A weekly update from Stacey Holland on the ins and outs of healthy living, from an alternative viewpoint.
DNA Testing: Your Guide to Optimal Health
05/04/2018 Duration: 16minNiche Radio — Last year I received a very healthy Christmas present – DNA testing from Join Circles. The process was incredibly easy: I received a test kit from Join Circles with full instructions. In the comfort of my own home I swabbed the inside of my cheek with a giant cotton bud and went online and booked a time for a courier to come and fetch my kit. A few weeks later I had my results and boy were they interesting! I have gene variations for oxidative-stress and inflammation (no surprise then that eczema and allergies were a problem from childhood), a traditional Mediterranean diet / low carb eating is ideal for me and high intensity interval training is what I need to remain lean! Did I know all of this info before testing? To some extent but it was largely intuitive, now I had scientific data to validate my gut feeling! In this episode we change it up a bit: Heidi & Margie interview me! They asked me what was my why, not just for testing but in general. Why do I want to be optimally well
How Badly Do You REALLY Want That New Year’s Resolution?
01/02/2018 Duration: 16minNiche Radio — Happy New Year!! LOL I know it’s waaaaaaay past that! It’s already February! But it’s my first podcast of 2018 so it feels rather incomplete starting it without the wish J As a first episode for the new year, I thought I’d tackle the New Year Resolution… perhaps too much of an obvious choice but here’s why: As we begin February, some of you will be on track with the goals that you set for the year, however most of you would have started out with a bang but your thunder is barely a fizzle by now and you somehow sunk back into old – and bad – habits, leaving you feeling somewhat demoralized and despondent because change can often be so darn hard and habits only for with consistency! If this is you (or at least to some extent) then chin up champ, you still have 11 months to achieve what you set out to!!! Life Coach, Roz Sandham, gives us some practical insights into setting New Year’s resolutions that can actually be realized and it starts with getting REAL! Enjoy! Stace www.alfc.c
DNA Testing: A Fantastic Healthy Christmas Present
15/12/2017 Duration: 01h08minNiche Radio — This podcast is a long one but you’ll soon hear why and it’s interesting enough to keep you focused for its duration. If you listened to my podcasts with Swiss researcher Dr Peter Koeppel about supplementing with nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, you will have a basic understanding of why and how our lifestyle affects our DNA. In this week’s episode we find out why we should then test our own DNA. I had first heard about DNA testing around four to five years ago and thought it fascinating, the Human Genome Project was completed and published in April 2003, meaning that we finally had a complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings was. All our genes together are known as our "genome." I initially wanted to go for the test but thought that because the science was so new in SA, perhaps it was better to wait a bit. That way practitioners locally would be better trained and equipped to conduct the tests and interpret the results. I’ve subsequently learned that
The Chef Who Fed Google (& Steve Jobs)
05/12/2017 Duration: 30minNiche Radio — Charlie Ayers is best known as, “the chef who fed Google”, a title and job he won in a in a 1999 cook-off. He was judged by the company’s then 40 employees. It was a last minute entry and in this podcast he explains how he attained the X Factor. Charlie also had the privilege of feeding Steve Jobs breakfast every morning in the years preceding his death. He shares this experience with us and the nuggets he learned along the way, including a why a free food model in corporate is possibly a great solution for our rising obesity crisis in SA. I interviewed Charlie at the BCX Disrupt Summit where he was one of the speakers. This was his bio according to the summit website: By the time Charlie Ayers left Google in 2005, his team of five chefs and 150 employees were serving 4,000 lunches and dinners a day at the company's headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Ayers was the guy who started serving free, gourmet meals to Googlers and after six years with Google, he did the same for other tech co
Juicing the RIGHT way with Juice 4 Way
24/11/2017 Duration: 45minNiche Radio — The jury is still out on whether juicing is indeed beneficial for one’s health. Those in favour of juicing – extracting the liquid from fruit and vegetables without the fiber and pulp (smoothies contact the pulp and therefore the fiber), believe that it allows for quicker and better absorption of the phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, gives the digestive system a break (because it doesn’t have to break down fiber) and thus the body can spend its energy on reparative processes and healing as opposed to digestion. Conversely, those opposing juicing say it’s often not done well: people include too many fruits and not enough veg, which ultimately spikes insulin levels very much the same way eating sugar would, and it lacks the necessary fibre to regulate digestion. Then you have those who meet in the middle and recommend smoothies, where the fruit and veg are liquefied thus easing digestion but the fibre is still contained thus preventing an insulin spike. In this episode, we discuss exact
Can Candy Crush Help You Lose Weight?
17/11/2017 Duration: 15minNiche Radio — If you were born in 1980 or later I don’t think this will come as much of a surprise to you: Gaming – videogames, sports games and puzzles – can change your life! Gaming is actually good for you and gamer, author, speaker & all-out-cool-chick, Jane McGonigal has over ten years’ worth of scientific evidence to back it up. In her latest NY Times-bestselling book, SuperBetter, she shares how gaming can help those suffering with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and that what we got to chat about when I interviewed her at the BCX Disrupt Summit in Johannesburg. It’s a short but super interesting discussion! Enjoy! Stace Thi episode was brought to you by the BCX Disrupt Summit
The Perfect Supplement for Summer Health
09/11/2017 Duration: 21minNiche Radio — Lucy Tavares is a health coach and professional baker who, in a quest to overcome her own health issues, developed her own collagen brand: O’Nutricia Collagen. If you’re looking to improve your skin, joint and bone health then supplementing with collagen may be just what you need. It's great to beef up the protein content of your smoothies, you can add it to your tea and coffee and boost your baking with a tablespoon or two! It’s particularly great for those trying to overcome digestive & autoimmune issues such as eczema, leaky gut, IBS & IBD, colitis, celiac disease and even Crohn’s disease. Lucy talks to us about how her product came about, her health struggles and the different types of collagen. Enjoy! Stace This podcast is brought to you by O’Nutricia Collagen, hydrolysed Type 1, Bovine Collagen. Follow them on social media: Instagram: @onutricia_collagen Facebook: onutriciacollagen
Eat Your Way Out of Cognitive Decline
30/10/2017 Duration: 32minNiche Radio — This week’s episode delves into something we only start working on when it’s actually too late: preventing cognitive decline. What is cognitive decline, what differentiates dementia from Alzheimer’s, how can we help those affected and reduce the burden on caregivers and how do we ensure that we have healthy brains and therefore ensure that we age well? Dr Hughes and Dr Melanoscino answer these vital questions. Enjoy! Stace This podcast is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.k.a the Synerchi Brothers. Follow them on social media: Instagram: @synerchi_organics ; @synerchi_brothers ; Facebook: SynerChi Organics, Twitter: @synerchiO; Contact details are as follows: Cell Number: 079 742 8215 |
Could Eating Sugar Affect Your Child’s Speech?
28/09/2017 Duration: 16minNiche Radio — This week’s episode covers holistic dentistry for children. In it, we discuss the importance of your child’s milk teeth and why losing them too early isn’t a good thing as it may affect important developmental milestones as well as speech development. He gives advice on what to you do should your child fall and knocks out his/her teeth and did you know that you should start flossing your child’s teeth from as early as two years old? Our knowledgeable guest Dr Ebrahim Boda, of the holistic dentistry practice, Big Red Tooth, also asks us to ditch the fluoridated toothpaste! Enjoy! Stace This podcast is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.k.a the Synerchi Brothers. Follow them on social media: Instagram: @synerchi_organics ; @synerchi_brothers ; Facebook: SynerChi Organics, Twitter: @synerchiO; Contact details are as follows: Cell Number: 079 742 8215 | www.synerchiorgan
Help! Why Can’t I Lose those last 2kgs?
14/09/2017 Duration: 37minNiche Radio — Spring is here! Well, at least it is in Africa and as a result many are feverishly trying to lose their winter hibernation insulation in preparation for our Summer holidays in December! Could dehydration be preventing you from losing those stubborn last kilos? Is a lack of quality sleep causing you to pick up the pounds? In this episode, the ever-practical Nicci Robertson helps us understand why our bodies hold onto fat, why losing muscle is actually what you really don’t want and why a lack of understanding about the body, its biochemistry and functioning, prevents you from achieving your weight-loss goals! Enjoy! Stace his podcast is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.k.a the Synerchi Brothers. Follow them on social media: Instagram: @synerchi_organics ; @synerchi_brothers ; Facebook: SynerChi Organics, Twitter: @synerchiO ; Contact details are as follows: Cell Number: 079
Sex, Intimacy & Saving Your Marriage
07/09/2017 Duration: 48minNiche Radio — Have you forgotten what initially attracted you to your partner? How can you rekindle desire for your spouse? Why is it easier to fantasize about someone else and not your spouse or partner and why is sex so darn important to men?! In this week’s episode, Intimacy Coach Tracy Ziman Jacobs shares why she is passionate about saving marriages. Having gone through a divorce herself, Tracy is transparent is he coaching and uses her personal life experience to draw on real examples of what works and what can be improved in a relationship. Tracy has embarked on a journey to help people intimately reconnect with themselves first and, by virtue of doing so, with others. In this episode, she tackles controversial issues such as sexual exploration in young children and how this affects our sex lives later in life; how the misinterpretation of religious beliefs can negatively impact sex and she also wrestles with the elusive question: what do women really want? Finally, she encourages spouses to find
Mike Dooley
31/08/2017 Duration: 33minNiche Radio — Do you believe that your thoughts become things? Ever wonder why some people seem to live the life of their dreams yet somehow you can’t seem to get it together? If you’ve watched The Secret and have been inspired by the many luminaries and thought leaders in the field of mind power, metaphysics and the new thought movement then this is a treat: I got to sit down for a one on one with New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley. If you’re in the process of trying to take responsibility for your life and change the way you think, ultimately changing the life you live, tune in now! This podcast is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.k.a the Synerchi Brothers. Follow them on social media: Instagram: @synerchi_organics ; @synerchi_brothers ; Facebook: SynerChi Organics, Twitter: @synerchiO ; Contact details are as follows: Cell Number: 079 742 8215 |
Don’t smell the cork! An unusual masterclass on wine.
24/08/2017 Duration: 01h05minNiche Radio — This was meant to be a serious interview about the preservatives in wine – specifically the sulfites in wine that cause intolerances and allergic reactions such as sinusitis, itchy skin, IBS, hot flushes so much more. We were meant to discuss why organic wine is supposedly better for your health but instead the entire interview turned out to be a fun, entertaining yet extremely informative chat about how wine is produced; why South African wine is one of the best in the world, what it takes to become a sommelier and the biggest faux-pas wine lovers can commit: smelling the cork! We discover that organic wine isn’t necessarily better and we get some great insight into the wine industry from someone who has lived and worked in it since he was a teen. This week’s podcast is brought to you by Kleerwine. I was intrigued –and rather skeptical, when I first came across their unique product. They claim to reduce allergic reactions caused by sulfites in wine with just one drop per glass AND wit
How to get out of a life rut with Roz Sandham
16/08/2017 Duration: 22minNiche Radio — We continue to celebrate women’s month (August) in this week’s episode. Human resources expert and consciousness coach, Roz Sandham talks to us about what true women empowerment is. I attended a Women’s Day Event at Montecasino in Johannesburg where Roz, the keynote speaker, challenged each woman to ask herself: Is this it? She encouraged us to start living life more mindfully. In this episode Roz helps guide you out of a life rut; she talks about how to start living life proactively; how to turn your anger into passion and if you think that too much of life has passed you by, Roz has some great advice for you! She shares her own challenges with weightloss and if you need to overcome fear then tune in now! This episode is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.k.a the Synerchi Brothers. Follow them on social media: Instagram: @synerchi_organics ; @synerchi_brothers ; Facebook: SynerChi Organics, Twitt
Q&A with Relationship Expert Paula Quinsee
10/08/2017 Duration: 36minNiche Radio — To celebrate women’s month, I’ve been collecting questions from my female listeners and viewers and I’ll have these answered by our guests. This week’s Q&A is with relationship expert, NLP practitioner, adventure racer and runner Paul Quinsee. In this episode we cover a variety of aspects that affects romantic relationships. We ask, is love really enough? What’s the difference between toxic and abusive relationships and how to deal with a relationship that is bipolar in nature – high highs and low lows. We talk about the balance of masculine and feminine energy within a relationship; why modern women are facing the almost insurmountable challenge of being superwomen and Paula helps us decide when it’s wise to throw in the towel. If you’re wondering whether a separation period before deciding on divorce is the right thing to do, then tune in now! This episode is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.
Q&A with Nutritional Therapist Nicci Robertson
03/08/2017 Duration: 52minNiche Radio — This week’s show takes on a Q&A format with Nutritional Therapist Nicci Robertson. Keep sending in your questions with as much detail as you can so that I can get them answered for you! Please also indicate whether you wish to remain anonymous. In this episode Nicci answers the following questions and more: Gloria, asks for advice about her sixteen-year-old daughter, Jane, who is struggling with anxiety, experiencing panic attacks and bouts of depression. Dana is experiencing migraines during menstruation and wants to know what she can do about it without having to go onto the contraceptive pill. Johan asked about consuming soya and the impact it has on men’s health. Rachel wants to know what she can do to relieve menopausal hot flushes naturally Does cranberry juice really help with urinary tract infections? This episode is brought to you by Synerchi Organics, organic superfoods brought to you by vegan brothers, Kiara & Ethan Ducasse a.k.a the Synerchi Brothers. Follow them on
Back to Nature’s Pharmacy with Jane Mackenzie
26/07/2017 Duration: 55minNiche Radio — For centuries plants have been our allies, nourishing and healing our bodies and many prescription drugs that are sold today are actually plant-based or formed from plant extracts but does this necessarily mean that they’re better? We also know pharmacists to be the authorities on drug therapy however their role today is very different to what it was in ancient times and it is for this reason that Jane Mackenzie, a qualified pharmacist decided to leave the field and pursue natural medicine and nutrient dense nutritional therapy. Her vision for pharmacy is what is known as being an apothecary. The word is derived from “apotheca”, meaning a place where wine, spices and herbs were stored. Apothecary was therefore one term for a medical professional who formulates and dispenses material to physicians and patients and thus the modern pharmacist or chemist has taken over this role. In some languages, the word "apothecary" is still used for designating a pharmacist/chemist – think of the Afrikaa
Nucleotides: The Forgotten Nutrients? Part 2
20/07/2017 Duration: 28minNiche Radio — Today’s episode is part 2 of a two-part interview with Swiss doctor and researcher Dr Peter Koeppel & Nutritional Pharmacist Jane Mackenzie. Nutrition has become so complicated nowadays: one minute you should eat something, the next it’s vilified for be carcinogenic! Who do you trust? Well I’m a huge believer in well, trusting yourself and your own body! That’s easier said than done I know but a good first step is to get a clue! The more you learn about your body and how it works, what makes it tick and what causes it to react, the better your nutrition and health choices become. There are many supplements out there, many experts advising us on how and when and which is best to take but there is only one true expert on you – yourself! My chat centres on an exciting area in nutrition because it takes us back to basics. Although I’ll be first to admit it’s the basics that we don’t really get taught, at least not until university. To recap from my previous post, we are multi-cellular
Nucleotides: The Forgotten Nutrients? Part 1
13/07/2017 Duration: 31minNiche Radio — Today’s episode is part 1 of a two-part interview with Swiss doctor and researcher Dr Peter Koeppel & Nutritional Pharmacist Jane Mackenzie. It’s all about an exciting area in nutrition that has been neglected or even forgotten: nucleotides and restoring the human genome. Yes, it sounds very scientific but allow me to break it down for you. Humans are multi-cellular organisms, our bodies are made up of trillions of cells. These cells divide constantly to make new cells in order to maintain life. Think of a car or a house: you clean certain parts every day, others every week, other parts must be replaced every month or couple of months and so forth. So, every day we have the opportunity to change our body because certain cells have certain lifespans: for example, our stomach lining cells divide or replace themselves every two days, our red blood cells every four months, the cells of our pancreas take about a year and our bones about 25 – 30 years. In each of these cells in our body is
Grass Fed: A different kind of beef!
05/07/2017 Duration: 28minNiche Radio — Is grass fed beef really better? The debate on whether one should eat grain fed or grass fed beef is apparently over. I’m told that we all should know that grass fed is superior but why exactly is that the case? Well, that is exactly what we’ll cover in this podcast with Gary Jackson, owner of Jackson’s Real Food Market. The reason why the debate is no longer as relevant is that it essentially ends at what you can afford because honestly who can argue with that? For general health and well-being the commonly accepted dietary recommendation is one very low in, ideally free from, processed carbohydrates and sugars with moderate portions of meat and significant quantities of a variety of fresh vegetables, I believe the choice of fat: protein: carbohydrate ratio is a personal one based on goals you’d like to achieve. If you want to move beyond “general health and well-being” towards optimal health, that’s where adjusting this ratio as well as buying better quality food may motivate you to