal Food and Beyond Podcast, Show #10 Special guest interview with Josh LaJaunie! On today 'show, Lisa and B.J. talk to Josh LaJaunie and his amazing journey losing 200 lbs and becoming an Ultra Runner. Josh loves to share his message about regaining his own health and he loves to share his story with others. He is a true inspiration and you will love his story. How to find Josh: Twitter: @joshlajaunie Instagram: joshlajaunie Blog: How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP, AADP
Plane, trains and automobiles: staying healthy while traveling!
01/05/2015 Duration: 22minTo find out more visit: How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP, AADP
Guest interview with Dr. Garth Davis
17/04/2015 Duration: 45minOn today 'show, Lisa and B.J. talk to Dr Garth Davis from the Davis Clinic in Houston Texas. Dr. Davis is a bariatric surgeon, health advocate, Ironman, public speaker and author. We discuss Dr. Davis weight loss practice, his own weight loss journey, his accomplishments as an author and Ironman. You will also discover how Dr. Davis is going beyond medicine to change people’s lives by encouraging a plant based diet. Dr. Garth Davis can be found on FB at: How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast Hosted by B.J. Tucker and Lisa F Mindel CHHP, AADP
Finding Health and Fitness, Guest interview with Jess Tyrrell
03/04/2015 Duration: 36minOn today 'show, Lisa and B.J. talk to Jess Tyrell, a current student in Washington who is studying to be a registered dietician. Jess overcame her challenges with food and lost over 120 lbs. She is truly an inspiration to others. Her story began and early as she always struggled with her weight, however with a single conversation with her grandmother she began to change everything. Come join us today as we hear this amazing story about her journey! Don’t miss this one. How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast
Guest interview with Fitness Coach and Endurance Athlete Tom Barbieri
27/03/2015 Duration: 53minTopics today include: Finding your own health beyond the physical training How nutrition effects your training Learning how to listen more closely to your body On todays show, Lisa and B.J. talk to Tom Barbieri, a fitness coach and advocate in the DC area, about his journey as an endurance athlete and coach. Tom went from an endurance athlete eating the Standard American Diet to eating a "real food” diet. He shares with us how his diet, training and attitude towards real food has changed his overall impact to his health as well as his training and racing. Don’t miss this one. Tom Barbieri, NASM-CPT Founder & Principal Consultant Tioga Wellness, LLC. 703.657.9329 How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast
The Sugar Blues
20/03/2015 Duration: 34minHow sugar impacts our bodies What are the various types of sugar and where they are hiding Fake sugars / sweeteners and what are they Addictive.. YES On today 'show, Lisa and B.J. talk about the effects of sugar on our bodies. Is it possible that sugar is 8x more addictive than heroine? We discuss the many forms of sugar, how they cause our bodies to not function properly, where it is hiding, and how we can start removing it from out everyday diet. Sugar is a natural substance, but it can have harmful effects on our bodies in different ways. Listen and become informed on where, what and why sugar has become a daily habit(addiction) for many. How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast
Staying Motivated with Coach Chris Plourde
13/03/2015 Duration: 45minTopics on Today’s Show: How to stay motivated How to keep from failing at reaching your goals Why use a coach On today’s show, Lisa and B.J. talk with LA Fitness Consultant Chris Plourde. Chris is a personal trainer, athlete, health enthusiast, and motivational speaker that works with athletes, triathletes, cyclists, celebrities, and moms. We discuss ways to stay motivated, how to stay on track to achieve your goals, the nutritional link, and reasons why you should hire a personal coach. Chris discusses several examples of how you can achieve your goals and reasons that may be causing you to not to. A insightful , educating and inspiring, podcast that you will not want to miss. How to reach Chris: Chris Plourde Instagram - chrisplourdefit Facebook -
Food Sanity - Crazy diets, foods to avoid, and how to find real food
27/02/2015 Duration: 47minIn today’s show we discuss the crazy world of diets, juicing, foods to avoid and how to get stated. Basically diets tend to always fail in the long run yet so many people are attracted to them. We also discuss some of the really harmful food and ingredients everyone should avoid. And then we wrap up with how to get started on your journey to eating real food!
What is Real Food!
20/02/2015 Duration: 34minOn today’s show we discuss “What is real food?” What does real food mean: Whole foods Made from Mother Nature A single ingredient, or very few Doesn’t come from a box or wrapper Natural in color Not made from technology From seed to plant Ingredients your Grandmother can pronounce and had In the end, Just Eat REAL food Book References just to get started: “Food Rules; an Eaters Manual” ,“The Omnivores Dilemma” and “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan “The Food Revolution” by John Robbins “The China Study” by Dr. T. Collin Campbell “Eat to Live” by Joel Fuhrman “Salt Sugar Fat” by Michael Moss Quotes from the Show: Thomas Edison: “ The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of the disease” Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” How to find us: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandB
Our first show! Who are we and what is the show about!
04/02/2015 Duration: 30minOn today's show we learn about our two host, B.J. Tucker and Lisa Mindel CHHP, AADP. Why are we doing the show Who are we What is our own story Links to Host: Lisa Fallon Mindel CHHP, AADP B.J. Tucker How to find information about the show: Email: Website: Twitter: @realfoodeat Facebook: RealFoodandBeyondPodcast